Norsk versjon
Deposit Area 439 - 009
(Last updated 18.mar.2024)

Name of Deposit Area : Folldal
(Object Id : 0439,009,00,00)

County : Hedmark (04) Municipality : Folldal (0439)
Map 1:50000: Folldal (1519-2) Map 1:250000: Røros
Marking point: Longitude: 9.9936310 Latitude: 62.1408180
EU89-UTM Zone 32 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 551801 m. Y-coord: 6890264 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Sulphides
Element(s): Kis Co
Activity: Mining Reserves:
Prod. method: Underground mining Production: 1150 thousand tons
Prod. status: Disused, closed Volume of dump:

Public: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)
Economical: Minor interest
Historical: Yes , (Confirmed 27.mai.2015 by Terje Bjerkgård)

Element/product Crude ore grade or quality
CU 1.9 %
ZN 1.1 %

From - To Activity Comments
1748 - 1807 Regular production Company/Institution :Fredriks Gaves verk
1818 - 1822 Regular production Company/Institution :Fredriks Gaves verk
1826 - 1848 Regular production Company/Institution :Røros Kobberverk
1852 - 1878 Regular production Company/Institution :Foldal Interessentskap
1904 - 1906 Test mining Company/Institution :The Foldal Copper and Sulphur ltd.
1906 - 1938 Regular production Company/Institution :The Foldal Copper and Sulphur ltd.
1938 - 1941 Regular production Company/Institution :Folldal Verk A/S
1990 - 1993 Detail mapping Company/Institution :T. Bjerkgård, University of Oslo
1999 - 1999 Sampling Company/Institution :NGU mineralressurser

Era: Paleozoic Period: Ordovician
Dating: 488 (-2\+2) million year Method: U/Pb
Genesis: Volcex Form: Lens
Main texture: Structureless Min. distribution: Massive (>50 % ore minerals)
Main grain size: Medium grained (1-3 mm) Main alteration: Chloritisation
Strike/Dip: 235 / 55 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Paleozoic Period: Ordovician
Province: Caledonides
Geotec.unit: Trondheim Nappe Complex
Tectonic complex: Meråker Nappe
Igneous complex:
Group: Fundsjø Formation:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Calcite Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Muscovite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Chlorite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Clinoamphibole Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Titanite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Gangue mineral Biotite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Sphalerite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Chalcopyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Pyrrhotite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Galena Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Magnetite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Pentlandite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Molybdenite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Rutile Accessory mineral (<1%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Wall rock Trondhjemite Intrusive
Original rock :Trondhjemite
488 (-2\+2) mill. years;..Method:U/Pb
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist
Wall rock Amphibolite Extrusive
Original rock :Basalt
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Wall rock Foliation Strike/Dip :210 / 86 Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :Controls
Wall rock Foliation Strike/Dip :217 / 77 Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :Controls

Information(s) in free text format
Free text
The Folldal mine was opened already in 1747, and the first mining lasted until 1807. After that period, regular production was carried out in several periods until 1941. In total 1.15 mill.t. of ore with 1.9 % Cu and 1.1 % Zn was produced. The ore was very pyrite-rich and from 1907, pyrite was a very important product from this mine. The deposit is hosted by metabasalt (locally pillowed), which is intruded by a large body of trondhjemite (dated to 488 Ma). The mineralization occurred in four separate lenses, of which the socalled main lens was the most important. The ore was mined to a depth of 600 m along plunge and 900 m along strike. The ore thickness was between 1-12 m (the mail lens typically 3-12 m).

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Riiber, Carl C. , 1923
Rapporter over kis -og kobbergruber og skjerp i Foldal, Dovre og Alvdal herreder.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 3194;25 pages
Rapporten omfatter følgende gruver og skjerp: I. Foldals verks gruber: a. Hovedgruben. b. Nordre Gjeitryggen grube. c. Søndre jetryggen grube, d. Grev Moltke grube. e. Grimsdalen grube. f. Storthaab grube. g. Boksberg grube. II. Statens kisanvisninger: a. Skjerp øst for Foldals verks hovedgrube. b. Stretlien skjerp. c. Grimsdalen skjerp. III. Grimsbo kisskjerp. IV. Rødalens kobbergrube. V. Tronfjeldets kobbergruber. VI. Verkjendalens kisfelt. Rapporten beskriver forekomstenes beliggenhet, geologiske forhold, malmen, resultater av undersøkelser (boringer, analyser osv.), salgspriser, historiske forhold, juridiske forhold og kraftsituasjonen. Forekomstnr.: 1. 10963, 2. 10973 og 3. 10991. Forekomstens navn og koordinater: 1. Folldal 32 5521 68908, 2. Verkensdalen 32 5281 68816, 3. Gamle Tron 32 5862 68910.

