Databasen (Genino) inneholder navn på geologiske enheter
og strukturer som er publisert i kart og vitenskaplige artikler.
Database for geologiske enheter

Enhetskategori : Tektonostratigrafisk enhet

Enhetens navn
Navn : Jotun Enhetstype : dekke Status : Uformell

Gjeldende skrivemåte
Norsk : Jotundekket
Engelsk : Jotun nappe

Andre, ikke foretrukne navn : Jotunheimdekket, Jotunheimsdekket, Jotunheimen nappe, Jotunheimen thrust sheet, Jotunheimskyveflaket, Jotun thrust sheet

Gjeldende definisjon og beskrivelse av enheten
Milnes, A. G.; Koestler, A. G. 1985: Geological structure of Jotunheimen, southern Norway (Sognefjell-Valdres cross-section).,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. Edited by D.G. Gee and B.A. Sturt, 457-474

Stedsnavnledd felles med andre enheter
Enhet Norsk skrivemåte Engelsk skrivemåte Status
Jotunheimdepresjon Jotunheimsdepresjonen Jotunheimen depression Uformel
Jotunheimsynklinal Jotunheimsynklinalen Jotunheim syncline Uformel

Geografisk beliggenhet
Område/Land : Norges fastland
1 : 250000 kartblad : Lillehammer; Årdal; Odda
1 : 50000 kartblad : Sikkilsdalen (1617-1); Slidre (1617-2); Vangsmjøsi (1617-3); Gjende (1617-4); Tyin (1517-1); Øye (1517-2); Borgund (1517-3); Hurrungane (1517-4); Lustrafjorden (1417-1); Lærdalsøyri (1417-2); Kaupanger (1417-3); Solvorn (1417-4); Galdhøpiggen (1518-2); Sygnefjell (1518-3); Vågå (1618-1); Sjodalen (1618-2); Glittertinden (1618-3); Lom (1618-4)

Typelokalitet : Bygdin, Sjodalen, Bøverdalen - Turtagrø ; Kommune : Vang (Oppland) (0545) ; Fylke : Oppland (05)
Punktmarkering : UTM-Zone 32 - EUREF89/WGS84........... X-koord: 484200 m..... Y-koord: 6796300 m.
Grader min.sek. Ø : 8 42 18 .....Grader min.sek. N : 61 18 1 ....Nøyaktighet : 200 m.

Regionalgeologisk plassering
Geologisk region : Sør-Norge nord Avgrensning : Dekkeområdet (overveiende undre og midtre dekkeserie) med grunnfjellsvinduer. Grense i vest og nord langs en linje Framfjord - Lom - Alvdal - Brekken - Teveldalen (dvs. i vest mot "gneiskomplekset", lenger øst mot øvre dekkeserie).
Tektonisk hovedinnd.: Midtre dekkeserie
Tektonisk enhet : Jotun

Metamorfose : svekonorvegisk, regional, høygrad Tykkelse : > 6000 m
Hovedlitologi : Jotunheimskomplekset
Beskrivelse : Enheten danner et mer eller mindre sammenhengende kompleks av skjøvne proterozoiske metamorfe og dypbergarter. Kaledonsk påvirkning begrenset til lavgradskjær-/-mylonittsoner og retrogradering. Enhetens utstrekning mot sørvest er uklart. Karakteristiske granulittfasiesbergarter (charnockitter - jotunitter) mangler vidtgående sør for Fillefjell. Enhetsinterne mylonittsoner som skiller områder med forskjellige bergartsassosiasjoner kan være av både svekonorvegisk og kaledonsk alder.

