English version
Forekomstområde 1870 - 318
(Sist oppdatert 27.feb.2015)

Navn på industrimineralprovins : Jennestad grafittfelter
(Objekt Id : 1870,318,00,00)

Fylke : Nordland (18) Kommune : Sortland (1870)
Kart 1:50000: Myre (1232-4) Kart 1:250000: Svolvær
Markeringspunkt: Lengdegrad: 15.2433990 Breddegrad: 68.7543400
EU89-UTM Zone 33
X-koord: 509843 m. Y-koord: 7626989 m.

Hovedtype: Grafitt Subtype: Grafitt

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Fri tekst
The Jennestad province comprice all the old the and abandoned mines and showings in the jennestad area. The extend is described by Gautneb & Tveten. (2000). New and detailed airborne geophysics cover this area.

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Gautneb, Håvard ; Tveten, Einar , 2000
The geology, exploration and characterisation of graphite deposits in the Jennestad area, Vesterålen, northern Norway
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU Bulletin; No.436;67-74 sider
This paper reviews graphite exploration in the Jennestad area, Nordland. As a result of helicopter aeromagnetic surveying and subsequent ground geophysics mapping and trenching, some 30, variously sized bodies of graphite schist identified.The graphite-bearing schist occurs associated with dolomite marbles amphibolites and pyroxene gneisses, all of which are intruded by charnockites and granites. The graphite is coarse, fully ordered, crystalline and flaky. Graded up to 40% carbon were found. Gangue minerals in the ore are quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and orthopyroxene. Some of the largest ore bodies contain about 250,000 tonnes each with an average grade of 20% carbon. Bench-scale benefication tests shown that the ore can be upgraded to a maximum grade of 97% C, with a recovery of 89%. It is believed that the graphite schists were originally sediments rich in organic matter which was converted to graphite during granulite-facies metamorphism.

Rodionov, Alexei; Ofstad, Frode; Stampolidis, Alexandros; Tassis, Georgios , 2013
Helicopter-borne magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric geophysical survey at Langøya in Vesterålen, Nordland
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;RAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2013.044;26 sider
NGU conducted an ariborne geophysical survey in Langøya area in July - August 2013 as part of the MINN-project. This report describes and documents the acquisition, processing and visualization of recorded datasets. The geophysical survey results reported herein are 5650 line km, covering an area of 1050 km2

Faktaarket ble generert 14.03.2025

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