Databasen (Genino) inneholder navn på geologiske enheter
og strukturer som er publisert i kart og vitenskaplige artikler.
Database for geologiske enheter

Enhetskategori : Litostratigrafisk enhet

Enhetens navn
Navn : Naust Enhetstype : formasjon Status : Formell

Gjeldende skrivemåte
Norsk : Naustformasjonen
Engelsk : Naust Formation

Andre, ikke foretrukne navn : Sulagruppen

Geografisk beliggenhet
Område/Land : Kontinentalsokkelen

Typelokalitet : Oljebrønn 6507/12-1 (Saga)
Punkrmarkering : Grader min.sek. Ø : 07 42 43 .....Grader min.sek. N : 65 07 02 ....Nøyaktighet : 200 m.

Litologisk kode : Postkaledonsk, overflatebergart
Hovedlitologi : Leirstein, siltstein, sand
Beskrivelse : Lagdelt sekvens med de nevnte litologier, i tillegg grovkornede klastiske avsetn. i øvre del. Mektigheten er usikker da grensen mot de overliggende glaciale avsetning ikke er godt nok definert. Enheten er utbredt over hele den midtnorske sokkelen. Marin til glacimarin avsetning.

Eon/æra : Kenozoikum Tid : Sen pliocene
Hva slags alder : Avsetning
Kommentar : Litteraturreferanse om dateringen: FORFATTER: Dalland et al.; ÅR: 1988; TITTEL: ; KILDE:

Type relasjon : Hva slags relasjon/Eventuell reg.kommentar Navn på enhet
Naboforhold : Overliggende enhet av samme rang
Kommentar : Om naboforhold :ingen def. enhet
Naboforhold : Underliggende enhet av samme rang Kaiformasjon
Overordnet enhet : Overordnet enhet av samme kategori Nordlandsgruppe
Korrelasjon : Korrelerende enhet Utsiraformasjon

Annen litteratur der Naustformasjonen er omtalt
Dalland, A.; Augedahl, H. O.; Bomstad, K.; Ofstad, K. 1988: The Post - Triassic succession of the Mid-Norwegian shelf., NPD-Bulletin No 4, A lithostratigraphic scheme for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession offshore mid- and northern Norway. Ed.: A.Dalland, D.Worsley and K.Ofstad. pp 5-42

Rokoengen, Kåre; Rise, Leif; Bryn, Petter; Frengstad, Bjørn; Gustavsen, Bjørn; Nygaard, Erik; Sættem, Joar 1995: Upper Cenozoic stratigraphy on the Mid-Norwegian continental shelf,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 75 (2-3), 88-104

Gustavson, M.; Bugge, T. 1995:, NGU, Berggrunnskart M 1: 250 000, Vega

Grunnaleite, Ivar; Gabrielsen, Roy H. 1995: Structure of the Møre basin, mid-Norway continental margin,Tectonophysics 252 (1-4), 221-251

Solli, A.; Bugge, T.; Torsnes, T. 1997:, NGU, Berggrunnskart M 1: 250 000, Namsos

Eidvin, Tor; Brekke, Harald; Riis, Fridtjof; Renshaw, David K. 1998: Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Norwegian Sea continental shelf, 64oN-68oN,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 78 (2), 125-151

Dahlgren, K. I. T., Vorren, T. O. & Laberg, J. S. 2002: Late Quaternary galcial development of the mid-Norwegian margin - 65 to 68 N, Marine and Petroleum Geology 19, 1089-1113

Möller, Nicola K.; Gjelberg, John G.; Martinsen, Ole; Charnock, Michael A.; Færseth, Roald B.; Sperrevik, Susanne; Cartwright, Joe A. 2004: A geological model for the Ormen Lange hydrocarbon reservoir.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 84 (3), 169-189

