Norsk versjon
Occurence 0 - 000 FEIL
(Object Id: )
(Last updated: 01.03.2005)

County: Municipality: Mangler ()
Map 1:50000: Eidsvoll (1915-1) Map 1:250000: Hamar
Coordinate system: UTM-Zone 33 - EUREF89/WGS84
East: 626140 m. North: 6693879 m.
Longitude: 11.2867910 Latitude: 60.3616700
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Resource Type: Precious metals (Au,Ag,PGE) Resource Subtype: Gold
Element(s): Au Cu Pb
Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Mining Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

Era: Proterozoic Period: Neoproterozoic
Dating: 776 (-8\+8) million year Method: K/Ar
Genesis: Hydrothermal vein Form: Plate
Main texture: Fracture filling Min. distribution: Irregular (scattered)
Main grain size: Medium grained (1-3 mm) Main alteration: Sericitisation
Strike/Dip: 276 / 75 Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Proterozoic Period: Paleoproterozoic
Province: East Norwegian Basement Province
Geotec.unit: Romerike Complex
Tectonic complex: Mylonite Zone
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Calcite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Gangue mineral Sericite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Pyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Chalcopyrite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Gold Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Galena Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Sphalerite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Hematite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Magnetite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Bornite Accessory mineral (<1%)
Ore mineral Pyrrhotite Accessory mineral (<1%)

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Host rock Joints/Fractures Strike/Dip :266 / 80 Syn-mineralisation ;...Effect :Controls
Host rock Joints/Fractures Strike/Dip :293 / 70 Syn-mineralisation ;...Effect :Controls
Host rock Foliation Strike/Dip :317 / 60 Pre-mineralisation ;...Effect :None
Host rock Foliation Strike/Dip :344 / 45 Pre-mineralisation ;...Effect :None

Information(s) in free text format
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The mine is situated at the top of the steep western hill side immediately north of Steinbekk farm east of Vorma river. The mine was worked along a meter wide quartz vein cutting reddish and greyish coarse-grained migmatitic biotite gneisses of the Paleoproterozoic Romerike Gneiss Complex. The main vein which can be followed over a distance of 260 m, is only sulphide-bearing in its western and eastern part. Mining in its western part occurred in a now 42 m long, 15-20 m deep and 3-5 m wide open pit which at the bottom is connected with an adit starting at the bottom of the steep hillside towards the west, where the vein pinches out. The pit is not accessible, since the adit is closed by a dam, representing a water reservoir for the local people. Mining started originally in the Old Sander mine representing a deep, now water-filled, shaft that was sunk on a sulphide-bearing segment of the vein about 200 m east of the open pit. Between these two mining sites trenches has been dug through the overburden along the vein, but no ore has apparently been found. The vein is developed along a system of steep northerly dipping fractures with strike direction between N85E and N110E. Immidiately east of the shaft the strike direction of the vein shifts to southeasterly, i.e. N150-160E or roughly parallel to the foliation of the gneisses. The 0,5-1,5 m wide quartz vein consists of massiv milky quartz that locally shows comb and cockade structure with crystal interstices partly filled with calcite and/or pyrite-chalcopyrite aggregates. It is enveloped by a 0,5 m wide zone of altered wall rocks that includes variable intensity of silicification, quartz-sericite- and chlorite-alteration, as well as carbonatisation. The ore mineralisation is mainly developed along the margin of the vein in the silicified and sericite-altered gneisses which carry erratic concentrations of disseminated pyrite and quartz-sulphide veins with pyrite, chalcopyrite and sub-ordinate galena. Microscopic examinations reveal the presence of carrolite, native gold and hematite as additional constituents. Native gold occurs as tiny droplets along microfractures in pyrite and as intergrowth with chalcopyrite and galena which replace pyrite along microfractures. The gold contents of the sulphide ores reach a maximum of 2,9 g/t. The eastern vein sub-concordant with the gneiss foliation is totally devoid of sulphides and associated wall-rock alteration.

Name of Locality: Hoel gruve
(Object Id: 15838 2,01,00)

County: Municipality: Mangler ()
Map 1:50000: Eidsvoll (1915-1) Map 1:250000: Hamar
Coordinate system: UTM-Zone 33 - EUREF89/WGS84
East: 626225 m. North: 6693872 m.
Longitude: 11.2883260 Latitude: 60.3615810
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Resource Type: Precious metals (Au,Ag,PGE) Resource Subtype: Gold
Element(s): Au Fe-sulphides Cu
Resources and production
Activity: Mining Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Host rock Hydrothermal vein Strike/Dip :270 / 80

Name of Locality: Steinbekken skjerp
(Object Id: 15839 2,02,00)

County: Municipality: Mangler ()
Map 1:50000: Eidsvoll (1915-1) Map 1:250000: Hamar
Coordinate system: UTM-Zone 33 - EUREF89/WGS84
East: 626242 m. North: 6693832 m.
Longitude: 11.2886090 Latitude: 60.3612170
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Resource Type: Precious metals (Au,Ag,PGE) Resource Subtype: Gold
Element(s): Au Fe-sulphides
Resources and production
Activity: Test mining Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Host rock Hydrothermal vein Strike/Dip :322 / 70

Name of Locality: Sanderhaugen stoll
(Object Id: 15841 2,03,00)

County: Municipality: Mangler ()
Map 1:50000: Eidsvoll (1915-1) Map 1:250000: Hamar
Coordinate system: UTM-Zone 33 - EUREF89/WGS84
East: 625971 m. North: 6693865 m.
Longitude: 11.2837210 Latitude: 60.3615970
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Resource Type: Precious metals (Au,Ag,PGE) Resource Subtype: Gold
Element(s): Fe-sulphides Cu
Resources and production
Activity: Test mining Reserves:
Operating method: Underground mining Historical production:

The fact sheet was created on 25.04.2024

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