Norsk versjon
Occurence 4003 - 016 Teigen
(Object Id: 5619)
(Last updated: 28.06.2022)

County: Telemark Municipality: Skien (4003)
Map 1:50000: Nordagutu (1713-4) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 532477 m. North: 6577830 m.
Longitude: 9.5708960 Latitude: 59.3380120
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe
Raw material meaning: Not Assessed (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Operating method: Historical production:

Genesis: Form:
Main texture: Min. distribution:
Main grain size: Main alteration:
Strike/Dip: Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Period:
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Information(s) in free text format
Free text
I følge Larsen (1993) strekker en jacupurangitt-lignende gang seg omtrent fra Luksefjellveien og 800-1000 m mot sørøst. Sidebergarten er larvikitt. Det ble skjerpet av Fossum Jernverk i 1795. I dag ses de som to gjenraste og overgrodde skjæringer 30 m fra hverandre, begge er ca 7 m lange, 2 m brede og 2 m dype. Området ble dekket av VLF-målinger utført av Norsk Hydro i 1975. Hos Foslie (1925) er den notert som "529 Teigen (=Teigholt) grube Fe". Navnet om fra «Teigkollen» og flyttet fra EU89-UTM Zone 32 531768 9.55826 til 32 532496 6577803 23/6 2022 etter innspill fra C. Borchgrevink-Vigeland.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Larsen, Alf Olav , 1993
Gruver og skjerp i Skien.
;Forfatteren;BOK;72 s. pages

Foslie, Steinar , 1925
Syd-Norges gruber og malmforekomster.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.126;1-89 + ka pages
On the map accompanying this paper all the mines and ore deposits of Southern Norway are collected for the first time.The material has been gathered from printed and unprinted sources, communications from mining engineers and geologists, and through personal visits. Included are all mines and ore deposits of former, present and future importance. Among the 1407 deposits on the map, there are furthermore included all of doubtful value and many which are quite unworkable, but of geological interest, or those which mark the distribution of ore bearing formations. For this reason it has been necessary to mark the deposits with signs of different size. The object is only to facilitate a comprehensive view of the map, and is not an effort of economic classification, which for most of them would be quite impossible. The sizes refer to the presumed importance of the ore deposit, and has nothing to do with the extent of the mining operations. Mines and deposits out of work during the period 1913-1923 have been separately marked (see the legend), also deposits which were formerly of much greater importance than now. For the smallest mines and deposits no distinction has been made in these respects. Among them are represented partly those, which are in reality unworkable, partly those which are little investigated.

Name of Sample point: Teigen6
(Object Id: 39228 16,00,01)

County: Telemark Municipality: Skien (4003)
Map 1:50000: Nordagutu (1713-4) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 532195 m. North: 6577907 m.
Longitude: 9.5659510 Latitude: 59.3387250
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Teigen6 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter M. Ihlen
Comment: Dark grey magnetite-rich monzonite
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point: SILJ137036
(Object Id: 39229 16,00,02)

County: Telemark Municipality: Skien (4003)
Map 1:50000: Nordagutu (1713-4) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 532439 m. North: 6577800 m.
Longitude: 9.5702240 Latitude: 59.3377540
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
SILJ137036 Bedrock
Sampler: Nolwenn Coint
Comment: Fine-grained magnetite apatite-rich rock
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point: SILJ119419
(Object Id: 39230 16,00,03)

County: Telemark Municipality: Skien (4003)
Map 1:50000: Nordagutu (1713-4) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 532477 m. North: 6577830 m.
Longitude: 9.5708960 Latitude: 59.3380120
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
SILJ119419 Bedrock
Sampler: Nolwenn Coint
Comment: Fine-grained magnetite apatite-rich rock
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 4003 - 016 Teigen

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ba* Mo*
SILJ119419 Bedrock 21 718 -5 27 10 54 10.10
SILJ137036 Bedrock 57 612 53 25 113 17.60
Teigen6 Bedrock 35 180 -5 41 234 5860 5.30
Sample No. Sn* Ga* V* Cr* Th* U* W* Rb* Sr*
SILJ119419 16 32.20 427 32 11.60 3.50 1 -5.0 96.0
SILJ137036 11 24.50 273 35 28.30 8.00 3 23.6 98.0
Teigen6 2 12.50 239 580 7.90 2.60 1 145.0 1130.0
Sample No. Y* Zr* Nb* Ta* Cs* La* Ce* Pr* Nd*
SILJ119419 319.0 1750 216.00 9.90 -0.40 506.00 1090.00 123.00 508.00
SILJ137036 301.0 1590 339.00 16.10 1.60 595.00 1250.00 157.50 587.00
Teigen6 23.6 327 242.00 5.10 2.50 97.00 184.00 19.90 76.00
Sample No. Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy* Ho* Er* Tm* Yb*
SILJ119419 93.90 12.60 75.20 11.00 59.60 11.50 28.60 3.80 22.70
SILJ137036 102.00 10.10 80.50 10.80 59.60 11.40 29.90 4.00 24.90
Teigen6 12.80 3.60 8.90 1.20 5.50 0.90 2.20 0.30 1.70
Sample No. Lu* Be* F* Sc* Hf*
SILJ119419 3.40 2 1 61.00 37.40
SILJ137036 3.50 1 42.20 35.00
Teigen6 0.30 4 -0 24.60 7.90

Oxide analyses

( All values are in % )
Sample No. Sample Type SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
SILJ119419 Bedrock 18.10 1.82 9.84 47.50 0.96 5.02 11.20
SILJ137036 Bedrock 29.40 3.71 6.78 34.50 0.84 6.93 10.30
Teigen6 Bedrock 41.00 7.95 2.68 10.60 0.25 11.90 14.40
Sample No. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
SILJ119419 0.20 0.14 4.70 -0.77 99.00
SILJ137036 0.90 0.56 4.48 -0.33 98.00
Teigen6 0.94 4.04 1.00 3.35 98.00

The fact sheet was created on 26.04.2024

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