Marlow, Wolmer , 1935
Foldal. Beskrivelse til geologiske rektangelkart. D. Grubebeskrivelser. 1. Beskrivelse av Foldals kisfelt: 1. Foldals verks gruber. 2. Statens kisanvisninger. 3. Grimsboskjerpene. 4. Rødalens grube. 5. Tronfjellets grube. 6. Verkjensdalens kisfelt.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;KARTBESKRIVELSE; TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.145;69-96 pages

Bjerkgård, Terje , 1995
The stratabound massive sulfide deposits in the Folldal area, southern Trondheim region Caledonides, Norway.
;UiO Geologisk fellesråd;AVHANDLING

Bjerkgård, Terje; Bjørlykke, Arne , 1994
The stratabound sulphide deposits in the Folldal area, Southern Trondheim Region, Norway
;Norsk geologisk forening;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; No.74 (4);213-237 pages
Frie emneord: Lagdelt, Malmgenese Five strata-bound massive sulphide deposits are situated at three different stratigraphic levels in the volcanogenic Fundsjø group in the Folldal area. The deposits are hosted in metabasalts, metarhyodacites and volcanoclastic rocks and belong to the Cu-Zn class of volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits. The metal content of the deposits indicates that the sources of metals are underlying strata, possibly with a contribution from intrusives. Wall rock alteration varies according to differences in host rocks, and is probably a result of chemical variations of the host rocks, temperature differences and proximity to the hydrothermal vent. The clustering of deposits in the Folldal area is considered to be due to the occurrence of a large sub- volcanic trondhjemitic intrusion which acted as the major heat engine for convection. The small size of the deposits might be related to the shallow level of the intrusion.

Singsaas, Per , 1965
Geofysisk undersøkelse Nordøst for Hovedgruben. Sydøst for Nordre Gjetryggen Grube.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.552 B;6 pages

Singsaas, P. , 1959
Geofysisk undersøkelse 1. Grimsdal Grube - Husumskogen 2. Verket - Knutshovdet 3. Søndre Gjetryggen Grube - Grimsbu.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.173;10 pages

Singsaas, P.; Brækken, H. , 1950
Geofysisk undersøkelse Grimsdal Grube, Hovedgruben.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.69;31 pages

Bugge, Arne , 1948
Folldal Verk. Malmforekomster og grubedrift.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 4575;6 pages
Malmforekomstene tilhører det kjente Tronheimsfelt og er knyttet til bergarter som er vanlig ved Trondheimsfeltets kisgruver. Natrongranitt (Trondheimitt), gabbrobergarter og amfibolitt forekomer i de vanlige Skifrene av Trondheimstypen, og kisforekomstene er utskilt langs granitt -og amfibolittgrensene på lingnende måte, som man kjenner det fra andre felter. Som særpreget for Folldalsgruvene kan bemerkes: 1. - Malmens kvalitet er relativt god. 2. - Kisen forekommer i linser av en annen form og størrelse samt opptreden enn ved de fleste andre gruver i Trondheimsfeltet. Først i de senere år har gruvedriften vært ført så langt frem at man har kunnet øyne en lovmessighet ved malmlinsenes opptreden. SØLV OG GULL forekommer i større mengder i kobberkisen fra Folldals Verks gruver enn ved andre norske kisgruver. Rent kobber oppgis å holde 25 gr. gull og 1 500 gr. sølv pr. tonn. Av foranstående fremstilling fremgår det at det i gruvene er oppfart malm for 7 års drift, når det regnes med en produksjon av 60 000 t. råmalm. Enn videre fremgår at det er gode muligheter for å finne mer malm enn den som nå er påvist.

Robellaz, Fernand; Helland, Amund; Lund, Worm H. , 1905
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 2261;33 pages
Rapporten beskriver: Forekomstenes beliggenhet, gruvene, dannelse og gangenes retninger, malmreserver, tilgjengelige malmlegemer, drift, malmtransport, utnytting av forekomstene og økonomiske forhold.

