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Prospekt 3316 - 017 Skuterud Sørgruver
(Objekt Id: 5898)
(Sist oppdatert: 16.03.2020)
Tilhører provinsen: Modum Vest

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548320 m. Nord: 6648149 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8654780 Breddegrad: 59.9678750

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co Cu As
Råstoffbetydning: Ikke vurdert (reg. 09.02.2017)
Historisk: Ja , (Stadfestet 16.feb.2005 av Havard Gautneb)

Ressurser og produksjon
Aktivitet: Gruvedrift Reserver:
Driftsmetode: Dag- og underjordsdrift Historisk produksjon: 280 tusen tonn

Genese: Form:
Hovedtekstur: Min. fordeling:
Kornstørrelse: Hovedomvandling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

Opplysning(er) i fritekstformat
Fri tekst
The cobalt ores at Skuterud were found in 1772, and ordinary production started in 1776. First in large open pits, but from 1827 until the closure in 1898, mining was done underground. In the 1890s, ore reserves decreased rapidly, leading to the final shutdown of mining operation in 1898. On the basis of different old mining reports the total production is estimated to 1 Mt with 0.2 % Co. In addition to cobalt, the ores contain significant grades of copper (up to 1-2 %) and locally enrichment of gold (several ppm). The cobalt occurrences at Modum are related to sulphide-rich schist zones, so-called fahlbands. The most extensive sulphide-rich zone has a length of 12 km along strike, and is up to 100–200 m wide. The rock type hosting the sulphides may be characterized as a quartz-plagioclase-tourmaline-phlogopite-sulphide gneiss or schist. Graphite is locally common and its content may attain more than 5 % of the rock. The cobalt mineralisation is, to a large degree, characterised by impregnation of cobaltite (CoAsS), glaucodote ((Co,Fe)AsS), safflorite ((Co,Fe)As2) and skutterudite (CoAs3), which partly occur as enriched in quartz-rich zones and lenses. The cobalt-rich lenses are structurally controlled, following axes of folds and lineations in the area.

Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Grorud, Hans-Fredrik , 1997
Textural and compositional characteristics of cobalt ores from the Skuterud Mines of Modum, Norway
;Norsk geologisk forening;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; No.77 (1);31-38 sider
The metasedimentary rocks of the Modum Complex contain concordant, sulphide- rich zones, commonly referred to as 'fahlbands'. Two of these fahlbands contain cobalt minerals. Petrographic and microprobe analyses of the cobalt minerals have been performed on selected samples, to gain insight into the genesis and post-mineralization history of the cobalt minerals. It is suggested that these minerals precipitated from an oxidizing fluid, and that certain minerals in the uraninite.thorianite series precipitated simulataneously. The fahlband silicates, and later the cobalt minerals, were recrystallized during Sveco- norwegian penetrative deformation and thermal maximum (-1.2- -0.9Ga). Prolonged heating during this event eradicated any compositional zoning which may originally have been present. Neither textural nor mineral chemical analyses indicate whether the observed cobalt minerals are the result of a primary precipitation, or of remobilization.

Navn på lokalitet: Open pit
(Objekt Id: 32720 17,01,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548380 m. Nord: 6648105 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8665380 Breddegrad: 59.9674690

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Open pit
(Objekt Id: 32721 17,02,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548315 m. Nord: 6648003 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8653680 Breddegrad: 59.9665690

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Benneche stoll
(Objekt Id: 32722 17,03,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548433 m. Nord: 6647926 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8674630 Breddegrad: 59.9658640

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Muggerud skjerp
(Objekt Id: 32723 17,04,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548428 m. Nord: 6647816 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8673300 Breddegrad: 59.9648770

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Fortuna stoll
(Objekt Id: 32732 17,05,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548368 m. Nord: 6648290 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8663670 Breddegrad: 59.9691400

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Fortuna gruver
(Objekt Id: 32734 17,06,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548314 m. Nord: 6648360 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8654160 Breddegrad: 59.9697660

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Navn på lokalitet: Henriette gruver
(Objekt Id: 32735 17,07,00)

Fylke: Buskerud Kommune: Modum (3316)
Kart 1:50000: Hokksund (1714-1) Kart 1:250000: Skien
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 32
Øst: 548271 m. Nord: 6648467 m.
Lengdegrad: 9.8646710 Breddegrad: 59.9707320

Ressurstype: Jernlegeringsmetaller (Cr,Ni,Co,V,Mo,W) Ressursundertype: Kobolt
Element(er): Co As

Faktaarket ble generert 18.04.2024

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