Norsk versjon
Deposit Area 1739 - 039
(Last updated 13.mar.2024)

Name of Deposit Area : Joma
(Object Id : 1739,039,00,00)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8849180 Latitude: 64.8531110
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 447130 m. Y-coord: 7192549 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis Co
Activity: Mining Reserves: 7200 thousand tons
Prod. method: Open pit and underground mining Production: 11453 thousand tons
Prod. status: Disused, closed Volume of dump: 30000000 m3
Resource estimat. standard: CIM/NI 43-101

Public: International Importance (reg. 25.07.2018)
Economical: Significant , (Confirmed 25.feb.2008 by Jan Sverre Sandstad)

Element/product Crude ore grade or quality
CU 1,0 %
ZN 1.66 %

From - To Activity Comments
1912 - 1916 Core drilling
1943 - 1945 Geophysics
1956 - 1956 Test mining
1963 - 1965 Geology
1969 - 1972 Test mining Company/Institution :Grong Gruber A/S
1972 - 1998 Regular production Company/Institution :Grong Gruber A/S, Norsulfid A/S

Era: Paleozoic Period: Ordovician
Dating: Method:
Genesis: Volcex Form: Plate
Main texture: Banded Min. distribution: Massive (>50 % ore minerals)
Main grain size: Fine grained (< 1 mm) Main alteration: Albitisation
Strike/Dip: 240 / 12 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Paleozoic Period:
Province: Caledonides
Geotec.unit: Køli Nappe Complex
Tectonic complex: Leipikvatndekket
Igneous complex:
Group: Røyrvikgruppen Formation:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Calcite Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Amphibole Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Quartz Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Chlorite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Chalcopyrite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Sphalerite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Magnetite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Pyrrhotite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Silver Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Valleriite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Ilmenite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Cobaltite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Arsenopyrite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Galena Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Mackinawite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Tetrahedrite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Argentite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Cubanite Accessory mineral (<1%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Wall rock Albitite Extrusive
Original rock :Basalt
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist
Wall rock Greenstone Extrusive
Original rock :Basalt
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Unknown Fold axis Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :Modifies

Information(s) in free text format
Free text
The Joma deposit is located in mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Røyrvik Group. The greenstones are underlain by recrystallised ribbon chert and graphitic phyllites which sit on a thick sequence of quartz- and calcareous phyllites. The greenstones are interpreted as having formed in an ocean island, probably in an off-axis setting. The massive sulphide deposit occurs at the interface between an older volcanic-intrusive complex and a younger volcanic-volcaniclastic sequence, which show WPB and MORB affinities, respectively. The feeder zone to the massive ore comprises extensive albitisation, chloritisation and quartz-sericite alteration associated with sulphide dissemination and stockwork veining. A general sulphide stratigraphy shows compositional changes from a thin Cu-rich (chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite) layer at the base, thinning westwards away from the feeder-zone and intercalated with numerous thin layers of magnetite, chlorite schist and albitite, and overlain by massive pyrite. At the eastern flank of the ore body, the feeder zone mineralisation is overlain by Zn-rich pyritic ore. The most Cu-rich ore is a tectonic breccias, which contains fragments of quartz, carbonate, pyrite and magnetite in a chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite matrix. Primary sulphide-breccia ore types also exist, and a palinspastic reconstruction of the Joma deposit suggests that the massive sulphides were deposited in a submarine environment, on top and adjacent to a major growth fault.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Foslie, S. , 1926
Rapport over: Joma forekomst.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 4296;5 pages
Rapporten opplyser om malmgehalter i feltet, og malmen deles i følgende produksjonstyper: I Kobbermalm II Kobberholdig svovelkis IIIa Kobberholdig sinkfattig svovelkis IIIb Kobberfattig, sinkholdig svovelkis IV Koberholdig oppredningsmalm Rapporten er skrevet før forekomsten er ferdig oppboret, og opererer med 12,15 mill tonn påvist og 4,48 mill tonn sannsynlig malm.

Bjørlykke, H. , 1959
Rapport over: Undersøkelsesarbeidet i Jomafeltet.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 4304;16 pages
Rapporten summerer alt som er gjort i og rapportert fra feltet fra det ble funnet i 1911 til dato. Følgende avsnitt finnes: 1. Malmberegning 2. Verdifulle bestandeler i malmen 3. Oppredningsmuligheter. 4. Vurdering av de tidligere utførte undersøkelser 5. Nyere undersøkelser 6. Forslag til videre undersøkelser.