References not to be found in NGU's Reference Archive.:
Bjerkgård, T. & Bjørlykke, A. 1995: Geology of the Folldal area, southern Trondheim Region Caledonides, Norway. NGU bull. 426, p.53-75.

Hjelseth, G. & Einarsen S. 1950: Folldal Verk. Tidsskrift for kjemi, bergvesen og metallurgi, vol.10, no.2b, p.70-73.

Husum, O., Tysland, H. & Paulsen, P. 1975: Folldal Verk A/S. In Valmot, O. (ed.): Bergverk 1975. Jubileumsskrift for bergingeniørforeningen og bergindustriforeningen, p.42-47.

Per B. Støen 1948: Folldal Verk gjennom 200 år. Historiske trekk: 1748-1948. festskrift Folldal Verk A/S, 70 sider.

Bjerkgård, T. & Bjørlykke A.,1996: Sulfide deposits in Folldal, Southern Trondheim Region Caledonides, Norway: Source of metals and wall-rock alterations related to host rocks. Economic Geology vol.91, p.676-696.

Heim, J.G. 1972: Zur geologie des Südlichen Trondheim-gebietes. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Mainz, 156 pp.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
DBH10:12-20.10-20.50 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Chloritic quartz-sericite schist with pyrrhotite-pyrite-sphalerite impregnation
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH10:12-20.50-20.66 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :massive pyrite with sphalerite in 5 cm bands separated by massive chlorite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH13/3 (0.00-0.43) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite with chalcopyrite and lesser sphalerite, quartz matrix
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH22/9 (5.90-6.90) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :massive pyrite with lesser pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite in quartz
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH23/9 (1.50-1.74) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH25/5 (2.10-2.40) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Chalcopyrite with lesser sphalerite in chlorite-albite-quartz rock
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH30/8 (0.30-0.45) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Rich impregnation of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite in chlorite-albite schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH30/8 (1.70-2.14) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite-chalcopyrite, lesser sphalerite in quartz, some chlorite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH31/8 (0.00-0.85) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Lenses of pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite in quartz-albite-chlorite schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH31/8 (1.95-2.50) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Lenses of pyrite, pyrrhotite and sphalerite in quartz-albite-chlorite schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH31/8 (2.50-2.95) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Lenses of pyrite, pyrrhotite and sphalerite in quartz-albite-chlorite schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH34/7 (9.25-9.70) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite with aggregates of chalcopyrite and sphalerite, quartz-chlorite matrix
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH36/7 (9.60-9.65) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :massive pyrite, some pyrrhotite, quartz matrix with lesser chlorite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH43/5 (0.00-0.30) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :massive pyrite with lesser sphalerite and chalcopyrite. Quartz-calcite matrix
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH43/5 (5.10-6.25) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite-chalcopyrite in quartz
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH45/10 (7.00-8.00) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite.chalcopyrite, some sphalerite, matrix of quartz and chlorite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH46/10 (6.25-6.85) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite, some chalcopyrite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH47/10 (6.65-7.00) Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Rich pyrrhotite-pyrite impregnation in chlorite-quartz-albite schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH9/12:12.65-12.85 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Rich impregnation to massive pyrite in quartz, some sphalerite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH9/12:12.85-13.80 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Pyrite-sphalerite veins in chlorite-albite-quartz schist
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
DBH9/12:13.80-13.97 Core
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård
Comment :Massive pyrite-sphalerite in quartz-chlorite-calcite matrix, some pyrrhotite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.01 Bedrock
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Massive pyrite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite from lens in chlorite schist. Sample from open pit.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.02 Bedrock
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Dark green chlorite schist with scattered biotite and pyrite grains. Stratigraphic footwall reltive to ore zone. Sample from open pit.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.03 Bedrock
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Massive pyrite ore with bands of sericite and chlorite. Sample from open pit.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.04 Bedrock
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Massive pyrite with minor chalcopyrite. Few <0.5 mm bands of chlorite.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.05 Bedrock
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Biotite bearing chlorite schist with relatively rich impregnation of pyrite and minor chalcopyrite. Sample from open pit and stratigraphic footwall.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
HE0061.06 Dump
Sampler :T. Bjerkgård/...Stored :Løkken/...Size(kg) :3
Comment :Weak pyrite impregnation in quartz-sericite schist.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Locality : Tyskholet
(Object Id : 0439,009,01,00)

County : Hedmark (04) Municipality : Folldal (0439)
Map 1:50000: Folldal (1519-2) Map 1:250000: Røros
Marking point: Longitude: 9.9997420 Latitude: 62.1433980
EU89-UTM Zone 32 (Coordinates IS confirmed)
X-coord: 552116 m. Y-coord: 6890557 m.

