Norsk versjon
Occurence 4014 - 331 Risøy
(Object Id: 8425)
(Last updated: 30.01.2008)

County: Telemark Municipality: Kragerø (4014)
Map 1:50000: Kragerø (1712-4) Map 1:250000: Arendal
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32
East: 530559 m. North: 6530791 m.
Longitude: 9.5306210 Latitude: 58.9157500
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Resource Type: Feldspar Resource Subtype: Pegmatitic feldspar

Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Mining Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

From - To Activity Comments
1892 - 1927 Regular production Company/Institution :Lunøe

Genesis: Form:
Main texture: Min. distribution:
Main grain size:
Strike/Dip: Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Period:
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Mineral Amount
Potassic feldspar

Information(s) in free text format
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I følge M. Rugtvedt: På østre odde av Risøy er det et brudd med natronrik feltspat. Her har det vært et betydelig brudd for utvinning av natronfeltspat. Så tidlig som i 1892 hadde Johan Lunøe fra Kragerø fått kontrakt på feltspatforekomstene her, og de kom til å bli utnyttet av sønnen Samuel i årene som følger. Det finnes også en dolomittforekomst her. Transporten har foregått fra kai ved bruddet. I følge O. Andersen Pegmatittens hovedmineral er en temmelig ren natronfeltspat som holder små mengder kalkfeltspat og litt kalifeltspat.Det er også betydelige mengder kvarts og en del alminnelig kali-natronfeltspat.Bruddet ble drevet frem til slutten av 1920-årene.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Andersen, Olaf , 1926
Feltspat I. Feltspatmineralenes egenskaper, forekomst og praktiske utnyttelse med særlig henblikk på den norske feltspatindustri.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.128A;1-142 pages
The present publication is a description, in non-technical language, of the properties, geological mode of occurrences, exploitation, and uses of feldspar with special reference to the Norwegian feldspar industry. Systematic descriptions of commercial deposits are reserved for a future publication to be issued as no. 128b of the present series. Chapter 1 contains a general description of the mineralogical, chemical, and physical properties of the various species of the feldspar group. - Table I gives the theoretical chemical composition of mixture of potash feldspar and soda feldspar for intervals of 10 pct. by weight. - Table 2 gives the corresponding figures for mixtures of soda feldspar and lime feldspar. - Table 3 contains a few examples of chemical analyses of feldspar from Norwegian occurrences. The analyses, of which No.s 1-5 are new, represent selected, "pure" feldspar. No.s 1, 2 and 3 are commercial "potash feldspars" from granite pegmatites, No. 4 a soda-potash feldspar from syenite pegmatite, and No. 5 a soda feldspar of commercial quality from a pyroxene bearing granite pegmatite. No.s 6 and 7 are old analyses respectively of oligoclase from granite pegmatite and labradorite from anorthosite. - Table 4 contains multiplication factors for the recalculation of feldspar analyses.

Andersen, Olaf , 1931
Feltspat II. Forekomster i fylkene Buskerud og Telemark, i flere herreder i Aust-Agder og i Hidra i Vest-Agder.
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;TIDSSKRIFTARTIKKEL;NGU; No.128B;1-109 pages
Summary s. 151. Feldspar deposits in Southern Norway. (Feltspat II by Olaf Andersen and Feltspat III by Tom F.W. Barth) A few years ago one of the writers published a general outline of the properties, mode of occurrence, exploitation and uses of feldspar with special reference to the Norwegian feldspar industry (Olaf Anderesn, Feltspat I, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Nr. 128A, 1926). To that publication the reader is referred for general in- formation regarding the feldspar industry of Norway. In the present publi- cation brief descriptions are given of 262 individual feldspar deoposits, all situated in the part of Southern Norway that extends, generally in a rather narrow zone, along the coast westward from the neighbourhood of Kragerø to the island Hidra near Flekkefjord. The deposita described lie in the counties Buskerud, Telemark, Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder, and are distributed over a large number of local districts (herreder). The most important districts at present are those in the neighbourhood of Kragerø ((Bamble, Skåtøy and Sannidal), those along the coast between Risør and Arendal (especially Søndeled, Holt and Froland), and the two districts north of Kristiansand (Iveland and Evje). Each description contains information about the dimensions and general attitude of the pagmatite body and the feldspar.

The fact sheet was created on 26.04.2024

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