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Registrering 1112 - 009 Vasshus
(Objekt Id: 5007)
(Sist oppdatert: 26.06.2008)

Fylke: Rogaland Kommune: Lund (1112)
Kart 1:50000: Ørsdalsvatnet (1312-3) Kart 1:250000: Mandal
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 346300 m. Nord: 6491150 m.
Lengdegrad: 6.3599150 Breddegrad: 58.5336790

Ressurstype: Jernmetaller (Fe, Mn, Ti) Ressursundertype: Jern-titan
Element(er): Fe Ti P
Råstoffbetydning: Ikke vurdert (reg. 20.03.2017)

Fra - Til Aktivitet Kommentar
1999 - 2005 Prøvetaking Selskap/Institusjon:Geological Survey of Norway
2001 - 2002 Geokjemi Selskap/Institusjon:Geological Survey of Norway

Æra: Proterozoikum Periode: Neoproterosoikum
Datering: 931 (-3\+3) million år Metode: U/Pb
Genese: Ortomagmatisk Form: Lag
Hovedtekstur: Båndet Min. fordeling: Semi-massiv
Kornstørrelse: Middelskornet (1-3 mm) Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Ti-forekomst type(r)
Hovedtype: Magmatisk Ilm/Mt-forhold: 1 - 5
Subtype: Mt +/- Ilm +/- Ap i mafisk intrusjon %TiO(Malm):
Titan provins: Rogalands anothositt provins %P2O5(Malm):
Vertsbergart: Noritt %MgO(Ilm):
Hoved Ti mineral: Ilmenitt %V2O3(Mt):
ppm U (Rutil):
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Proterozoikum Periode: Neoproterosoikum
Provins: Sørnorske grunnfjellsprovins
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex: Egersundanortosittkomplekset
Gruppe: Bjerkreim Sokndal Intrusion Formasjon:

Relasjon Mineral Mengde
Gangmineral Pyroksen Hovedmineral (>10%)
Gangmineral Plagioklas Hovedmineral (>10%)
Gangmineral Biotitt Aksessorisk mineral (<1%)
Malmmineral Ilmenitt Hovedmineral (>10%)
Malmmineral Magnetitt Underordnet mineral (1-10%)
Malmmineral Apatitt Underordnet mineral (1-10%)

Relasjon Bergart Opprinnelse
Vertsbergart Gabbronoitt Intrusiv
Opprinnelig bergart :Gabbronoritt
Metamorf fase :Umetamorf

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Oxide- and apatite-rich modally layered gabbronorite in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion in the Rogaland Anorthosite Province. The stratigraphic sequence, to wich the Vasshus deposit belong, is conventionally denoted MCU3-e and may be followed along strike from Rappstad in the southern extension around the hinge of the Bjerkreim lobe to Ualand in the northeastern extension - a total distance of approximately 25 km - but is absent for about 8 km in the central part of the intrusion, due to extensive dyke emplacement (the Lomland Jotunitic Dyke). The thickness of the zone is variable, both stratigraphically and in exposure, decreasing from up to 300 m in the central most part to around 50 m on the flanks. Although the presence of a persistent melanocratic apatite- and oxide-enriched sequence has not been fully documented (partly due to lakes and sedimentary cover) in the MCU3e, melanocratic sequences are at least very frequent.
The northern flank is overall more melanocratic than the southern flank (see deposit Helleland), and extensive sampling has been performed at Terland N. and Teksevatnet-Timrevik. At Terland N. the MCU3e zone has a total stratigraphic thickness of 300 m. At Teksevatnet-Timrevik, 2.5 km further southeast, the thickness of MCU3e has been reduced to around 80 m. At the east end of Teksevatnet, our investigations were somewhat hampered by poor exposure, but a melanocratic gabbronorite was encountered in the top of MCU3e at Bjørnemoen. This isolated sample at Vasshus, 9-10 km south-east of the Teksevatnet-Timrevik profile further indicates that the zone is continuous. The sample at Vasshus represent the top of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Intrusion MCU3e unit, carrying apatite, ilmenite and magnetite. The area is extensively covered. Norm calculations from XRF whole rock analyses gives a total of 16.3 % ilmenite, 7.9 % magnetite and 8.1 % apatite.
Fri tekst
The deposit located at Vasshus is part of the same zone (MCU3-e) as the deposit descibed as Helleland, Terland N. and Teksevatnet-Timrevik (All three situated in Eigersund County). The sample at Vasshus represents the top of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Intrusion MCU III unit, carrying apatite, ilmenite and magnetite.
Schärer, U., E. Wilmart, et al. (1996). The short duration and anorogenic character of anorthosite magmatism: U-Pb dating of the Rogaland complex, Norway. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 139: 335-350. Egersund-Ogna: 929±2 Ma Helleren: 932±3 Ma Åna-Sira: 932±3 Ma Tellnes jotunite dyke: 931±5 Ma Tellnes ilmenite norite: 920±3 Ma Deformation of foliated margin in Egersund-Ogna: 915 Ma