Eon/æra : Paleozoikum Tid : ordovicium-silur
Hva slags alder : Overskyvning Utfyllende oppl.: flak-/dekkedannelse

Type relasjon : Hva slags relasjon/Eventuell reg.kommentar Navn på enhet
Naboforhold : Overliggende enhet av samme rang
Kommentar : Om naboforhold :Sjo- / Essandsjødekket
Naboforhold : Overliggende enhet av annen rang/kategori
Kommentar : Om naboforhold :(Trondheimsdekkekomplekset)
Naboforhold : Underliggende enhet av samme rang
Kommentar : Om naboforhold :Valdresdekkene (skyveflakene)
Overordnet enhet : Overordnet enhet av samme kategori Jotun - Valdresdekkekompleks
Korrelasjon : Korrelerende enhet
Kommentar : Om korrelasjon :Hardangervidda - Ryfylkedekkekomplekset; Risbergdekket i Oppdal.

Annen litteratur der Jotundekket er omtalt
Holtedahl, Olaf 1960: Stratigraphy of the Sparagmite Group, including "the sandstone divisi- ons of Finnmark".,NGU 208, 111-127

Strand, Trygve 1960: The pre-Devonian rocks and structures in the region of Caledonian deformation.,NGU 208, 170-284

Grønhaug, Arne 1962: Some notes on a compiled gravimetric map of Southern Scandinavia.,NGU 215, 22-29

Skjeseth, Steinar 1963: Contributions to the geology of the Mjøsa districts and the classical sparagmite area in Southern Norway.,NGU 220, 1-126

Strand, Trygve 1964: Geology and structure of the Prestberget area.,NGU 228, 289-310

Bjørlykke, Knut 1965: The Eocambrian stratigraphy of the Bjørånes window and the thrusting of the Kvitvola nappe.,NGU 234, 5-14

Smithson, Scott B. 1965: Preliminary report on gravity measurements over the Jotun nappes. Abstract.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; Det VI. Nordiske Geologiske Vintermøte i Trondheim (Januar 1964) 45 (1), 158-159

Strand, T. 1965: Ottadekket og Valdresgruppens sedimenter i området Bøverdalen-Leirdalen, nordre Gudbrandsdalen (foredrag), NGT, Vol. 45, 160.

Bjørlykke, Knut 1965: The Middle Ordovician of the Oslo Region, Norway. 20. The geochemistry and mineralogy of some shales from the Oslo Region.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 45 (4), 435-456

Bryhni, Inge 1966: Reconnaissance studies of gneisses, ultrabasites, eclogites and anorthosites in Outer Nordfjord, Western Norway.,NGU 241, 1-68

Nickelsen, Richard P. 1967: The structure of Mellene and Heggberg, Valdres., NGU Publ. nr. 243 C s.99-121

Wolff, Fredrik Chr. 1967: Geology of the Meråker area as a key to the eastern part of the Trondheim region.,NGU 245, 123-146 +

Hossack, John R. 1967: Structural history of the Bygdin area, Oppland.,NGU 247, 78-107

Banham, P.H. 1968: The basal gneisses and basement contact of the Hestbrepiggen area, North Jotunheimen, Norway.,NGU 252, 1-77

Ramberg, Ivar B.; Englund, Jens-Olaf 1968: The source rock of the Biskopås Conglomerate at Fåvang, and the western margin of the sedimentation basin of the Brøttum Formation at Fåvang-Vinstra, southern Norway. (Studies on the latest precambrian and eocambrian rocks of Norway no. 10.),NGU 258, 302-324

Skjerlie, Finn J. 1968: The Pre-Devonian rocks in the Askvoll-Gaular area and adjacent districts, Western Norway.,NGU 258, 325-359

Englund, Jens-Olaf 1969: Nyere undersøkelser i sentrale og nordlige deler av sparagmitt-bassenget, II Geologien i Gudbrandsdalen fra Lillehammer til Vinstra,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 49 (3), 319-322

Hossack, J.R. 1972: The geological history of the Grønsennknipa Nappe, Valdres.,NGU 281, 1-26

Strand, T. & Kulling, O. 1972: Part I The Norwegian Caledonides, Scandinavian caledonides, red. de Sitter, Wiley - Interscience

Englund, Jens-Olaf 1973: Stratigraphy and structure of the Ringebu - Vinstra district, Gudbrandsdalen; with a short analysis of the western part of the sparagmite region.,NGU 293, 1-58 + ka