Svinndal, S. , 1960
Rapport over: Geologisk rapport, Joma.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TEKNISK RAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 4283;6 pages
Rapporten gjRapporten gjør opp status for diamantboringer og prøvedrift pr. rapportdato. Vedlagt er borlog for to borhull, nr. 106 og 108.

Singsaas, Per , 1963
Geofysisk undersøkelse Joma kisfelt.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.232-359;16 pages
Under 2. verdenskrig foretok Gesellschaft fur praktiche Lagerstattenforschung, Berlin, elektromagnetiske målinger over Joma-forekomsten og dens aller nærmeste omgivelser. (Rapport i Bergarkivet). Feltet er kartlagt geologisk av statsgeolog S. Foslie og professor Chr. Oftedal (kfr. NGU-publikasjon nr.202). Joma-forekomsten er undersøkt ved en rekke borhull fra dagen og er påvist til et vertikalt dyp av ca. 300 meter. En grunnstoll inn til forekomsten ble ferdig i 1961. De geofysiske målinger som nå er gjort dekker et areal på 21 km2, 14 km2 ble målt i 1958 og 7 km2 i 1962. Det ble utført Turammålinger på vanlig måte ut fra 5 konduktive kabelanlegg, tildels med direkte strøm- tilførsel til Joma-forekomsten. Det ble observert sterke indikasjoner på forekomsten som ble relativt nøye kartlagt. Malmsonens utgåender som er fulgt over en lengde av ca. 2 000 meter og for det aller meste er overdekket - danner en markert bue, Jomaombøyningen. Ellers i feltet ble det påvist en lang rekke tildels meget sterkt ledende soner som også tegner et klart bilde av Jomabuen. Disse soner - de aller fleste er sannsynligvis grafittførende - har ikke i vesentlig grad forstyrret målingene over Joma-forekomsten. På basis av stikningsnettet foretok geologene F. Skjerlie og T. H. Tan i 1958 en nøyere kartlegging av bergartsgrenser, strøk og fall etc.

Olsen, Jørn , 1980
Genesis of the Joma stratiform sulfide deposit, central Norwegian Caledonides.
;E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;Proceedings of the Fifth Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium.;745-757 pages
The Joma orebody is a massive, stratiform sulfide deposit interbedded in a rock series consisting of greenstones, phyllites, and quartzites, belonging to a weakly metamorphosed nappe sequence in the central Scandinavian Caledonides. The area has undergone at least two episodes of penetrative deformation. The orebody is situated within a sequence of basaltic greenstones of tholeiitic composition. Trace-element contents of the greenstone suggest formation in a back-arc basin. The deposit consists of two principal ore types: (1) a massive, pyritic layer with interbedded meta-limestone and lenses of chlorite schist and (2) a massive chalcopyrite/pyrrhotite ore containing layers, lenses, and rolled fragments of pyritic ore, chlorite, schist, and quartz. The genesis of the chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite ore is discussed in the light of its stratigraphic position.

Odling, Noelle E. , 1989
The structural history of the Leipikvattnet Nappe in the Joma area of Nord Trøndelag, central Scandinavian Caldonides, Norway.
;Norsk geologisk forening;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; No.69 (3);141-161 pages
The Leipikkvattnet Nappe in the Joma area is composed of the stratigraphic sequence, greenstone, quartzitic phyllite, graphitic phyllite, tectonically repeated by thrusting and locally overturned in the area of the Joma sulphide deposit. The greenstones (Røyrvik Group) are composed of massive and pillowed lava flows overlain by volcaniclastic deposits and are thought to represent the remnants of a basaltic sea mount or oceanic island. In the Joma area, D1 and D2 deformations are associated with movements on the major and internal thrust planes, whereas D3 and D4 postdate them. This sequence is correlated with deformation histories from the rest of the central Scandinavian Caledonides, using the major NE-SW trending folds to which the F3 Joma Synform belongs. D3 deformation is suggested, from lineation distributions and finite strain results, to have resulted from late movement of the Børgefjell massif. Subhorizontally oriented F4 folds are suggested to have formed in response to overburden pressure when horizontal stress was reduced over the crest of the rising massif.

References not to be found in NGU's Reference Archive.:
Reinsbakken, A. 1986: The Joma Cu-Zn massive sulphide deposit hosted by mafic metavolcanites. I Stephens, M.B. (red.): Stratabound sulphide deposits in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides. SGU Ca. 60, 45-50.

