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Forekomstområde 1849 - 009
(Sist oppdatert 23.okt.2024)

Navn på forekomstområde : Hellemobotn
(Objekt Id : 1849,009,00,00)

Fylke : Nordland (18) Kommune : Hamarøy (1849)
Kart 1:50000: Hellemobotn (2230-4) Kart 1:250000: Sulitjelma
Markeringspunkt: Lengdegrad: 16.5771420 Breddegrad: 67.7914790
EU89-UTM Zone 33 (Koordinatene ER bekreftet)
X-koord: 566519 m. Y-koord: 7520464 m.

Hovedtype: Spesialmetaller (Nb,Ta,Be,Li,Sc,REE) Subtype: REE-metaller
Element(er): Zr La CE Y Nb Yb
Aktivitet: Prospektering Reserver:
Prod. metode: Produksjon:
Prod. status: Tippvolum:

Offentlig: (Ingen data)
Økonomisk: Ikke vurdert

Æra: Periode:
Datering: Metode:
Genese: Form:
Hovedtextur: Min. fordeling:
Kornstørrelse: Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
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Mûller (2011) gives the folloing description Romer et al. (1992) provided a geochemical data set from the Hellemobotn granite gneisses. Four of the analyses showed unusually high REE-Th-U concentrations (Müller 2010). The samples originated from Amásvágge, ca. 4 km SE of Hellemobotn and were collected by A. Korneliussen and T. Grenne (NGU) in 1988. Figure 30 shows the route and sampling locations of the author following the route of Korneliussen and Grenne. The area is characterised by a high variability of gneiss textures including fine-, medium- and coarsegrained and porphyritic varieties. The background gamma-ray intensity is relatively high for all granite varieties, ranging from 500 to 900 cps. The gamma-ray anomaly was identified at 33V 566560/7520281 (sample 25091004) exactly at the site where A. Korneliussen and T. Grenne took the samples with high REE concentrations (Fig. 30b). The mineralised granite gneiss forms a NNW-striking, dyke-like structure which is 30 m wide. Due to the limited time the dyke could be followed for 300 m but it is presumably much longer. The mineralisation comprises et least 600 000 t assuming a minimum length of 300 m, a width of 30 m and a vertical extension of about 25 m. The ground-measured anomaly coincides with a small airborne-measured Th-radiation anomaly (Fig. 31). The anomaly lies on a NNW-NW striking structure which extends from the Swedish border to Vuodnabattjåhkkå, interrupted by the Ávttje canyon (Fig. 31). Three samples (25091001 to -03) were collected from the high gamma-radiation area (>1000 cps) which forms a dyke-like structure consisting of medium-grained biotite granite gneiss. In addition, four different textural types of granite gneiss (samples 25091004 to -07) with gamma-ray signals from 500 - 900 cps were sampled (Fig. 30b). The highly radioactive samples contain 0.085 to 0.203 wt.% REO+Y2O3, the highest values reported in this project (Fig. 23). Zr concentrations range from 443 to 909 ppm, Th from 91 to 138 ppm and U from 20 to 33 ppm. The concentrations of the less radioactive granite gneisses are 0.018 to 0.038 wt.% REO+Y2O3, 185 to 383 ppm Zr, 23 to 70 ppm Th, 4 to 18 ppm U. In the case of the Hellemobotn granite gneisses, the gamma-ray radiation intensity correlates with REE-Th-U content. The highly radioactive samples are enriched in LREE and HREE compared to average granite (Fig. 32). Titanite is the most common accessory mineral in the highly radioactive samples, with grain sizes of 40 to 2000 µm (Fig. 33; Table 1). The REE concentrations of titanite are low, <1%, but it is, nevertheless, considered as an important carrier of the LREE because of the its high abundance. Th-rich allanite occurs as inclusions in titanite and it seems that titanite replaced allanite (Fig. 33a). Allanite is the major accessory mineral in the less radioactive samples. Other common accessories are zircon (20-160 µm), apatite (20-60 µm) and magnetite (40-1000 µm). Less common accessories are fluorite (20-200 µm), polycrase-(Y) (5-10 mm) and thorianite (5-10 µm). Sample 25091006 contains large ilmenite crystals with exsolution structures.

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Müller, Axel , 2011
Potential of rare earth element and Zr-, Be, U-, Th-, (W-) mineralisations in central and northern Nordland - Part 2
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;RAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2011.021;56 sider
In this report results of the investigation of potential rare earth elements (REE) and Zr-, Be, U-, Th-, (W-) mineralisations in central and northern Nordland are presented. The investigated and sampled mineralisations were proposed in NGU report 2009.037 on the basis if existing reports and geochemical data sets. The investigation targets were evolved Proterozoic TIB-type granites (TIB = Trans-Scandinavian Igneous Belt) of the Tysfjord, Sommerset and Rishaugfjell basement windows, in particular, the Hatten- Tilthornet massif, Hundholmen, Kjerrfjellet, Hellemobotn, Reinoksskardet, upper Gjerdalen areas, the Sommerset basement Window, Rismålsvatn, and Memaurvatn. The general aim was to identify Zr-Ree mineralisations with >= 2wt.% REO (including Y2O3; REO - rare earth oxides) which are possibly enriched in Be, U and Th as well.

