Norsk versjon
(database for drill cores stored at Løkken in Orkdal).
Borehole no. BH NP1-71
in Drill Area :RIEPPE
Area no. :TR0064 in Municipality Nordreisa in County :?
(Code characterizing the objective of the drilling :MALM)

Location of borehole
Map 1:50000: Reisadalen (1734-3) Map 1:250000: Nordreisa
Marking point: Longitude: 21.5962379 Latitude: 69.7529808
WGS84-UTM Zone 24;     Accuracy of the coordinates: <20 m.
X-coord: 523028 m. Y-coord: 7738439 m.
Hight above sea: Drilling site: DAG
Borehole data
Direction: 90 Dip: 70
Length: 32,1 m. Core stored: 30 m.
Diameter: 32 mm. Year of drilling.: 1971
NGU-Report no.: Other Reports: BV629-B, BV627
Measuring-in: Deviation survey:

About the Drill core
Core log exist: JA Photo of core:
Storage Decks: M18.1
Comment: Øvre Njoammelloagi/Nomilogi

Storage Information
Box no. Storage Deck Interval Comments
1 M18.1 0-10
3 M18.1 20-30
4 M18.1 30-40

This listing was created on 21.09.2024
Questions or comments an be emailed to:
Rolf Lynum
Copyright © 2024 Geological Servey of Norway