Haugen, A. 2001: Grong Gruber - en hjørnesteinsbedrift i indre Namdal. I Carstens, H. (red.) ...bygger i berge. Norsk bergindustriforening og Den Norske Bergingeniørforening, 132-133.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Fine grained pyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Fine grained pyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Locality : Elvegangen
(Object Id : 1739,039,01,00)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8870460 Latitude: 64.8535650
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 447231 m. Y-coord: 7192598 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Prod. method: Production:
Prod. status: Volume of dump:

Name of Locality : Lindseth
(Object Id : 1739,039,02,00)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8648980 Latitude: 64.8535780
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 446181 m. Y-coord: 7192618 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Prod. method: Production:
Prod. status: Volume of dump:

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
1031 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
1032 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
1033 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
1034 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
1035 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
1036 Bedrock
Comment :Lindseth skjerp.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Locality : Sjapmelia (Joma syd)
(Object Id : 1739,039,03,00)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8755950 Latitude: 64.8373260
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 446656 m. Y-coord: 7190798 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Prod. method: Production:
Prod. status: Volume of dump:

Name of Sample point : Bh 3135/3133
(Object Id : 1739,039,03,01)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8703590 Latitude: 64.8527230
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 446439 m. Y-coord: 7192518 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis Co

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Lenses of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Fine grained, massive pyrite-chalcopyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Lenses of pyrite-chalcopyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Massive pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Disseminated chalcopyrite-sphalerite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point : Bh 3118
(Object Id : 1739,039,03,02)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8709380 Latitude: 64.8530060
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 446467 m. Y-coord: 7192550 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis Co

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Lenses of sphalerite-pyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Lenses of pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point : Bh 3107
(Object Id : 1739,039,03,03)

County : Nord-Trøndelag (17) Municipality : Røyrvik (1739)
Map 1:50000: Jomafjellet (1924-1) Map 1:250000: Grong
Marking point: Longitude: 13.8812650 Latitude: 64.8511630
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 446952 m. Y-coord: 7192335 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Copper
Element(s): Cu Zn Kis Co

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Fine grained pyrite-sphalerite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/J.S. Sandstad
Comment :Fine grained pyrite ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 1739 - 039 Joma