Murthy, S.R.N. 1973: Petrochemistry and origin of the Raudhamaren Ultramafites, Jotunheimen.,NGU 300, 41-52

Carswell, Dennis Anthony 1973: The age and status of the basal geniss complex of north-west southern Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 53 (1), 65-78

Sindre, Eyvind 1974: Ice movement in the Vossestrand-Vikafjell area, Western Norway.,NGU 311, 25-34

Nickelsen, Richard P. 1974: Geology of the Røssjøkollan-Dokkvatn area, Oppland.,NGU 314, 53-99

Andresen, Arild; Heier, Knut S.; Jorde, Knut; Naterstad, Johan 1974: A preliminary Rb/Sr geochronological study of the Hardangervidda-Ryfylke nappe system in the Røldal area, south Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 54 (1), 35-47

Ramberg, Ivar B. 1976: Gravity interpretation of the Oslo Graben and associated igneous rocks.,NGU 325, 1-194 +kar

Hossack, John R. 1976: Geology and structure of the Beito Window, Valdres.,NGU 327, 1-33

Bjørlykke, Knut; Elvsborg, Arvid; Høy, Tore 1976: Late precambrian sedimentation in the central sparagmite basin of south Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 56 (3), 233-290

Færseth, Roald B.; Thon, A.; Larsen, S.G.; Sivertsen, A.; Elvestad, L. 1977: Geology of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the Samnanger-Osterøy area, Major Bergen Arc, Western Norway.,NGU 334, 19-58

Fareth, Eigill 1977: Petrography and structure of the Aurlandsdalen area, Western Norway - a portion of the Caledonian margin.,NGU 334, 59-81 + k

Bryhni, I. m.fl. 1978: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Leikanger 1317 2

Solli, Arne; Naterstad, Johan; Andresen, Arild 1978: Structural succession in a part of the outer Hardangerfjord area, West Norway.,NGU 343, 39-51

Hossack, J. R. 1978: The corrections of stratigraphic sections for tectonic finite strain in the Bygdin area, Norway, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 135 Part 2, pp 229-241

By Guezou, J. C. with reply by Hossack, J. R. 1978: Discussions on the correction of stratigraphic sections for tectonic finite strain in the Bygdin area, Norway, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 135 Part 6, pp 653-655

Bjørlykke, K. 1978: The eastern Marginal zone of tge Caledonide orogeny in Norway, Geological survey of Canada Paper 78-13 49-55

Abdel-Monem, Abdala A.; Bryhni, Inge 1978: A Rb/Sr date from anorthosite-suite rocks of the Gloppen-Eikefjord area, western Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 58 (3), 229-232

Skjerlie, Finn J.; Pringle, Ian R. 1978: A Rb/Sr whole-rock isochron date from the lowermost gneiss complex of the Gaular area, west Norway and its regional implicatios.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 58 (4), 259-265

Roberts, John L. 1978: Basement gneisses mapped as Valdres Sparagmite near Hermansverk, in Sogn, west Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 58 (4), 267-272

Bryhni, I. 1979: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Kaupanger 1417 3

Gibbs, A. D.; Banham, P. H. 1979: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Sygnefjell 1518 3

Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Naterstad, Johan; Råheim, Arne 1979: A Rb-Sr study of a possible Precambrian thrust zone, Hardangervidda-Ryfylke Nappe Complex, southwest Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 59 (3), 253-263

Gabrielsen, Roy H. 1980: The Precambrian Dyrskard Group of the Hardangervidda-Ryfylke Nappe Complex, Haukelisæter-Røldal area, southwestern Norway.,NGU 355, 1-20

Oftedahl, Christoffer 1980: Geology of Norway.,NGU 356, 3-114

Reinsbakken, Arne 1980: Geology of the Skorovass Mine, a volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit in the Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU 360, 123-154

Roerll, Unni Havem 1980: Foreign dissertations on Norwegian geology., NGU Publ. vol.361

