Databasen (Genino) inneholder navn på geologiske enheter
og strukturer som er publisert i kart og vitenskaplige artikler.
Database for geologiske enheter

Enhetskategori : Litodemisk enhet

Enhetens navn
Navn : Bergen Enhetstype : kompleks Status : Uformell

Gjeldende skrivemåte
Norsk : Bergensbuene
Engelsk : Bergen Arcs

Andre, ikke foretrukne navn : Bergen Arc, Bergen arc Complex, Bergen Arc Eclogites, Bergen Arc Nappes, Bergen Arc Nappe, Bergen Arc Nappe Complex, Bergen Arc System, Bergen Arc Zone

Gjeldende definisjon og beskrivelse av enheten
Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap, W. James 2006: Age constraints on the late Caledonian (Scandian) deformation in the Major Bergen Arc, SW Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 86(1), s.59-70

Stedsnavnledd felles med andre enheter
Enhet Norsk skrivemåte Engelsk skrivemåte Status
Bergenskjærsone Bergensbueneskjærsonen Bergen Arcs shear zone Uformel
Store Bergensbue Store Bergensbue Major Bergen Arc
Lille Bergensbue Lille Bergensbue Minor Bergen Arc Uformel

Geografisk beliggenhet
Område/Land : Norges fastland
1 : 250000 kartblad : Bergen
1 : 50000 kartblad : Austrheim (1116-4); Herdla (1116-3); Sæbø (1116-2); Masfjorden (1116-1); Stanghelle (1216-3); Austevoll (1115-2); Bergen (1115-1); Fusa (1215-3); Bruvik (1215-4)

Stedsnavn på kart : Bergen ; Kommune : Bergen (1201) ; Fylke : Hordaland (12)
Punktmarkering : UTM-Zone 32 - EUREF89/WGS84........... X-koord: 297781 m..... Y-koord: 6701401 m.
Grader min.sek. Ø : 5 19 44 .....Grader min.sek. N : 60 23 53

Regionalgeologisk plassering
Geologisk region : Vest-Norge sør Avgrensning : Dekkeområdet Karmøy - Sunnhordland - Bergensbuene - Øygarden. Grense i sør som for Vest-Norge vest, i nord mot "gneiskomplekset".

Metamorfose : kaledonsk, regional, varierende
Beskrivelse : Bergensbuene er en serie bueformede kaledonske dekker i Bergensområdet som nå anses å ligge en stor fordypning i det baltiskegrunnfjellet og er avgrenset i øst av Bergensbueneskjærsonen, som ble dannet da den kaledonske fjellkjeden kollapset. Bergensbuene består av lille Bergensbue og store Bergensbue, Lindåsdekket og Blåmandekket. Bergensbuene er tidvis også brukt om store og lille Bergensbue i flertalls form.

Annen litteratur der Bergensbuene er omtalt
Dietrichson, Brynjulf 1958: Variation diagrams supporting the stratiform, magmatic origin of the Jotun Eruptive Nappes.,NGU 203, 5-34

Færseth, Roald B.; Thon, A.; Larsen, S.G.; Sivertsen, A.; Elvestad, L. 1977: Geology of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the Samnanger-Osterøy area, Major Bergen Arc, Western Norway.,NGU 334, 19-58

Hossack, J. R. 1978: The corrections of stratigraphic sections for tectonic finite strain in the Bygdin area, Norway, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 135 Part 2, pp 229-241

Lappin, Michael A.; Pidgeon, Robert T.; Breemen, Otto van 1979: Geochronology of basal gneisses and mangerite syenites of Stadlandet, west Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 59 (2), 161-181

Oftedahl, Christoffer 1980: Geology of Norway.,NGU 356, 3-114

Thon, Asbjørn 1980: Steep shear zones in the basement of the cover sequence on Karmøy, SW Norwegian Caledonides, Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 2 Number 1/2 pp75-80

Oftedahl, Chr 1981: Norges Geologi, Tapir

Bassett, M. G. 1985: Silurian stratigraphy and facies development in Scandinavia, The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 283-292

