English version
Forekomstområde 819 - 011
(Sist oppdatert 20.mar.2024)

Navn på forekomstområde : Søve
(Objekt Id : 0819,011,00,00)

Fylke : Telemark (08) Kommune : Nome (0819)
Kart 1:50000: Nordagutu (1713-4) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Markeringspunkt: Lengdegrad: 9.2849090 Breddegrad: 59.2819480
EU89-UTM Zone 32
X-koord: 516234 m. Y-koord: 6571482 m.

Hovedtype: Spesialmetaller (Nb,Ta,Be,Li,Sc,REE) Subtype: Niob
Element(er): Nb Ta REE
Aktivitet: Gruvedrift Reserver:
Prod. metode: Dag- og underjordsdrift Produksjon: 1150 tusen tonn
Prod. status: Nedlagt Tippvolum:

Offentlig: Ikke vurdert (reg. 22.05.2015)
Økonomisk: Kan være viktig , (Stadfestet 07.des.2001 av Jan Sverre Sandstad)

Element/produkt Gehalt/Kvalitet
NB 2800 ppm

Fra - Til Aktivitet Kommentar
1951 - 1965 Regulær drift Selskap/Institusjon:Norsk Bergverk AS

Æra: Paleozoikum Periode: Kambrium
Datering: Metode:
Genese: Intrusivbreksje/diatrem Form:
Hovedtextur: Strukturløs Min. fordeling: Disseminert
Kornstørrelse: Finkornet (<1 mm) Hovedomvandling: Kalifeltspatomvandling
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Relasjon Mineral Mengde
Gangmineral Kalkspat Hovedmineral (>10%)
Gangmineral Glimmer Underordnet mineral (1-10%)
Gangmineral Apatitt Underordnet mineral (1-10%)
Malmmineral Pyroklor Hovedmineral (>10%)
Malmmineral Synchysitt Aksessorisk mineral (<1%)
Malmmineral Bastnäsitt Aksessorisk mineral (<1%)
Malmmineral Monazitt Aksessorisk mineral (<1%)
Malmmineral Parisitt Aksessorisk mineral (<1%)

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Fri tekst
Fen is an early Cambrian silicate-carbonatite composite complex, which has a diameter of 5 km. It consists of a number of different intrusive to subvolcanic lithologies, including calcio- and ferrocarbonatites and various alkaline silicate rocks. The ferrocarbonatites are rich in ankerite and dolomite and contain Nb-, REE- and Th-rich minerals. In the eastern part of the complex, a red-colored carbonate- and oxide-rich rock unit occurs that is termed "rødbergite" (red rock). The red color is caused by finely dispersed hematite. Locally, the hematite is concentrated in dykes and veins and 1 mill t. of hematite ore was exploited by the Fen iron mines between 1657 until 1929. The rødberg rocks are rich in thorium and REE and resources are estimated to contain 170 000 t with 0.2 % Th and about 1 % REE (LREE). The calciocarbonatites (søvites) contain calcite, pyrochlore, biotite, REE-F-carbonates and monazite and the state-owned company AS Norsk Bergverk produced 1.15 mill t. of Nb-ore between 1953-1965 in the Søve mines, which gave 4100 t of Nb2O5. The pyrochlore is mainly concentrated along the margin of the carbonatite, but also related to breccia zones crosscutting the central part of the intrusion.

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Bergstøl, Sveinung; Svinndal, Sverre , 1960
Description of mines and deposits. Søve Niobium Mine, Fen area.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;EKSKURSJONSGUIDE; TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.212m;16-26 sider

Bergstøl, Sveinung; Svinndal, Sverre , 1960
The carbonite and per-alkaline rocks of the Fen area. Petrology.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.208;99-105 sider

Sæther, Egil , 1957
The alkaline rock province of the Fen area in southern Norway.
;ARTIKKEL;Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter; No.1;150 s. sider
An account is given of the field relationships, petrography, and mode of formation of alkaline silicate and carbonate rocks in the Cambro-Silurian Fen area in Telemarken, southwestern Norway. The Fen complex lies in Archean gneiss and gneissose granite and consists of the following rocks: granitic breccia; fenite (syenite); vipetoite, melteigite, ijolite, urtite (mafic alkalic rocks); damtjernite (hypabyssal rock); soevite (calcite rock); rauhaugite (ankerite rock); roedbergite or red rock (clacite-ankerite-hematite rock); and some dike rocks. Chemical rock and mineral analyses and spectrochemical analyses of oxide and sulfide minerals are presented, and optical data are given for many minerals. Substance transfers are computed for various metasomatic rock transformations in the area. Petrofabric diagrams of carbonatites are presented and interpreted. Genesis of the rocks is ascribed to two magmas poor in silica and rich in alkali metals, calcium, and carbon dioxide. Two separate cycles are established, each of which involved eruption of a mafic magma with subsequent very extensive hydrothermal activity (alkali metasomatism and carbonatization). The Fen area is compared with Alnø in Sweden, its close counterpart.

Lie, Anders; Østergaard, Claus , 2011
The Fen carbonatite complex, Ulefoss, South Norway. Results and conclusions from preliminary microscope and microprobe studies
;21st NORTH;RAPPORT;35 sider

Lie, Anders; Østergaard, Claus , 2011
The Fen carbonatite complex, Ulefoss, South Norway. Summary of historic work and data
;21st NORTH;RAPPORT;47 sider

Andersen, Tom , 1983
Iron ores in the Fen central complex, Telemark (S.Norway): Petrography, chemical evolution and conditions of equilibrium
;Norsk geologisk forening;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; No.63 (2/3);73-82 sider
Hydrothermal iron ores from the Fen central complex may be classified according to their mineral assemblages as primary (magnetite +- pyrite +- anatase + calcite) or secondary (hematite +- goethite + calcite +- dolomite). Primary ores equilibrated between the hematite-magnetite and magnetite-pyrite-pyrrho- tite buffers, at temperatures below 600°C. Alteration to form the secondary parageneses took place above the hematite-magnetite buffer, probably at lower temperature.