Roberts, D.; Sturt, B. A. 1980: Caledonian deformation in Norway,Journal 137, 241-250

Bryhni, I.; Brastad, K. 1980: Caledonian regional metamorphism in Norway.,Journal 137, 251-259

Nystuen, Johan Petter 1980: Stratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic Engerdalen group, Kvitvola Nappe southeastern Scandinavian Caledonides,Förhandlingar (GFF) 102 (4), 551-560

Henry, A. 1981: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Solvorn 1417 4

Qvale, H. 1981: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Ulvik 1316 2

Lutro, O. 1981: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Borgund 1517 3

Nystuen, Johan P. 1981: The Late Precambrian Sparagmites of southern Norway: A major Caledonian Allochton - The Osen-Røa Nappe Complex., American Journal of Science, Vol.281, pp 69-94

Bruton, David L.; Harper, David A.T. 1981: Brachiopods and trilobites of the early Ordovician serpentine Otta Conglomerate, south central Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 61 (2), 153-181

Nystuen, Johan Petter 1982: Late Proterozoic basin evolution on the Baltoscandian craton: the Hedmark Groups, Southern Norway.,NGU 375, 1 - 74

Hossack, J.; Garton, M. 1982: A discussion of the Torfinnsbu Window, Jotunheimen.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 62 (1), 67-68

Koestler, Andreas G. 1982: A Precambrian age for the Ofredal granodiorite intrusion, Central Jotun Nappe, Sogn, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 62 (3), 225-228

Emmett, Trevor F. 1982: A reply to "A discussion on the Torfinnsbu Window, Jotunheimen".,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 62 (1), 69-70

Bjørlykke, Knut 1983: Subsidence and tectonics in Late Precambrian and Palaeozoic sedimentary basins of southern Norway.,NGU 380, 159-172

Carlson, Are Birger; Sollid, Johan Ludvig 1983: Fullsenn. Beskrivelse til kvartærgeologisk kart 1717 III - M 1:50 000 (med fargetrykt kart).,NGU; Skrifter 390; 45, 1-35 + ka

Bergh, Steffen G.; Andresen, Arild 1985: Tectonometamorphic evolution of the allochthonous caledonian rocks between Malangen and Balsfjord, Troms, North norway,NGU Bulletin 401, 1-34

Olsen, Lars 1985: Weichselian till stratigraphy in the Lillehammer area, southeast Norway,NGU Bulletin 401, 59-81

Roberts, D.; Gee, D. G. 1985: An introduction to the structure of the Skandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 55-68

Bockelie, J. F.; Nystuen, J. P. 1985: The southeastern part of the Scandinavian Caledonides, The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 69-88

Dyrelius, D. 1985: A geophysical perspective of the Scandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 185-196

Kumpulainen, R.; Nystuen, J. P. 1985: Late Proterozoic basin evolution and sedimentation in the westernmost part of Baltoscandia, The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 213-232

Nickelsen, R. P. et al. 1985: Late Precambrian to Ordovician stratigraphy and correlation in the Valdres and Synnfjell Thrust sheets of the Valdres area, southern Norwegian Caledonides. With some comments on sedimentation., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 369-378

Griffin, W.L.; Austrheim, H.; Brastad, K.; Bryhni, I.; Krill, A.G.; Krogh, E.J.; Mørk, M.B.E.; Qvale, H.; Tørudbakken, B. 1985: High-pressure metamorphism in the Scandinavian Caledonides.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. Edited by D.G. Gee and B.A. Sturt, 783-801

Carswell, D. A.; Harvey, M. A. 1985: The intrusive history and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Basal Gneiss Complex in the Moldefjord area, west Norway., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 843-857

Stephens, M. B.; Gee, D. G. 1985: A tectonic model for the evolution of the eugeoclinal terranes in the central Scandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 953-978

Peulvast, J.-P. 1985: Post-orogenic morphotectonic evolution of the Scandinavian Caledonides during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 979-995

