English version
Forekomstområde 1849 - 006
(Sist oppdatert 23.okt.2024)

Navn på forekomstområde : Kjerrfjell
(Objekt Id : 1849,006,00,00)

Fylke : Nordland (18) Kommune : Hamarøy (1849)
Kart 1:50000: Ulsvåg (1231-2) Kart 1:250000: Narvik
Markeringspunkt: Lengdegrad: 16.0608540 Breddegrad: 68.1054920
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Koordinatene ER bekreftet)
X-koord: 544144 m. Y-koord: 7555005 m.

Hovedtype: Spesialmetaller (Nb,Ta,Be,Li,Sc,REE) Subtype: REE-metaller
Element(er): REE
Aktivitet: Prospektering Reserver:
Prod. metode: Produksjon:
Prod. status: Tippvolum:

Offentlig: (Ingen data)
Økonomisk: Lite viktig , (Stadfestet 23.okt.2024 av Havard Gautneb)

Æra: Periode:
Datering: Metode:
Genese: Form:
Hovedtextur: Min. fordeling:
Kornstørrelse: Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Fri tekst
The following comments are given bu Müller (2011) Several airborne-measured Th-radiation anomalies along the SW-NE striking Kjerrfjellet mountain ridge were the reason for the region being chosen as a target area. Figure 42 shows the radiation anomalies (yellow shaded areas), the hiking trail and sampling points. The TIB granite gneiss exposed along the hiking trail at Svarthammaren had a very low gammaradiation intensity of 150 to 200 cps. Almost exactly where the anomaly was entered, the radiation intensity of the granite gneiss increased to 500 cps. Four samples of medium-grained granite gneiss were taken (Fig. 43). The samples have a highly variable REO+Y2O3 of 0.014to 0.118 wt.% despite relatively consistent gamma-radiation signals (Figs. 40, 42). Only sample 24091004 show a strong enrichment of LREE and HREE compared to the average granite composition (Fig. 44). Samples 24091001 and -03 are strongly depleted in LREE probably due to the leaching of apatite during secondary overprint. Zr concentrations are 357 to 631 ppm, Th 14 to 40 ppm and U 3 to 8 ppm. The dominant accessory REE-bearing minerals are zircon (20-60 µm) and apatite (20-300 µm) (Fig. 45, Table 1). In addition almandine-like minerals with 1 wt.% P and Cl and 60 to 100 µm in size are common. The minerals form euhedral and zoned inclusions in biotite (Fig. 45b). Summarizing, the Kjerrfjellet granite gneiss has no potential for economic REE mineralisation. The airbornemeasured Th-radiation anomalies along the Kjerrfellet mountain ridge are so distinct because of the low radiation signal of the surrounding granite gneiss.

Prøvenr. Prøvetype Diverse
24091001 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 544145, UTM north 7555005
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
24091002 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 544242, UTM north 7555186
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
24091003 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granitic gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 544103, UTM north 7555094
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
24091004 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite-rich granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 543823, UTM north 7554846
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
NB! Alle analyseverdier er vist i slutten av utskriften.:

Forekomstområde 1849 - 006 Kjerrfjell


( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative verdier betyr under deteksjonsgrensen.)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Au# As*
24091001 Fastfjell 2 64 3 2 0 -.5 1
24091002 Fastfjell 1 77 6 3 0 -.5 2
24091003 Fastfjell 3 80 5 3 1 -.5 1
24091004 Fastfjell -0 101 7 3 1 -.5 2
Prøvenr. Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi* Se* Ga* V*
24091001 -.1 518 1.70 3 -0 -0 -0.50 21.50 12
24091002 -.1 625 1.70 4 -0 -0 -0.50 22.50 14
24091003 -.1 576 0.30 4 -0 -0 -0.50 23.10 12
24091004 -.1 522 2.50 3 -0 -0 0.50 22.30 15
Prøvenr. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Cs*
24091001 14.40 3.20 -1 184.5 102.1 34.2 357 26.40 1.10
24091002 39.90 7.00 -1 228.8 117.0 53.7 441 32.10 1.50
24091003 30.50 3.90 -1 228.9 106.7 43.0 626 36.30 1.60
24091004 17.60 7.70 -1 262.0 95.6 94.5 632 32.60 2.00
Prøvenr. La* Ce* Pr* Nd* Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy*
24091001 9.50 29.40 3.41 15.10 3.84 0.41 3.53 0.72 4.59
24091002 102.80 218.10 19.75 65.00 10.96 1.07 8.85 1.50 8.86
24091003 7.50 25.80 3.72 17.20 5.18 0.52 5.52 1.06 6.69
24091004 186.60 411.40 44.91 163.30 27.04 2.07 22.58 3.49 19.08
Prøvenr. Ho* Er* Tm* Yb* Lu* Be* Hf* Hg* Tl*
24091001 1.16 4.11 0.68 4.94 0.83 4 9.40 -0 1
24091002 1.82 5.28 0.82 5.51 0.83 5 11.70 -0 1
24091003 1.41 4.44 0.72 4.88 0.73 5 17.60 -0 1
24091004 3.68 10.35 1.44 8.39 1.17 7 15.60 -0 1


(Alle verdier er i %)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
24091001 Fastfjell 71.01 14.09 0.44 3.58 0.08 0.50 1.08
24091002 Fastfjell 69.44 14.09 0.51 4.09 0.08 0.50 1.35
24091003 Fastfjell 69.08 14.43 0.53 4.13 0.07 0.51 1.03
24091004 Fastfjell 69.58 13.19 0.55 5.35 0.08 1.11 0.71
Prøvenr. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
24091001 3.96 4.76 0.08 0.30 100.00
24091002 3.70 5.56 0.09 0.40 100.00
24091003 3.84 5.58 0.12 0.50 100.00
24091004 3.01 5.53 0.13 0.50 100.00

Faktaarket ble generert 22.11.2024

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