Stephens, M. B.; Furnes, H.; Robins, B.; Sturt, B. A. 1985: Igneous activity within the Scandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 623-656

Griffin, W.L.; Austrheim, H.; Brastad, K.; Bryhni, I.; Krill, A.G.; Krogh, E.J.; Mørk, M.B.E.; Qvale, H.; Tørudbakken, B. 1985: High-pressure metamorphism in the Scandinavian Caledonides.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. Edited by D.G. Gee and B.A. Sturt, 783-801

Carswell, D.A.; Krogh, E.J.; Griffin, W.L. 1985: Norwegian orthopyroxene eclogites: calculated equilibration conditions and petrogenetic implications.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas., 823-841

Carswell, D. A.; Harvey, M. A. 1985: The intrusive history and tectonometamorphic evolution of the Basal Gneiss Complex in the Moldefjord area, west Norway., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 843-857

Bryhni, I.; Sturt, B. A. 1985: Caledonides of southwestern Norway., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas, G&S 89-107

Fossen, Haakon; Austrheim, Haakon 1988: Age of the Krossnes Granite, West Norway,NGU Bulletin 413, 61-65

Austrheim, Håkon; Mørk, Mai Britt E. 1988: The lower continental crust of the Caledonian mountain chain: evidence from former deep crustal sections in western Norway.,Special publication 3, 102-113

Wennberg, Ole Petter; Milnes, A. Geoffrey 1994: Interpretation of kinematic indicators along the northeastern margin of the Bergen Arc System: a preliminary field study,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift; Strike-slip tectonics 74 (3), 166-173

Andersen, Torgeir B.; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Jolivet, Laurent 1994: Deep crustal fabrics and a model for the extensional collapse of the southwest Norwegian Caledonides.,Journal of structural geology 16 (9), 1191-1203

Wennberg, Ole Petter 1996: Superimposed fabrics due to reversal of shear sense; an example from the Bergen Arc Shear Zone, western Norway, Journal of structural Geology, vol. 18, no. 7, 871-889.

Markl, G.; Bucher, K. 1997: Proterozoic eclogites from the Lofoten islands, northern Norway, Lithos 42 15-35

Fossen, Haakon; Dunlap W. James 1998: Timing and kinematics of Caledonian thrusting and extensional collapse, southern Norway: evidence from 40A/39Ar themochronology., Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 20, no. 6, 765-781.

Korneliussen, Are ; McLimans, Roger ; Braathen, Alvar ; Erambert, Muriel ; Lutro, Ole ; Ragnhildstveit, Jomar 2000: Rutile in eclogites as a mineral resource in the Sunnfjord Region, Western Norway.,NGU Bulletin 436, 39-47

Engvik, A.K., Austrheim, H., Andersen, T.B. 2000: Structural, mineralogical and petrophysical effects on deep crustal rocks of fluid-limited polymetamorphism, Western Gneiss Region, Norway, Journal of the Geological Society, London, 157, 121-134

Engvik, A.K., Austrheim, H., Erambert, M. 2001: Interaction between fluid flow, fracturing and mineral growth during eclogitization, an example from the Sunnfjord area, Western Gneiss Region, Norway., Lithos 57, 111-141

Lie, Hallstein ; Gudmundsson, Agust 2002: The importance of hydraulic gradient, lineament trend, proximity to lineaments and surface drainage pattern for yield of groundwater wells on Askøy, West Norway.,NGU Bulletin 439, 51-60

Kühn, Alexander; Gladny, Johannes; Austrheim, Håkon; Råheim, Arne 2002: The Caledonian tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Lindås Nappe: Constraints from U-Pb, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages of granitoid dykes,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (1), 45-57

Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Braathen, Alvar; Dehls, John; Roberts, David 2002: Tectonic lineaments of Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (3), 153-174

Corfu, F.; Andersen, T. B. 2002: U-Pb ages of the Dalsfjord Complex, SW Norway, and their bearing on the correlation of allochtonous crystalline segments of the Scandinavian Caledonides, International Journal of Earth Sciences

Bingen, Bernard ; Austrheim, Håkon ; Whitehouse, Martin 2003: Ilmenite-zircon relationships in meta-anorthosites. Example from the Bergen Arc (Caldonides of W Norway) and implications for zircon geochronology.,Special publication 9, 41-42