Twist, David 1985: The structural history of the northwestern margin of the Jotunheimen Massif.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 65 (3), 151-165

Brekke, Harald; Solberg, Per Olav 1987: The geology of Atløy, Sunnfjord, western Norway,NGU Bulletin 410, 73-94

Norton, Mike G. 1987: The Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment, W. Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 67 (2), 93-106

Pedersen, Rolf-Birger; Furnes, Harald; Dumming, Greg 1988: Some Norwegian ophiolite complexes reconsidered,Special publication 3, 80-85

Emmett, Trevor F. 1989: Basic igneous rocks from a portion of the Jotun Nappe: evidence for Late Precambrian ensialic extension of Baltoscandia., The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, ed. R.A.Gayer, Graham & Trotman, London, s. 143-51

Bruton, David L.; Harper, David A.T.; Repetski John E. 1989: Stratigraphy and faunas of the Parautochthon and Lower Allochthon of southern Norway., Graham & Trotman Ltd., London I: Gayer, R.A. (red.): The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, s. 231-41.

Chauvet, Alain; Seranne, Michel 1989: Microteotonic evidence of Devonian extensional westward shearing in Southeast Norway, Graham & Trotman Ltd., London I: Gayer, R.A. (red.): The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, s. 245-54.

Corfu, Fernando; Emmett, Trevor 1992: U-Pb age of the Leirungsmyran gabbroic complex, Jotun Nappe, southern Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 72 (4), 369-374

Chauvet, A.; Kienast, J. R.; Pinardon, J. L.; Brunel, M. 1992: Petrological constraints and PT path of Devonian collapse tectonics within the Scandian mountain belt (Western Gneiss Region, Norway), Journal of the Geological Society Volume 149 Part 3, pp 383-400

Fossen, Haakon 1993: Linear fabrics in the Bergsdalen Nappes, southwest Norway: implications for deformation history and fold development.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 73 (2), 95-108

Fossen, Haakon 1993: Structural evolution of the Bergsdalen Nappes, Southwest Norway,NGU Bulletin 424, 23-49

Bøe, R.; Sturt, B.A.; Ramsay, D.M. 1993: The conglomerates of the Sel Group, Otta-Vågå area, Central Norway: an example of a terrrane-linking succession,NGU Bulletin 425, 1-23

Fossen, Haakon & Holst Timothy B. 1995: Northwest-verging folds and the northwestward movement of the Caledonian Jotun Nappe, Norway, Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 17, no. 1, 3-15

Krabbendam, Maarten; Wain, Alice 1997: Late-Caledonian structures, differential retrogression and structural position of (ultra)high-pressure rocks in the Nordfjord-Stadlandet area, Western Gneiss Region,NGU Bulletin 432, 127-139

Sturt, Brian A.; Ramsay, Donald M. 1997: The Gudbrandsdalen Antiform - a major Late Caledonian structure,NGU Bulletin 433, 12-13

Fossen, Haakon 1998: Advances in understanding the post-Caledonian structural evolution of the Bergen area, West Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 78(1), 33-46

Wennberg, Ole Petter; Milnes, Allan Geoffrey; Winsvold, Inger 1998: The northern Bergen Arc Shear Zone - an oblique-lateral ramp in the Devonian extensional detachment system of western Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 78 (3), 169-184

Wellings, Simon ; Sturt, Brian 1998: Tectonic setting of the Tronfjell Massif ; further evidence for pre-Scandian orogenesis in the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Central Norway.,NGU Bulletin 434, 109-115

Andersen, T. B. 1998: Extensional tectonics in the Caledonides of southern Norway, an overview, Tectonophysics 285, 333-351

Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap W. James 1998: Timing and kinematics of Caledonian thrusting and extensional collapse, southern Norway: evidence from 40A/39Ar themochronology., Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 20, no. 6, 765-781.

