Norsk versjon
Occurence 1111 - 302 Dydland
(Object Id: 7970)
(Last updated: 16.08.2016)

County: Rogaland Municipality: Sokndal (1111)
Map 1:50000: Sokndal (1311-4) Map 1:250000: Mandal
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 344795 m. North: 6465376 m.
Longitude: 6.3515360 Latitude: 58.3019150
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Resource Type: Other industrial minerals Resource Subtype: Kaolin

Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Test mining Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

Genesis: Form:
Main texture: Min. distribution:
Main grain size:
Strike/Dip: Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Period:
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Information(s) in free text format
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Langs hengsiden av en meget porfyrittisk diabasgang er anorthosittbergarten meget kaolinisert. Det har på dette sted vært et lite uttak av kaolin. Kaolinet er imidlertid ganske ureint, og har stort innhold av faste partikler av feltspat. I dag er det ikke noe kaolin tilbake, og forekomsten sees kun ut fra opptreden av en lys forvitringsjord. Forekomsten er tolket til å være en hydrotermalt dannet kaolinisering der den hydrotermale omvandling har vært konsentert i tilknytning til diabasgangene. Selve hoveduttaket er gjort fra en grop som er 20 meter lang og 5 meter bred og har sin største dybde på 3 meter. Det har også vært uttak på 3 andre steder i nærheten. I dag må forekomsten bare anses som en geologisk kurositet.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Reusch, Hans , 1901
En forekomst af kaolin og ildfast ler ved Dydland nær Flekkefjord
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.32;99-103 pages
Forkortet: The lower part of the Sire river in Southwestern Norway has the appearance of a fjord 4 km long. Not far from it is Jøsingfjord only 2 km long. The peninsula between these two fjords is as a whole rather low and consist of an almost endless number of small rounded knolls. The rock is norite. The farms are humble and the distances between them are long, woods do not occur. Across the peninsula from SE to NW there is a small valley. The breadth may be estimated at about 70 m and the height of the sides at about 30 m. The kao- lin occurs in the bottom of this valley. At some places the prevalent rock in it is a dyke of diabase, as shown in the diagram on p.100, where L signifies norite, D a dyke of diabase 5 m wide and II the kaolin. The kaolin occurs here in vein-like parts along the borders of the diabase and in the norite. The principal mass of the kaolin is found in the NW division of the said valley. No diabase has hitherto been found there but the bottom of the valley seems to consist of kaolin in its whole breadth. The two pictures nethermost on pp.100 and 101 are from here. At the places marked 1,2,3,4 diggings have been made. The rising ground behind the houses in the next drawing consists of kaolin. The section on p.101 is from the trench 2.

Vrålstad, T. , 1975
Rapport fra befaring av Dydland kaolinforekomst, Soknedal, 9-10/10 1975
;Norsk Hydro / NGU;RAPPORT;NH-arkivet; No.NH 232A;6+vedlegg pages
Kopi i perm NH 37 og NH 181

The fact sheet was created on 29.04.2024

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