Norsk versjon
Occurence 3314 - 036 Tråsåbekk
(Object Id: 6007)
(Last updated: 18.03.2020)

County: Buskerud Municipality: Øvre Eiker (3314)
Map 1:50000: Kongsberg (1714-2) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 543056 m. North: 6622026 m.
Longitude: 9.7657920 Latitude: 59.7339060
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Resource Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Resource Subtype: Lead
Element(s): Pb
Raw material meaning: Not Assessed (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Operating method: Historical production:

Era: Paleozoic Period: Permian
Genesis: Hydrothermal vein Form: Irregular
Main texture: Vein network Min. distribution: Irregular (scattered)
Main grain size: Medium grained (1-3 mm) Main alteration:
Strike/Dip: 175 / 40 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Proterozoic Period: Mesoproterozoic
Province: South Norwegian Basement Province
Geotec.unit: Kongsberg Complex
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Galena Subordinate mineral (1-10%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Host rock Quartzitic rock Sedimentary
Original rock :Quartz sandstone
Metamorphic facies :Amphibolite

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Et lite skjerp med opptil 3 m høye vegger, ligger mellom skogsbilveien og bekken. Flere subparallelle kvartsganger og -årer med orientering omkring 175°/40° finnes langs skifrigheten i vertsbergarten som er kraftig forvitra. Denne sona er ca. 2 m mektig og har delvis et breksjert utseende. Pyritt og få korn av blyglans finnes disseminert i kvartsårene.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
BU0200.01 Bedrock
Sampler: J.S. Sandstad/...Stored: L›kken/...Size(kg): 2
Comment: Pyritt+blyglans disseminasjon/aggregater i hvit kvarts
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Locality: Klarefoss
(Object Id: 37160 36,01,00)

County: Buskerud Municipality: Øvre Eiker (3314)
Map 1:50000: Kongsberg (1714-2) Map 1:250000: Skien
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 543447 m. North: 6621796 m.
Longitude: 9.7727150 Latitude: 59.7318000
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Resource Type: Base metals (Cu,Zn,Pb,Fe sulphides, As,Sb,Bi,Sn) Resource Subtype: Lead
Element(s): Pb
Resources and production
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Operating method: Historical production:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Host rock Quartzitic rock Sedimentary
Original rock :Quartz sandstone
Metamorphic facies :Amphibolite

Information(s) in free text format
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Skjerpet består av en kort stollinnhugg (< 1 m) i en svært finkornet kvartsittisk bergart med kvartsårer og svak disseminasjon av pyritt, på sørsida av et Ø-V orientert søkk. Kvartsårene er omkring 1 cm brede. På nordsida av søkket finnes en middelskornet, udeformert meatgabbro.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
BU0200.02 Bedrock
Sampler: J.S. Sandstad/...Stored: L›kken/...Size(kg): 2
Comment: Pyritt disseminasjon og stikk i gr†gr›nn, fin-middelskornet bergart
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 3314 - 036 Tråsåbekk

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
BU0200.01 Bedrock 159 573 312 17 8 6.7 165.0
BU0200.02 Bedrock 16 120 12 14 16 .2 7.0
Sample No. Pt# Pd# As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb* Bi*
BU0200.01 -5.0 -1.0 399 1.9 10 1.13 0 6 1
BU0200.02 -5.0 -1.0 66 .1 30 0.66 0 1 0
Sample No. Se* Ga* Ge* In* S% V* Cr* Mn* Fe%
BU0200.01 2.40 0.70 0.10 0.06 3.78 1 4 160 4.56
BU0200.02 0.40 11.30 0.05 0.02 .86 72 30 572 5.45
Sample No. Th* U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Ta*
BU0200.01 -0.20 -0.05 0 0.5 1.1 4.8 -1 0.22 -0.01
BU0200.02 0.30 0.49 0 9.7 8.4 9.6 1 -0.05 -0.01
Sample No. Cs* La* Ce* B* Li* Be* Na* Mg* Al*
BU0200.01 -0.05 33.80 79.40 -10 1 -0 -0 0 0
BU0200.02 0.56 3.10 9.54 -10 20 0 0 1 2
Sample No. P* K * Ca* Sc* Ti* Te* Hf* Re* Hg*
BU0200.01 40 0 0 0.20 -0 0.19 -0.02 -0 0
BU0200.02 3430 0 1 7.10 0 0.06 0.05 -0 0
Sample No. Tl*
BU0200.01 -0
BU0200.02 0

The fact sheet was created on 23.04.2024

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