Sturt, B.A.; Ramsay, D.M; Lutro, O. 1999: Geologisk kart over Sel og Vågå kommunar, M - 1:250.000., NGU

Wanvik, Jan Egil 2000: Norwegian anorthosites and their industrial uses, with emphasis on the massifs of the Inner Sogn-Voss area in western Norway,NGU Bulletin 436, 103-112

Siedlecka, A. 1987: Skoganvarre. Berggrunnskart; Skoganvarre; 20344; 1:50 000; sort/hvitt;

Kühn, Alexander; Gladny, Johannes; Austrheim, Håkon; Råheim, Arne 2002: The Caledonian tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Lindås Nappe: Constraints from U-Pb, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages of granitoid dykes,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (1), 45-57

Bolle, B.; Demaiffe, D.; Duchesne, J-C. 2003: Petrogenesis of jotunitic and acidic members of an AMC suite (Rogaland anorthosite province, SW Norway): a Sr and Nd isotopic assessment, Precambrian Research 124 185-214

Røhr, Torkil S.; Corfu, Fernando; Austrheim, Håkon; Andersen, Torgeir 2004: Svwconorwegian U-Pb zircon and monazite ages of granulite-facies rocks, Hisarøy, Gulen, Westerm Gneiss Region Region, Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 84 (4), 251-256

Aarseth, Inge; Braanaas, Theis; Henriksen, Helge 2006: Rallarvegen - geologi og landformer,Gråsteinen 11, 110 s.

Nilsen, Odd ; Corfu, Fernando ; Roberts, David 2007: Silurian gabbro-diorite-trondhjemite plutons in the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Caledonides, Norway: petrology and U-Pb geochronology,Norwegian journal of geology 87 (3), 329-342

Bingen, Bernard ; Nordgulen, Øystein ; Viola, Giulio 2008: A four-phase model for the Sveconorwegian orogeny, SW Scandinavia,Norwegian journal of geology 88 (1), s. 43-72

Slagstad, Trond 2008: Radiogenic heat production of Archaean to Permian geological provinces in Norway,Norwegian journal of geology 88 (3), 149-166

Bingen, Bernhard; Solli, Arne 2009: Geochronology of magmatism in the Caledonian and Sveconorwegian belts of Baltica: synopsis for detrital zircon provenance studies,Norwegian journal of geology 89 (4), 267-290

Be'eri-Shlevin, Y.; Gee, D.; Claesson, S.; Ladenberger, A.; Majka, J. 2011: Provenance of Neoproterozoic sediments in the Särv nappes (Middle Allochton) of the Scandinavian Caledonides: La-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb dating of detrital zircons, Precambrian Research 187, Vol. 187, Issue 1-2, pp. 181-200

Andersen, T. B., Corfu, F., Labrousse, L., Osmundsen P.T. 2012: Evidence for hyperextension along the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica, Journal of the Geological Society of London, September, 2012, Vol. 169, Issue 5, pp. 601-612.

Roffeis, C., Corfu, F. 2013: Caledonian nappes of southern Norway and their correlation with Sveconorwegian basement domains, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, October 08, 2013, Vol. 390

Walsh, E. O., Hacker, B. R., Gans, P. B., Wong, M. S., Andersen, T. B. 2013: Crustal exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region UHP terrane, Norway: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and fault-slip analysis, Tectonophysics, November 26, 2013, Vol. 608, pp.1159-1179

Augland, L. E., Andresen, A., Gasser, D., Steltenpohl, M. G. 2013: Early Ordovician to Silurian evolution of exotic terranes in the Scandinavian Caledonides of the Ofoten-Troms area; terrane characterization and correlation based on new U-Pb zircon ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, December 11, 2013, Vol. 390

Robinson, P., Roberts, D., Gee, D. G., Solli, A. 2013: A major synmetamorphic Early Devonian thrust and extensional fault system in the mid Norway Caledonides; relevance to exhumation of HP and UHP rocks, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, December 12, 2013, Vol. 390

Corfu, F., Andrersen, T. B., Gasser, D. 2014: The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 09, 2014, Vol. 390

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