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Registrering 5530 - 302 Steinfjord
(Objekt Id: 7180)
(Sist oppdatert: 30.08.2016)

Fylke: Troms Kommune: Senja (5530)
Kart 1:50000: Gryllefjord (1333-1) Kart 1:250000: Tromsø
Koordinatsystem: EU89-UTM Zone 34 (Koordinatene IKKE bekreftet)
Øst: 357592 m. Nord: 7709998 m.
Lengdegrad: 17.3611740 Breddegrad: 69.4609550

Ressurstype: Grafitt Ressursundertype: Grafitt

Råstoffbetydning: Ikke vurdert (reg. 18.02.2015)

Genese: Form:
Hovedtekstur: Min. fordeling:
Strøk/Fall: Retning:
Stratigrafisk klassifikasjon av vertsbergart
Æra: Periode:
Tektonisk complex:
Intrusivt komplex:
Gruppe: Formasjon:

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Fra NGU's Referansearkiv.:
Rodionov, Alexei: Ofstad, Frode; Stampolidis, Alexandros; Tassis, Georgios , 2014
Helicopter-borne magnetic, electromagnetic and radiometric survey at Northern Senja in 2012, 2013 and 2014, Troms County
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;RAPPORT;NGU-rapport; No.2014.039;32 sider
As a part of the MINN project, NGU conducted an airborne geophysical survey at Senja in July-August 2012 and August 2013 (Rodionov et al. 2013). For special reasons, a small area were not measured until September 2014. This report describes and documents the acquisition, processing and visualization of all recorded datasets from Senja. The geophysical survey results reported herein are 5620 line km, covering an area of 1124 km2. The NGU modified Geotech Ltd. Hummingbird frequency domain system supplemented by optically pumped Cesium magnetometer and 1024 channels RSX-5 spectrometer was used for data acquisition. The main part of the survey was flown with 200 m line spacing and lines were oriented at a 55° azimuth in UTM zone 33 W coordinates. The northern part of the survey area was flown with 200 m line spacing and line orientation at 145° due to the extreme rugged terrain. The area around the Skaland and the Trælen graphite mines was flown with 100 m line spacing and line oriented at 125°-160° azimuth.

Faktaarket ble generert 26.04.2024

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