Prøvenr. Prøvetype Diverse
95394 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95395 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95397 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95398 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95399 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95400 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95401 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95402 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95403 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
95404 Fastfjell
Antall registrerte elementanalyser = 1
Antall registrerte oksydanalyser = 1
NB! Alle analyseverdier er vist i slutten av utskriften.:

Forekomstområde 819 - 011 Søve


( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative verdier betyr under deteksjonsgrensen.)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype Co* Ni* Ba* Sn* Ga* V* Cr*
95394 Fastfjell 10 730 1 4.40 133 21
95395 Fastfjell 11 17301 7 8.40 89 103
95397 Fastfjell 29 53 212 5 11.80 151 123
95398 Fastfjell 16 2073 1 10.40 134 116
95399 Fastfjell 14 581 2 1.80 121
95400 Fastfjell 4 62 0.50 11
95401 Fastfjell 8 916 0.60 83
95402 Fastfjell 7 6941 6.90 77
95403 Fastfjell 13 642 1.60 18 21
95404 Fastfjell 5 83 2 2.80 28 41
Prøvenr. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Ta*
95394 17.80 1.30 3.0 3920.7 58.3 259 59.50 6.90
95395 782.30 3.70 5 3.2 1885.1 116.8 116 706.30 12.40
95397 1080.10 22.90 12 1.0 304.0 366.5 177 840.80 3.70
95398 1470.60 3.40 11 0.5 140.2 263.6 175 667.80 0.40
95399 19.30 0.90 1.0 3789.7 69.3 74 46.00 4.60
95400 63.70 0.80 1 0.3 3800.9 24.8 50 2735.90 10.70
95401 28.60 113.60 6.0 4523.4 66.3 17 328.60 81.30
95402 67.00 104.80 1 27.8 2938.1 138.9 365 421.50 58.30
95403 98.20 18.70 1 1.3 5147.8 83.6 64 821.50 6.00
95404 106.80 5.70 1 0.5 430.8 46.1 13 302.90 3.10
Prøvenr. Cs* La* Ce* Pr* Nd* Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb*
95394 0.30 269.50 527.20 60.24 218.50 32.87 9.36 24.83 2.68
95395 0.80 1516.20 2906.30 338.52 1269.70 237.85 64.87 137.05 11.00
95397 432.40 1066.50 163.27 808.70 231.68 54.55 148.03 15.09
95398 0.10 1897.60 6680.90 1111.09 5046.40 546.73 94.51 163.71 10.31
95399 262.60 544.40 67.23 256.60 40.83 11.77 31.02 3.41
95400 137.80 313.40 38.75 140.50 21.92 5.92 14.93 1.50
95401 0.20 228.80 500.00 61.95 239.00 38.52 11.10 28.68 3.27
95402 0.20 541.90 1163.50 145.48 537.10 82.08 22.62 59.80 6.87
95403 0.30 1066.70 1778.80 209.41 813.20 139.91 31.32 62.38 4.51
95404 3289.60 4894.60 448.13 1334.30 116.53 14.30 56.96 3.49
Prøvenr. Dy* Ho* Er* Tm* Yb* Lu* Be* Hf*
95394 12.82 1.93 4.89 0.61 3.70 0.50 1 2.00
95395 40.77 4.15 9.04 1.41 9.63 1.23 2 3.10
95397 70.77 11.10 27.45 3.90 23.59 3.27 24 9.40
95398 44.92 5.62 15.73 2.22 13.43 1.79 9 2.30
95399 15.96 2.35 5.44 0.65 3.59 0.46 0.50
95400 6.40 0.96 2.14 0.25 1.28 0.15 0.90
95401 16.29 2.23 5.30 0.66 4.25 0.47 0.50
95402 32.95 5.00 12.00 1.47 8.21 1.06 3.50
95403 18.87 2.20 5.72 0.88 5.89 0.81 0.90
95404 12.41 0.99 2.13 0.32 2.28 0.26


(Alle verdier er i %)
Prøvenr. Prøvetype SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO Na2O
95394 Fastfjell 2.08 0.32 0.18 6.30 0.22 2.80 0.13
95395 Fastfjell 5.02 1.67 0.71 16.49 1.83 10.36 0.11
95397 Fastfjell 18.35 4.01 0.54 15.16 0.34 2.60 0.05
95398 Fastfjell 2.05 0.71 0.07 90.39 0.54 0.54
95399 Fastfjell 0.65 0.27 0.17 5.61 0.18 2.03 0.03
95400 Fastfjell 0.75 0.02 3.42 0.60 17.06 0.01
95401 Fastfjell 1.39 0.52 0.25 4.10 0.23 2.96 0.03
95402 Fastfjell 9.73 2.47 0.56 5.58 0.35 6.09 0.08
95403 Fastfjell 0.98 0.38 0.02 8.40 0.73 7.49 0.03
95404 Fastfjell 1.47 0.58 0.01 1.98 0.32 0.84
Prøvenr. K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
95394 0.06 4.26 35.00 51.00
95395 0.07 0.24 35.70 72.00
95397 0.01 0.63 24.70 66.00
95398 0.02 0.67 0.30 95.00
95399 0.03 3.35 37.20 50.00
95400 4.16 40.70 67.00
95401 0.20 3.67 37.80 51.00
95402 1.52 15.70 19.80 62.00
95403 0.04 11.26 27.60 57.00
95404 0.35 40.90 46.00

Faktaarket ble generert 25.11.2024

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