Norsk versjon
Occurence 5027 - 018 Høa
(Object Id: 4535)
(Last updated: 01.07.1998)

County: Trøndelag Municipality: Midtre Gauldal (5027)
Map 1:50000: Budal (1620-4) Map 1:250000: Røros
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 586386 m. North: 6975417 m.
Longitude: 10.6997200 Latitude: 62.8984640
Show on map

Resource Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Resource Subtype: Sulphides
Element(s): Kis
Raw material meaning: Not Assessed (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Test mining Reserves:
Operating method: Underground mining Historical production:

From - To Activity Comments
1997 - 1997 Sampling Company/Institution :NGU-Malmreg.

Genesis: Sedex Form:
Main texture: Structureless Min. distribution: Disseminated (<20 % ore minerals)
Main grain size: Medium grained (1-3 mm) Main alteration:
Strike/Dip: 115 / 40 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Period:
Province: Caledonides
Geotec.unit: Trondheim Nappe Complex
Tectonic complex: Gula Nappe
Igneous complex:
Group: Gula Formation: Singsås

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Biotite Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Muscovite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Pyrrhotite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Chalcopyrite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Sphalerite Accessory mineral (<1%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Host rock Quartzitic mica schist Sedimentary
Original rock :Muddy sandstone
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist
Wall rock Phyllitic mica schist Sedimentary
Original rock :Mudstone
Metamorphic facies :Greenschist

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Host rock Foliation Strike/Dip :115 / 40 Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :None
Host rock Mineral lineation Dir./Plunge :140 / 10 Post-mineralisation ;...Effect :None

Information(s) in free text format
Skjerpet ligger ØSØ for gården Høa, i skråningen ned mot Forda, ca. 350 m.o.h., i nærheten av innmarksbeite. Mineraliseringen er undersøkt med en 5 m lang stoll mot SV (10 m3 tipp). Mineraliseringen er oppimot 0.5 m mektig og opptrer i kvartsittisk glimmerskifer. Heng- og liggbergart er henholdsvis fyllittisk glimmerskifer med mm- til cm-mektige kvartsbånd og kvartsittisk glimmerskifer, dvs. at mineraliseringen opptrer øverst i den kvartsittiske glimmerskiferen, mot kontakten til fyllittisk glimmerskifer. De middelskornige sulfidmineralene, magnetkis og svovelkis med spor av kobberkis, synes å opptre i uregelmessige årer i den finkornige skiferen, og som impregnasjon av ofte grøvre svovelkis. Det fins lokale sulfid-anrikninger til semimassive partier. Det lar seg ikke gjøre å spore mineraliseringen i strøkretningen i det overdekte terrenget.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Nilsen, Odd , 1978
Caledonian sulphide deposits and minor iron-formations from the southern Trondheim region, Norway.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.340;35-85 + k pages
Within the southern and central parts of the Trondheim region of the Norwegian Caledonides a great number of small, stratabound cupriferous pyrite deposits are confined to mafic metavolcanics of the Gula, Støren and Fundsjø Groups of the Lower Palaeozoic succession. The deposits occuring within, or in close contact with the metavolcanics are characterized by their association with minor manganiferous oxide/silicate iron-formations - better known as "vasskis" ore type - within the metamorphic low-grade areas. The iron-fprmations of the metamorphic higher grade terrains on the other hand, which are extensively developed within the Gula Group, are mostly of a pyrrhotitic sulphide/silicate type and sulphurization processes are thought to have played an important role during the metamorphism. The pyrite deposits occurring adjacent to the metavolcanics bear no relationship to the iron-formations. They are embedded in pelitic, often carbonaceous assemblages (Gula Group) or within tuffitic members of the volcanogene Støren Group, and they are thought to represent re-sedimented (reworked) deposits. The pyrite deposits display varying degree of metamorphic reconstitution and a tectonic control has apparently determined their disc- or ruler-shaped morphology.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
ST0339.01 Dump
Sampler: Wilberg/...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Kvartsittisk glimmerskifer med po-py-diss.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
ST0339.02 Dump
Sampler: Wilberg/...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Kvartsittisk glimmerskifer med po-py-diss.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 5027 - 018 Høa

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
ST0339.01 Dump 297 159 78 103 181 1.4 3.0
ST0339.02 Dump 270 179 61 85 220 1.5 2.0
Sample No. Pt# Pd# As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sb* Bi* S%
ST0339.01 14.0 6.0 17 2.0 27 15.00 -3 8 9.40
ST0339.02 14.0 10.0 17 1.9 24 16.00 -3 14 10.20
Sample No. V* Cr* Mn* Fe% Th* U* W* Sr* La*
ST0339.01 169 82 3002 16.03 8.00 -8.00 7 70.0 32.00
ST0339.02 194 81 3255 17.97 10.00 -8.00 4 68.0 30.00
Sample No. B*
ST0339.01 -3
ST0339.02 -3

The fact sheet was created on 29.04.2024

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