English version
Registrering 1111 - 023 Krune
(Objekt Id: 5002)
(Sist oppdatert: 12.12.2005)

Fylke: Rogaland Kommune: Sokndal (1111)
Kart 1:50000: Sokndal (1311-4) Kart 1:250000: Mandal
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 342869 m. Nord: 6472342 m.
Lengdegrad: 6.3139590 Breddegrad: 58.3637230

Ressurstype: Jernmetaller (Fe, Mn, Ti) Ressursundertype: Jern-titan
Element(er): Fe Ti
Råstoffbetydning: Liten betydning (reg. 18.02.2015)

Æra: Proterozoikum Periode: Paleoproterosoikum
Genese: Form:
Hovedtekstur: Min. fordeling:
Kornstørrelse: Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Ti-forekomst type(r)
Hovedtype: Magmatisk Ilm/Mt-forhold:
Subtype: Mt +/- Ilm +/- Ap i mafisk intrusjon %TiO(Malm):
Titan provins: Rogalands anothositt provins %P2O5(Malm):
Vertsbergart: %MgO(Ilm):
Hoved Ti mineral: Ilmenitt %V2O3(Mt):
ppm U (Rutil):
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Proterozoikum Periode: Paleoproterosoikum
Provins: Sørnorske grunnfjellsprovins
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Larsen, Rune B. , 1996
Distribution of Fe-Ti oxide minerals in the Ørsland, Bakka-Krune and Einebakka area of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered norite, Rogaland
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.96.130;9 sider
Geological mapping in scale 1:5000 in the Sokndal Lobe of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered norite intrusion has confirmed that cyclic unit no.IV of the magmatic stratigraphy comprise a high density of Fe-Ti oxide rich layers. The area naturally divides in the Ørsland, Bakka-Krune and Einebakka areas which indi- vidually are shaped as mega-lenses connested to each other via more narrow zones. However, seen together they comprise an open synfom dipping 40o to the west. Zones with a high desity of Fe-Ti oxide rich layers has a patchy distri- bution exhibiting thicknesses from 1 to 120 meters and a limited extent along strike. The Bakka-Krune area has the largest size but the most patchy appearance of Fe-Ti oxides which makes it very difficult to evaluate the total resources. The Einebakka area comprise the largest continuous zone of Fe-Ti oxide rich layers with a documented strike length of 450 meters and thicknesses between 20 and 120 meters.

Faktaarket ble generert 18.04.2024

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