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 Core 8460 21700 1085 2 14 30.9 172.0
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 Core 2890 14050 669 4 8 15.2 165.0
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 Core 6550 17500 509 50 14 22.0 180.0
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 Core 6650 25000 339 6 2 28.0 214.0
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 Core 6840 12600 282 142 14 6.6 77.0
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 Core 40900 6580 162 583 19 29.9 165.0
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 Core 77200 2420 22 200 20 32.8 131.0
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 Core 13600 7940 124 198 3 8.5 99.0
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 Core 14450 2500 203 198 12 8.1 73.0
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 Core 14150 546 20 231 14 7.2 32.0
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 Core 18800 1025 21 131 5 8.1 39.0
1031 Bedrock 3509 13830 380 6 10 7.8 284.0
1032 Bedrock 57693 2175 45 94 4 60.9 376.0
1033 Bedrock 16658 898 42 244 25 18.2 108.0
1034 Bedrock 4572 382 16 241 23 5.5 102.0
1035 Bedrock 4096 21817 916 8 14 11.0 296.0
1036 Bedrock 42977 3712 102 267 5 52.0 405.0
Sample No. Pt# Pd# As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi*
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 2.5 .5 619 123.5 10 21.50 2 7 8
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 2.5 .5 544 75.4 10 18.75 2 8 8
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 2.5 .5 946 91.6 5 17.25 1 7 8
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 2.5 1.0 1055 106.5 5 31.70 1 8 3
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 5.0 .5 249 63.4 20 13.30 2 5 5
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 2.5 .5 358 37.4 10 13.40 1 9 5
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 2.5 .5 16 19.1 40 5.65 0 1 2
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 2.5 .5 258 46.8 5 14.40 1 11 7
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 2.5 .5 223 11.0 40 5.81 1 8 4
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 2.5 .5 20 3.5 40 5.75 0 1 6
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 2.5 .5 62 5.8 5 5.07 0 2 4
1031 1.0 3.0 144 82.3 2 3.00 4 5
1032 1.0 3.0 79 18.5 5 1.00 3 18
1033 1.0 4.0 46 7.8 2 3.00 5 6
1034 2.0 2.0 35 2.3 2 4.00 2 2
1035 1.0 2.0 246 121.1 2 4.00 5 16
1036 1.0 3.0 48 24.9 2 3.00 2 64
Sample No. Se* Ga* Ge* In* S% V* Cr* Mn* Fe%
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 32.00 5.96 0.28 0.60 10.00 22 5 340 42.90
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 19.00 8.24 0.29 0.32 10.00 19 5 251 39.10
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 31.00 5.38 0.26 0.53 10.00 16 7 389 38.90
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 13.00 2.17 0.26 0.14 10.00 7 2 455 40.80
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 38.00 4.26 0.24 0.36 10.00 21 10 667 32.20
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 113.00 3.20 0.46 0.90 10.00 13 8 296 38.60
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 120.00 0.95 0.46 0.68 10.00 11 5 163 39.00
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 62.00 1.49 0.31 0.48 10.00 6 2 139 42.10
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 70.00 2.53 0.34 0.23 10.00 27 20 657 33.10
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 122.00 1.65 0.49 0.53 10.00 6 5 355 46.90
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 63.00 0.79 0.24 0.34 10.00 1 6 32 24.30
1031 40.80 1 3 95 25.50
1032 35.33 1 4 28 26.96
1033 38.73 1 1 28 29.38
1034 33.81 2 1 108 25.79
1035 37.52 1 3 101 20.70
1036 40.30 1 4 17 22.12
Sample No. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Ta*
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 0.01 1.30 0 0.4 41.8 1.4 1 0.05 0.03
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 0.02 1.50 0 0.4 47.0 1.0 4 0.10 0.03
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 0.01 0.20 0 0.1 57.6 1.0 2 0.05 0.03
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 0.01 0.50 0 0.1 37.0 0.1 -1 0.05 0.03
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 0.02 0.90 0 2.8 232.0 2.4 4 0.10 0.03
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 0.01 0.50 0 0.6 69.9 1.3 2 0.10 0.03
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 0.01 0.10 0 1.8 31.6 1.0 1 0.05 0.07
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 0.01 0.60 0 0.1 44.3 0.8 -1 0.05 0.03
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 0.03 0.60 0 4.0 124.0 3.0 6 0.20 0.05
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 0.01 0.10 0 4.4 43.8 1.0 2 0.10 0.03
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 0.01 0.05 0 0.1 5.9 0.1 -1 0.05 0.03
1031 2.00 5.00 1 1.0
1032 3.00 5.00 3 2.0
1033 3.00 5.00 1 2.0
1034 2.00 5.00 1 2.0
1035 2.00 5.00 3 1.0
1036 2.00 5.00 6 2.0
Sample No. Cs* La* Ce* B* Li* Be* P* Sc* Ti*
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 0.93 0.25 0.30 0 0 120 0.20 25
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 0.43 0.25 0.52 1 0 20 0.80 310
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 0.09 0.25 0.35 2 0 20 2.10 210
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 0.32 0.25 0.09 1 0 5 0.05 25
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 5.15 0.25 0.80 2 0 100 1.60 380
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 1.34 0.25 0.50 1 0 20 1.10 200
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 2.98 0.25 0.23 0 0 10 2.10 120
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 0.03 0.25 0.06 1 0 5 0.05 25
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 0.29 0.25 1.12 6 0 80 3.20 770
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 26.30 0.25 0.26 0 0 10 0.90 220
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 0.03 0.25 0.05 0 0 5 0.05 25
1031 2.00 3
1032 2.00 2
1033 2.00 2
1034 2.00 2
1035 2.00 2
1036 2.00 2
Sample No. Te* Hf* Re* Tl*
Bh207, 10.00-15.00 2.95 0.10 0 3
Bh207, 15.00-19.60 3.98 0.10 0 3
Bh3107, 1.00-2.00 2.10 0.10 0 4
Bh3107, 3.00-4.00 1.04 0.05 0 9
Bh3118, 37.00-38.00 1.03 0.10 0 2
Bh3118, 38.00-38.80 2.57 0.10 0 1
Bh3133, 11.00-12.00 1.06 0.05 0 0
Bh3135, 10.00-11.00 3.49 0.05 0 1
Bh3135, 13.40-14.40 1.17 0.20 0 1
Bh3135, 4.00-5.00 1.55 0.10 0 0
Bh3135, 6.40-7.40 2.56 0.05 0 0

The fact sheet was created on 28.04.2024

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Copyright © 2024 Geological Survey of Norway