Prøvenr. Prøvetype Diverse
25091001 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, mineralised, UTM east 566519, UTM north 7520464
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091002 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite-rich granite gneiss, mineralised, UTM east 566519, UTM north 7520464
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091003 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, mineralised, UTM east 566560, UTM north 7520281
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091004 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 565950, UTM north 7519621
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091005 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :fine-grained porphyritic biotite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 565552, UTM north 7519525
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091006 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 565312, UTM north 7519485
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
25091007 Fastfjell
Prøvetaker :Axel M¿ller
Kommentar :medium-grained biotite granite gneiss, non-mineralised, UTM east 565023, UTM north 7519733
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
NB! Alle analyseverdier er vist i slutten av utskriften.:

Forekomstområde 1849 - 009 Hellemobotn


( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative verdier betyr under deteksjonsgrensen.)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Au# As*
25091001 Fastfjell -0 86 9 3 0 -.5 1
25091002 Fastfjell 0 103 11 4 1 -.5 2
25091003 Fastfjell 0 143 10 5 1 -.5 2
25091004 Fastfjell 0 51 7 2 0 -.5 1
25091005 Fastfjell 1 43 4 3 1 -.5 1
25091006 Fastfjell 0 15 4 3 1 -.5 -1
25091007 Fastfjell 3 27 8 1 0 -.5 -1
Prøvenr. Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi* Se* Ga* V*
25091001 -.1 246 0.70 4 -0 -0 -0.50 25.20 8
25091002 -.1 190 1.50 5 -0 -0 -0.50 26.20 12
25091003 -.1 166 1.60 8 -0 -0 -0.50 27.20 16
25091004 -.1 229 3.20 2 -0 -0 -0.50 22.20 -8
25091005 -.1 756 2.60 2 -0 -0 -0.50 21.00 21
25091006 -.1 137 -0.10 4 -0 0 -0.50 21.50 -8
25091007 -.1 186 0.10 3 -0 -0 -0.50 20.80 -8
Prøvenr. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Cs*
25091001 90.80 20.20 -1 292.5 80.6 51.0 443 30.20 3.10
25091002 121.80 29.30 1 261.4 78.3 93.1 684 42.10 3.10
25091003 137.70 33.40 -1 299.1 63.0 117.5 910 59.90 4.80
25091004 70.00 17.60 1 288.4 70.0 38.3 311 21.60 2.30
25091005 23.10 3.80 -1 229.9 154.0 24.2 383 19.40 1.30
25091006 62.60 13.60 1 270.0 89.7 29.3 185 23.50 0.90
25091007 58.20 15.80 -1 303.5 48.7 36.7 210 22.40 1.30
Prøvenr. La* Ce* Pr* Nd* Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy*
25091001 161.10 332.50 31.21 99.30 14.58 0.60 9.83 1.58 9.25
25091002 322.50 640.50 58.08 189.00 25.68 0.77 18.17 2.82 15.77
25091003 398.80 791.40 72.96 233.20 31.88 0.76 22.50 3.64 19.83
25091004 121.60 259.00 24.58 80.10 12.01 0.62 7.75 1.24 6.71
25091005 69.10 161.70 15.52 52.00 8.03 0.80 5.50 0.84 4.40
25091006 26.90 71.70 6.03 19.50 3.34 0.20 2.62 0.57 3.75
25091007 60.80 133.00 12.54 40.90 6.89 0.33 5.44 0.95 5.57
Prøvenr. Ho* Er* Tm* Yb* Lu* Be* Hf* Hg* Tl*
25091001 1.68 5.05 0.76 5.14 0.77 7 12.40 -0 1
25091002 2.97 8.60 1.29 8.32 1.26 6 18.70 -0 1
25091003 3.89 11.48 1.75 11.34 1.72 7 26.30 -0 2
25091004 1.22 3.64 0.55 3.54 0.52 5 10.30 -0 1
25091005 0.82 2.28 0.33 2.12 0.32 4 10.00 -0 1
25091006 0.89 2.93 0.49 3.21 0.47 5 7.40 -0 0
25091007 1.13 3.55 0.59 4.04 0.62 5 7.30 -0 0


(Alle verdier er i %)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
25091001 Fastfjell 69.29 14.77 0.41 3.42 0.06 0.43 1.20
25091002 Fastfjell 69.39 13.51 0.55 4.92 0.09 0.65 1.47
25091003 Fastfjell 68.86 12.61 0.76 6.43 0.11 0.72 1.75
25091004 Fastfjell 71.82 14.58 0.24 2.26 0.04 0.32 0.88
25091005 Fastfjell 70.92 14.05 0.37 2.78 0.04 0.37 1.28
25091006 Fastfjell 76.12 12.56 0.15 1.44 0.02 0.24 0.48
25091007 Fastfjell 74.97 12.70 0.18 1.81 0.04 0.17 0.80
Prøvenr. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
25091001 4.05 5.42 0.07 0.70 100.00
25091002 3.84 4.33 0.10 0.80 100.00
25091003 3.53 3.89 0.15 0.80 100.00
25091004 4.12 5.27 0.04 0.30 100.00
25091005 3.66 5.51 0.08 0.80 100.00
25091006 3.65 4.77 0.03 0.50 100.00
25091007 3.52 5.30 0.04 0.40 100.00

Faktaarket ble generert 22.11.2024

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