English version
Forekomstområde 1849 - 002
(Sist oppdatert 23.okt.2024)

Navn på forekomstområde : Reinokskardet
(Objekt Id : 1849,002,00,00)

Fylke : Nordland (18) Kommune : Hamarøy (1849)
Kart 1:50000: Linnajavrre (2230-3) Kart 1:250000: Sulitjelma
Markeringspunkt: Lengdegrad: 16.2613630 Breddegrad: 67.6836760
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Koordinatene ER bekreftet)
X-koord: 553447 m. Y-koord: 7508141 m.

Hovedtype: Spesialmetaller (Nb,Ta,Be,Li,Sc,REE) Subtype: REE-metaller
Element(er): Zr Y Th U REE
Aktivitet: Prospektering Reserver:
Prod. metode: Produksjon:
Prod. status: Tippvolum:

Offentlig: (Ingen data)
Økonomisk: Ikke vurdert

Æra: Periode:
Datering: Metode:
Genese: Form:
Hovedtextur: Min. fordeling:
Kornstørrelse: Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Provins: Kaledonske grunnfjellsprovins
Geotek.enhet: Tysfjordkomplekset
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Fri tekst
From his report from 2011 Müller (2011) writes the following: The target area north of Reinoksvatn was suggested in NGU report 2010.037 due to several distinct Th-radiation anomalies (Müller 2010). Because of the limited time in the field and the difficult accessibility of the area, the sampling was restricted to the Reinoksskardet at the western end of the Reinoksvatn anomaly (Fig. 26). Three representative, coarse-grained biotite granite gneiss samples (23091007, -08, -09) and one granite gneiss sample (23091005) from the contact with a granitic pegmatite were collected (Fig. 27). The latter had a gammaray intensity of 1400 cps. Samples 23091007 - 09 are characterized by elevated REO+Y2O3 of 0.101 to 0.134 wt.%, Zr of 374 to 509 ppm and Th of 32 to 41 ppm (Fig. 23). REE are enriched compared to average granite but with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 28). Sample 23091005 has low REO+Y2O3 of 0.025 wt.% and Zr of 37 ppm but is enriched in U (26 ppm) explaining the high gamma-radiation. The sample is strongly depleted in LREE probably due to the leaching of allanite and apatite in the granite gneiss near the pegmatite contact (Fig. 28). The most common accessory REE-bearing minerals are allanite (20-250 µm), apatite (20-60 µm) and zircon (20-120 µm) (Fig. 29). Very common allanite is responsible for the strong LREE enrichment. Secondary thorite and uraninite occur as alteration products of allanite It is eveident that this locality need additional sampling and exploration

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Müller, Axel , 2011
Potential of rare earth element and Zr-, Be, U-, Th-, (W-) mineralisations in central and northern Nordland - Part 2
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;RAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2011.021;56 sider
In this report results of the investigation of potential rare earth elements (REE) and Zr-, Be, U-, Th-, (W-) mineralisations in central and northern Nordland are presented. The investigated and sampled mineralisations were proposed in NGU report 2009.037 on the basis if existing reports and geochemical data sets. The investigation targets were evolved Proterozoic TIB-type granites (TIB = Trans-Scandinavian Igneous Belt) of the Tysfjord, Sommerset and Rishaugfjell basement windows, in particular, the Hatten- Tilthornet massif, Hundholmen, Kjerrfjellet, Hellemobotn, Reinoksskardet, upper Gjerdalen areas, the Sommerset basement Window, Rismålsvatn, and Memaurvatn. The general aim was to identify Zr-Ree mineralisations with >= 2wt.% REO (including Y2O3; REO - rare earth oxides) which are possibly enriched in Be, U and Th as well.

Prøvenr. Prøvetype Diverse
23091005 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :coarse-grained biotite granite gneiss, mineralised, UTM east 553447, UTM north 7508142
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
23091007 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :coarse-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 553446, UTM north 7508686
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
23091008 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :coarse-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 553061, UTM north 7508248
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
23091009 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :coarse-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 553350, UTM north 7507550
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
NB! Alle analyseverdier er vist i slutten av utskriften.:

Forekomstområde 1849 - 002 Reinokskardet


( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative verdier betyr under deteksjonsgrensen.)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Au# As*
23091005 Fastfjell 2 83 7 1 -0 -.5 1
23091007 Fastfjell 0 127 13 1 1 -.5 2
23091008 Fastfjell 1 128 10 1 1 -.5 2
23091009 Fastfjell 1 112 9 1 0 -.5 1
Prøvenr. Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi* Se* Ga* V*
23091005 -.1 140 0.60 6 -0 -0 -0.50 33.40 -8
23091007 -.1 303 1.40 4 -0 -0 -0.50 27.60 -8
23091008 -.1 308 4.80 4 -0 -0 -0.50 27.10 -8
23091009 -.1 239 0.90 5 -0 -0 -0.50 27.30 -8
Prøvenr. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Cs*
23091005 28.80 25.90 1 485.6 29.2 75.8 37 52.10 4.00
23091007 40.60 10.20 1 305.0 54.4 90.6 499 46.70 3.30
23091008 39.20 8.90 1 277.9 67.1 96.3 509 48.20 2.70
23091009 31.80 8.60 1 301.6 49.4 83.0 374 40.10 3.00
Prøvenr. La* Ce* Pr* Nd* Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy*
23091005 8.70 32.90 4.87 25.80 9.70 0.52 10.03 1.97 12.68
23091007 210.90 461.20 46.65 160.10 24.54 1.06 18.41 2.92 16.38
23091008 229.10 501.20 50.17 173.80 25.84 1.02 18.93 3.02 16.71
23091009 177.80 370.00 37.10 123.60 19.36 0.77 13.69 2.29 13.11
Prøvenr. Ho* Er* Tm* Yb* Lu* Be* Hf* Hg* Tl*
23091005 2.76 8.90 1.38 9.00 1.25 8 2.70 -0 1
23091007 3.04 9.03 1.32 8.34 1.22 8 16.00 -0 1
23091008 3.29 9.37 1.37 8.83 1.26 6 15.40 -0 1
23091009 2.55 7.54 1.16 7.70 1.07 7 12.70 -0 1


(Alle verdier er i %)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
23091005 Fastfjell 71.00 14.34 0.09 2.35 0.03 0.09 1.01
23091007 Fastfjell 72.52 13.03 0.25 2.99 0.06 0.07 1.06
23091008 Fastfjell 71.81 13.53 0.27 3.14 0.06 0.13 0.96
23091009 Fastfjell 73.51 13.08 0.23 2.49 0.05 0.10 0.96
Prøvenr. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
23091005 3.94 6.42 0.01 0.70 100.00
23091007 3.53 5.71 0.04 0.50 100.00
23091008 3.54 5.77 0.03 0.50 100.00
23091009 3.54 5.55 0.02 0.30 100.00

Faktaarket ble generert 22.11.2024

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