Bilde(r) fra forekomstområdet:
Foto nr. 1 viser "Location of Vasshus"
Foto nr. 2 viser "Ollestad and Vasshus"

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Korneliussen, Are; McEnroe, Suzanne A.; Nilsson, Lars-Petter; Schiellerup, Henrik; Gautneb, Håvard; Meyer, Gurli B.; Størseth, Leif Roger , 2000
An overview of titanium deposits in Norway
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU Bulletin; No.436;27-38 sider
Titanium deposits in Norway are of three major types: igneous, metasomatic and metamorphic. The igneous deposits are compared of ilmenite, magnetite and apatite in various proportions and occur in geological provinces of different ages. and some have a metamorphic overprint. The other majord Ti ore-types is the rutile-bearing eclogites in western Norway that formed during the Caledonian high-pressure metamorphism of predominantly Proterozoic basic igneous rocks. The third Ti ore-Type is the Proterozoic rutile-bearing, scapolitised and albitised rocks in the Bamble region of South Norway.

Meyer, G.B.; Schiellerup, H.; Tegner, C. , 2002
Chemical characterisation of ilmenite, magnetite and apatite in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion, Rogaland, South Norway
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2002.042;25 sider
During 2001 cooperation was established between NGU and Norsk Hydro Agri in order to locate combined resources of apatite, ilmenite and vanadium magnetite in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered Intrusion in the Rogaland Anorthosite Province of aouth Norway. It had previously been recognized that a potential existed for finding coexisting apatite, low-Mg= ilmenite and vanadium-rich magnetite in the northern part (the Bjerkreim-lobe) of the layered intrusion. It had also become apparent that none of the minerals are present in amounts that can support exploitation of one mineral alone. Fieldwork was undertaken during July 2001 with the purpose of locating and constraining the most promising areas in terms of volume and grade of the three target minerals in the Bjerkreim-lobe. Three apatite-bearing and oxide-rich zones were singled out, sampled and preliminarily constrained. These zones are located with one area in mega-cyclic unit (MCU) IBe (Åsen-Bjerkreim), containing up to 41% of the three minerals, two areas in MCU IIIe (Helland and Terland respectively), with up to 34% of the three minerals, and in MCU IVe (Teksevatnet-Vasshus), with 32% ilmenite, magnetite and apatite. The fieldwork and subsequent whole-rock chemical analyses (XRF) were described and discussed by Schiellerup et al. (2001). In the apatite. and oxide-rich part of MCU IBe the MgO-content of ilmenite vary between 1.36 and 2.26% with an average of 1.8%. Stratigraphically dependant variation has not been resolved and the highest MgO contents in ilmenite tend to occur in the most mafic layers. In the two MCU III prospects at Helleland and Terland the MgO-content in ilmenite averages 2.2 and 2.5% respectively, whereas the Teksevatnet profile yield an average of 1.4% MgO in ilmenite. In the Teksevatnet profile the modal contrast between mafic and felsic layers is exceptional and the MgO-content of ilmenite is consi

Schiellerup, H.; Meyer, G.B.; Tegner, C.; Robins, B.; Korneliussen, A. , 2001
Resources of apatite, ilmenite and magnetite in the Bjerkreim Sokndal Layered Intrusion, Rogaland, South Norway
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2001.092;33 sider
The Rogaland Anorthosite Province in southwest Norway is well known for its many ilmenite deposits, of which Tellnes is at present the only one in product- ion In addition to ilmenite, the province carries a significant potential for apatite and vanadium-rich magnetite occurring in the layered series of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion. The current study was undertaken in order to locate exploitable resources of combined apatite, ilmenite and vanadian magnetite in the Bjerkreim-lobe of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal intrusion.

Navn på prøvepunkt: NH-56
(Objekt Id: 16106 9,06,01)

Fylke: Rogaland Kommune: Lund (1112)
Kart 1:50000: Ørsdalsvatnet (1312-3) Kart 1:250000: Mandal
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 346123 m. Nord: 6490991 m.
Lengdegrad: 6.3569860 Breddegrad: 58.5321900

Ressurstype: Jernmetaller (Fe, Mn, Ti) Ressursundertype: Jern-titan
Element(er): Fe Ti P

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
MCU 3e. Very melanocratic norite layer (phimaC), c. 10 cm. From section where melanocratic layers dominate over leucocratic layers. Located along the NE shore of Vasshusvika.

Faktaarket ble generert 25.04.2024

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