Larsen, Øystein ; Fossen, Haakon ; Langeland, Knut; Pedersen, Rolf-Birger 2003: Kinematics and timing of polyphase post-Caledonian deformation in the Bergen area, SW Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 83, 149-165

Austerheun, H.; Corfu, F.; Bryhni, I.; Andersen, T. B. 2003: The Proterozoic Hustad igneous complex: a low strain enclave with a key to the history of the Western Gneiss Region of Norway, Precambrian Research 120 149-175

Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon 2004: Late Quaternary, cryoplanation of rock surfaces in lacustrine environments in the Bergen area, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 84 (2), 125-137

Tucker, Robert D.; Robinson, Peter; Solli, Arne; Gee, David G.; Thorsnes, Terje; Krogh, Thomas E.; Nordgulen, Øystein; Bickford, M. E. 2004: Thrusting and Extension in the Scandian Hinterland, Norway: New U-Pb Ages and Tectonostratigraphic Evidence., American Journal of Science, pp 477-527

Brueckner, Hannes K.; van Roermund, Herman L. M. 2007: Concurrent HP metamorphism on both margins of Iapetus: Ordovician ages for eclogites and garnet pyroxenites from the Seve Nappe Complex, Swedish Caledonides, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 164 Part 1 Jan, pp 117-128

Engvik, Ane K.; Andersen, Torgeir B.; Wachmann, Matthias 2007: Inhomogeneous deformation in deeply buried continental crust, an example from the eclogite-facies province of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway., Norwegian Journal of Geology Number 4 Volume 87, pp 373-389

de Beer, Hans; Matthiesen, Henning 2008: Groundwater monitoring and modelling from an archaeological perspective: possibilities and challenges., Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication, 11 Geology for Society, pp 67-81

Olesen, Niels Ø. 2008: The microfabrics of a porphyroclast-rich quartzitic mylonite, Mjølfjell, Jotun Nappe Complex, Norway,Norwegian journal of geology 88 (2), 89-101

Austrheim, H., Putnis, C.V., Engvik, A.K., Putnis, A. 2008: Zircon coronas around Fe-Ti oxides: a physical reference frame for metamorphic and metasomatic reactions, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 517-527

Faerseth, R. B.; Gjelberg, J.; Martinsen, O. J.. 2011: Structural geology and sedimentology of Silurian metasediments in the Ulven area, Major Bergen Arc, SW Norway, Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift = Norwegian Journal of Geology, 2011, Vol. 91, Issue 1-2, pp. 19-33.

Roffeis, Cornelia 2012: Evidence for a Caledonian amphibolite to eclogite facies pressure gradient in the middle allochthon Lindas Nappe, SW Norway, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, July, 2012, Vol. 164, Issue 1, pp.81-99

Andersen, T. B., Corfu, F., Labrousse, L., Osmundsen P.T. 2012: Evidence for hyperextension along the pre-Caledonian margin of Baltica, Journal of the Geological Society of London, September, 2012, Vol. 169, Issue 5, pp. 601-612.

Austrheim, H. 2013: Fluid and deformation induced metamorphic processes around Moho beneath continent collision zones; examples from the exposed root zone of the Caledonian mountain belt, W Norway, Tectonophysics, December 08, 2013, Vol. 609, pp.620-635

Beckman, V., Möller, C., Söderlund, U., Corfu, F., Pallon, J., Chamberlain, K. R. 2014: Metamorphic zircon formation at the transition from gabbro to eclogite in Trollheimen–Surnadalen, Norwegian Caledonides, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 23, 2014, Vol. 390

Corfu, F., Andrersen, T. B., Gasser, D. 2014: The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 09, 2014, Vol. 390

Mukai, H., Austrheim, H., Putnis, C. V., Putnis, A. 2014: Textural Evolution of Plagioclase Feldspar across a Shear Zone: Implications for Deformation Mechanism and Rock Strength, Journal of Petrology, August, 2014, Vol. 55, Issue 8, pp.1457-1477

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