Norsk versjon
Occurence 5512 - 005 Raudrapfjellet
(Object Id: 2442)
(Last updated: 03.04.2001)

County: Troms Municipality: Dielddanuorri (5512)
Map 1:50000: Gullesfjorden (1232-2) Map 1:250000: Narvik
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 33
East: 548382 m. North: 7608846 m.
Longitude: 16.1875950 Latitude: 68.5876060
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Resource Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Resource Subtype: Sulphides
Element(s): Kis
Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Operating method: Historical production:

Era: Paleozoic Period:
Genesis: Sedex Form: Layer
Main texture: Banded Min. distribution: Disseminated (<20 % ore minerals)
Main grain size: Medium grained (1-3 mm) Main alteration:
Strike/Dip: 280 / 70 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Paleozoic Period:
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Biotite Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Amphibole Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Potassic feldspar Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Plagioclase Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Pyrrhotite Major mineral (>10%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Host rock Amfibolgl.skifer Extrusive
Original rock :Tuff
Metamorphic facies :Amphibolite

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Host rock Foliation Strike/Dip :280 / 70 Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :None

Information(s) in free text format
Free text
I den bratte fjellsida ved 548450 7609050 er det sprengt i overflata (ca.20m3 tipp). Den middelskornige skiferen består av varierende mengder biotitt og amfibol og er rusten over flere timetre mektighet. Disseminert til semimassiv magnetkis (prøve 01 og 03) opptrer delvis i bånd. Opptil 10cm mektige massivbånd er observert. Nedrast materiale tyder på at det finnes lag av kvartskeratofyr i den mineraliserte sonen. Det ble ikke funnet flere røsker, men ved 548390 7609010 ble det tatt prøve av et 10 cm mektig lag massiv magnetkis (02), som opptrer innenfor samme rustsone.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
NO0300.01 Bedrock
Sampler: Wilberg, R./...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Amfibol-biotittskifer med semimassiv po.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NO0300.03 Bedrock
Sampler: Wilberg, R./...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Massiv po.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point: Prøvepunkt 1
(Object Id: 4024 5,00,02)

County: Troms Municipality: Dielddanuorri (5512)
Map 1:50000: Gullesfjorden (1232-2) Map 1:250000: Narvik
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 33
East: 548322 m. North: 7608806 m.
Longitude: 16.1861040 Latitude: 68.5872580
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Resource Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Resource Subtype: Sulphides
Element(s): Kis

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
NO0300.02 Bedrock
Sampler: Wilberg, R./...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Amfibol-biotittskifer med semimassiv po.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 5512 - 005 Raudrapfjellet

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
NO0300.01 Bedrock 269 334 117 101 205 -16.2 6.0
NO0300.02 Bedrock 344 1200 94 100 207 -16.2 4.0
NO0300.03 Bedrock 618 -32 122 252 442 -16.2 10.0
Sample No. Pt# Pd# As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi*
NO0300.01 8.0 13.0 71 -16.2 -16 16.70 -20 -20 -20
NO0300.02 9.0 11.0 -20 -16.2 -16 -16.20 -20 -20 -20
NO0300.03 3.0 6.0 -20 -16.2 -16 -16.20 -20 -20 -20
Sample No. S% V* Cr* Mn* Fe% Th* U* Sr* La*
NO0300.01 15.70 86 -16 475 27.30 -30.00 -30.00 -32.4 18.80
NO0300.02 16.40 112 -16 571 28.70 -30.00 -30.00 -32.4 24.80
NO0300.03 35.40 116 -16 137 66.30 -30.00 -30.00 -32.4 -16.20
Sample No. B*
NO0300.01 -81
NO0300.02 -81
NO0300.03 -81

The fact sheet was created on 29.04.2024

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