Main Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Sub Type: Sulphides
Element(s): Kis

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 439 - 009 Folldal

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
DBH10:12-20.10-20.50 Core 1010 4520 3 48 50 3.0 3.0
DBH10:12-20.50-20.66 Core 2160 10100 50 120 50 3.0 73.0
DBH13/3 (0.00-0.43) Core 23000 10600 26 490 50 25.0 140.0
DBH22/9 (5.90-6.90) Core 11900 28500 19 220 50 11.0 84.0
DBH23/9 (1.50-1.74) Core 23900 9810 16 580 50 18.0 220.0
DBH25/5 (2.10-2.40) Core 18100 11600 12 230 50 9.0 48.0
DBH30/8 (0.30-0.45) Core 9140 11400 23 170 50 3.0 86.0
DBH30/8 (1.70-2.14) Core 50400 6800 25 1300 50 31.0 420.0
DBH31/8 (0.00-0.85) Core 9250 303 15 50 50 3.0 18.0
DBH31/8 (1.95-2.50) Core 1530 28000 27 40 50 3.0 4.0
DBH31/8 (2.50-2.95) Core 9100 325 18 30 50 8.0 12.0
DBH34/7 (9.25-9.70) Core 10100 22200 25 120 50 9.0 120.0
DBH36/7 (9.60-9.65) Core 8680 753 25 1100 50 3.0 52.0
DBH43/5 (0.00-0.30) Core 5260 21700 25 67 50 5.0 34.0
DBH43/5 (5.10-6.25) Core 24300 3890 18 570 50 41.0 320.0
DBH45/10 (7.00-8.00) Core 30300 5850 22 460 200 34.0 310.0
DBH46/10 (6.25-6.85) Core 20900 154 39 610 50 12.0 130.0
DBH47/10 (6.65-7.00) Core 10000 2890 13 270 50 3.0 3.0
DBH9/12:12.65-12.85 Core 4520 20400 22 120 100 9.0 83.0
DBH9/12:12.85-13.80 Core 886 8830 14 44 50 3.0 9.0
DBH9/12:13.80-13.97 Core 2290 80900 19 46 50 3.0 30.0
HE0061.01 Bedrock 26560 10547 13 359 49 6.1 91.0
HE0061.02 Bedrock 505 78 3 136 30 .1 12.0
HE0061.03 Bedrock 274 46 4 406 15 1.1 -1.0
HE0061.04 Bedrock 31201 945 11 365 10 7.5 53.0
HE0061.05 Bedrock 777 289 42 72 62 .7 27.0
HE0061.06 Dump 704 17 8 33 20 .7 8.0
Sample No. As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi* Se* Ga*
DBH10:12-20.10-20.50 6 12.00 0 2 3.00
DBH10:12-20.50-20.66 24 18.00 0 2 13.00
DBH13/3 (0.00-0.43) 36 35.00 0 2 66.00
DBH22/9 (5.90-6.90) 9 19.00 0 2 32.00
DBH23/9 (1.50-1.74) 17 32.00 0 2 100.00
DBH25/5 (2.10-2.40) 27 31.00 0 2 49.00
DBH30/8 (0.30-0.45) 15 25.00 0 2 12.00
DBH30/8 (1.70-2.14) 53 28.00 0 6 170.00
DBH31/8 (0.00-0.85) 4 12.00 0 2 3.00
DBH31/8 (1.95-2.50) 5 9.00 0 2 3.00
DBH31/8 (2.50-2.95) 14 21.00 0 2 3.00
DBH34/7 (9.25-9.70) 9 20.00 0 2 15.00
DBH36/7 (9.60-9.65) 36 37.00 0 2 110.00