Dahlgren, Karl Ivar Torbjørn ; Lindberg, Bjørn 2005: Buried sedimentary mound in the Nyk High area, Mid-Norwegian margin: Are they Miocene-Pliocene cold-water coral mounds?,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 85 (4), s.295-304

Gay, A.; Berndt, C. 2007: Cessation/reactivation of polygonal faulting and effects on fluid flow in the Vøring Basin, Norwegian Margin, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 164 Part 1 Jan, pp 129-141

Eidvin Tor; Bugge, Tom; Smelror, Morten 2007: The Molo Formation, deposited by coastal progradation on the inner Mid-Norwegian continental shelf, coeval with the Kai Formation to the west and the Utsira Formation in the North Sea. I (red.: O. Olesen et al.) Origin of mountain topography, Norwegian Journal of Geology Number 1 & 2 Volume 87, pp 75-142

Eidvin, Tor; Rundberg, Yngve 2007: Post-Eocene strata of the southern Viking Graben, northern North Sea: integrated biostratigraphic, strontium isotopic and lithostratigraphic study., Norwegian Journal of Geology Number 4 Volume 87, pp 391-450

Færseth, Roald B.; Sætermoen, Bjørn Helge 2008: Geometry of a major slump structure in the Storegga slide region offshore western Norway,Norwegian journal of geology 88 (1), s. 1-11

Ottesen, Dag; Rise, Leif; Andersen, Espen Sletten; Bugge, Tor; Eidvin, Tor 2009: Geological evolution of the Norwegian continental shelf between 61ºN and 68ºN during the last 3 million years,Norwegian journal of geology 89 (4), 251-265

Lawrence G.W.M. & Cartwright, J.A. 2010: The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of giant craters and remobilised sediment mounds on the mid Norway margin, and their relation to long term fluid flow., Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (2010), 733-747

Reiche, S.; Hjelstuen, B.O.; Haflidason, H. 2011: High-resolution seismic stratigraphy, sedimentary processes and the origin of seabed cracks and pockmarks at Nyegga, mid-Norwegian margin, Marine Geology, Vol. 284, pp. 28-29

Ireland, M.T.; Davies, R.J.; Goulty, N.R.; Moy, D.J. 2011: Thick slides dominated by regular-wavelength folds and thrusts in biosiliceous sediments on the Vema Dome offshore of Norway, Marine Geology, Vol. 289. Issue 1-4, pp. 34-45

Plaza-Faverola, A.; Bünz, S.; Mienert, J. 2011: Repeated fluid explusion through sub-seabed chimneys offshore Norway in response to glacial cycles, Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Laurent, D., Gay, A., Baudon, C., Berndt, C., Soliva, R., Planke, S., Mourgues, R., Lacaze, S., Pauget, F., Mangue, M., Lopez, M. 2012: High-resolution architecture of a polygonal fault interval inferred from geomodel applied to 3D seismic data from the Gjallar Ridge, Voring Basin, offshore Norway, Marine Geology, December 01, 2012, Vol. 332-334, pp. 134-151.

Loseth, H., Raulline, B., Nygard, A.. 2013: Late Cenozoic geological evolution of the northern North Sea; development of a Miocene unconformity reshaped by large-scale Pleistocene sand intrusion, Journal of the Geological Society of London, January, 2013, Vol. 170, Issue 1, pp. 133-145.

Dowdeswell, J. A., Ottesen, D. 2013: Buried iceberg ploughmarks in the early Quaternary sediments of the central North Sea: A two-million year record of glacial influence from 3D seismic data, Marine Geology, October 01, 2013, Vol. 344, pp.1-9

Dumke, I., Berndt, C., Crutchley, G. J., Krause, S., Liebetrau, V., Gay, A., Couillard, M. 2014: Seal bypass at the Giant Gjallar Vent (Norwegian Sea): Indications for a new phase of fluid venting at a 56-Ma-old fluid migration system, Marine Geology, May 01, 2014, Vol. 351, pp.38-52

Denne utskriften ble generert 22.09.2024
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