DBH43/5 (0.00-0.30) 64 28.00 0 2 15.00
DBH43/5 (5.10-6.25) 51 40.00 0 2 100.00
DBH45/10 (7.00-8.00) 22 33.00 0 2 55.00
DBH46/10 (6.25-6.85) 120 28.00 0 4 120.00
DBH47/10 (6.65-7.00) 6 41.00 0 2 8.00
DBH9/12:12.65-12.85 22 21.00 0 2 21.00
DBH9/12:12.85-13.80 10 6.00 0 2 3.00
DBH9/12:13.80-13.97 26 24.00 0 2 13.00
HE0061.01 42 40.3 2 14.00 3 -1 5 171.00 6.00
HE0061.02 5 -.1 2 1.00 -1 -1 -1 2.00 20.00
HE0061.03 54 .2 2 11.00 -1 -1 -1 97.00 -1.00
HE0061.04 70 4.4 5 3.00 1 -1 3 64.00 1.00
HE0061.05 14 .2 2 6.00 -1 -1 2 48.00 18.00
HE0061.06 41 -.1 40 7.00 -1 -1 -1 5.00 -1.00
Sample No. In* S% V* Cr* Mn* Fe% Th* U* W*
DBH10:12-20.10-20.50 200 0.01
DBH10:12-20.50-20.66 90 0.01
DBH13/3 (0.00-0.43) 150 0.05
DBH22/9 (5.90-6.90) 120 0.01
DBH23/9 (1.50-1.74) 170 0.01
DBH25/5 (2.10-2.40) 250 0.02
DBH30/8 (0.30-0.45) 230 0.04
DBH30/8 (1.70-2.14) 140 0.01
DBH31/8 (0.00-0.85) 290 0.01
DBH31/8 (1.95-2.50) 250 0.01
DBH31/8 (2.50-2.95) 210 0.01
DBH34/7 (9.25-9.70) 230 0.01
DBH36/7 (9.60-9.65) 260 0.01
DBH43/5 (0.00-0.30) 130 0.02
DBH43/5 (5.10-6.25) 140 0.01
DBH45/10 (7.00-8.00) 160 0.01
DBH46/10 (6.25-6.85) 180 0.01
DBH47/10 (6.65-7.00) 350 0.01
DBH9/12:12.65-12.85 160 0.01
DBH9/12:12.85-13.80 110 0.02
DBH9/12:13.80-13.97 150 0.01
HE0061.01 4.00 28.13 29 25 172 34.55 -1.00 4.00 9
HE0061.02 -1.00 2.68 336 196 734 11.65 -1.00 -1.00 -1
HE0061.03 -1.00 35.13 -2 19 59 30.55 -1.00 -1.00 14
HE0061.04 -1.00 22.64 22 16 50 35.53 -1.00 -1.00 7
HE0061.05 -1.00 6.99 247 186 622 12.33 -1.00 -1.00 -1
HE0061.06 -1.00 9.30 16 32 52 9.30 -1.00 -1.00 7
Sample No. Sr* La* B* Te* Hg* Tl*
DBH13/3 (0.00-0.43)
DBH22/9 (5.90-6.90)
DBH23/9 (1.50-1.74)
DBH25/5 (2.10-2.40)
DBH30/8 (0.30-0.45)
DBH30/8 (1.70-2.14)
DBH31/8 (0.00-0.85)
DBH31/8 (1.95-2.50)
DBH31/8 (2.50-2.95)
DBH34/7 (9.25-9.70)
DBH36/7 (9.60-9.65)
DBH43/5 (0.00-0.30)
DBH43/5 (5.10-6.25)
DBH45/10 (7.00-8.00)
DBH46/10 (6.25-6.85)
DBH47/10 (6.65-7.00)
HE0061.01 1.0 -1.00 -1 7.00 -1 -1
HE0061.02 4.0 -1.00 -1 -1.00 -1 -1
HE0061.03 -1.0 -1.00 -1 -1.00 -1 -1
HE0061.04 -1.0 -1.00 -1 5.00 -1 -1
HE0061.05 1.0 -1.00 -1 -1.00 -1 -1
HE0061.06 2.0 -1.00 -1 -1.00 -1 -1

The fact sheet was created on 25.04.2024

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Copyright © 2024 Geological Survey of Norway