Norsk versjon
Occurence 1824 - 012 Stormo
(Object Id: 2811)
(Last updated: 28.04.2020)

County: Nordland Municipality: Vefsn (1824)
Map 1:50000: Elsfjord (1927-3) Map 1:250000: Mo i Rana
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 33
East: 435413 m. North: 7328355 m.
Longitude: 13.5729950 Latitude: 66.0691770
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe
Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Pitting Reserves:
Operating method: Historical production:

Element/product Crude ore grade or quality Reg. date
Fe 25 % 29.10.1992

From - To Activity Comments
1912 - 1913 Pitting
1974 - 1978 Geology Company/Institution :Rana Gruber
1976 - 1976 Geophysics Company/Institution :Rana Gruber

Era: Proterozoic Period: Neoproterozoic
Genesis: Sedex Form: Layer
Main texture: Banded Min. distribution: Massive (>50 % ore minerals)
Main grain size: Fine grained (< 1 mm) Main alteration:
Strike/Dip: 180 / 70 Direction: 180
Plunge: 15
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Period:
Province: Caledonides
Geotec.unit: Helgeland Nappe Complex
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Elsfjord gruppen Formation: jernmalmformasjon

Relationship Mineral Amount
Gangue mineral Quartz Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Amphibole Major mineral (>10%)
Gangue mineral Apatite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)
Ore mineral Magnetite Major mineral (>10%)
Ore mineral Hematite Subordinate mineral (1-10%)

Relationship Rock Origin
Unknown Kvartsdioritt Intrusive
Original rock :Diorite
Metamorphic facies :Amphibolite
Unknown Gabbro Intrusive
Original rock :Gabbro
Metamorphic facies :Amphibolite

Location: Type: Orientation(360 gr.): Relation to min.:
Unknown Primary layering Strike/Dip :180 / 70 Syn-mineralisation ;...Effect :None

Information(s) in free text format
Free text
The Stormo IF is completely enclosed within Nilsfjellet quartz diorite. Thin bands and dissemination of magnetite are found in calcareous epidote-amphibole rock in a few minor outcrops (Samples JS_FE1736-37). The thickness of the IF is assumed to be around 20 m although the contacts to the wall-rocks is not observed. Only a few scattered outcrops of the quartz diorite occurs in the surrounding area.

From NGU's Reference Archive:
Krum, R. , 1911
Davemoen og Stormoen Jernfelter ved Elsfjorden i Rana, Nordland
;Norges geologiske undersøkelse;FAGRAPPORT;Bergarkivet; No.BA 1662;8 pages
Lok. Nr. 40455. 40456, 40458, 40460. Malmsonene ligger i sedimentære bergarter med bl.a kalksteiner og er sterkt presset og foldet. Mineraliseringen opptrer i hovedsak som magnetitt med noe hematitt og all malm er oppredningsmalm. Følgende undersøkelsesarbeider er gjort: - Systematisk magnetometriske undersøkelse. - Topografisk kartlegging i M 1:1000, 1:2000, og 1:4000. - Nivellement i jernfeltene. - Avdekking-, overskjærings- og sprengningsarbeider - Prøvetaking av malm - Anbringelse av jernbolter - Malmberegninger og driftsoverslag.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
JS_FE1736 Bedrock
Sampler: J.S. Sandstad
Comment: Banded magnetite dissemination in amphibole matrix
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NO0699.02 Bedrock
Sampler: Wilberg, R./...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Fink. mt.-min., nedre malmlinse.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point: Prøvepunkt 1
(Object Id: 4123 12,00,01)

County: Nordland Municipality: Vefsn (1824)
Map 1:50000: Elsfjord (1927-3) Map 1:250000: Mo i Rana
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 33
East: 435482 m. North: 7328277 m.
Longitude: 13.5745730 Latitude: 66.0684920
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
NO0699.01 Bedrock
Sampler: Wilberg, R./...Stored: Løkken
Comment: Fink. mt.-min., øvre malmlinse.
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Name of Sample point: Prøvepunkt 2
(Object Id: 36439 12,00,02)

County: Nordland Municipality: Vefsn (1824)
Map 1:50000: Elsfjord (1927-3) Map 1:250000: Mo i Rana
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 33
East: 435432 m. North: 7328364 m.
Longitude: 13.5734080 Latitude: 66.0692620
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Resource Type: Ferrous metals(Fe, Mn, Ti) Resource Subtype: Iron
Element(s): Fe

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
JS_FE1737 Bedrock
Sampler: J.S. Sandstad
Comment: Magnetite dissemination in amphibole matrix
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 1824 - 012 Stormo

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ag* Au#
JS_FE1736 Bedrock 2 29 1 12 11 1.7
JS_FE1737 Bedrock 3 26 1 12 14 1.9
NO0699.01 Bedrock 13 15 4 4 19 -.3 4.0
NO0699.02 Bedrock 7 14 3 -1 10 -.3 -2.0
Sample No. Pt# Pd# Rh# As* Cd* Ba* Mo* Sn* Sb*
JS_FE1736 1 75 0.40 2
JS_FE1737 1 12 1.10 1
NO0699.01 -3.0 -3.0 -5.0 15 2.8 2 3.00 12
NO0699.02 -3.0 -3.0 -5.0 2 1.7 7 -1.00 -2
Sample No. Bi* Se* Ga* S% V* Cr* Mn* Fe% Th*
JS_FE1736 -0.50 10.70 98 5.30
JS_FE1737 -0.50 8.40 113 5.00
NO0699.01 31 .03 49 23 1491 30.81 2.00
NO0699.02 15 .02 37 20 833 21.25 3.00
Sample No. U* W* Rb* Sr* Y* Zr* Nb* Ta* Cs*
JS_FE1736 1.70 -1 13.8 118.7 25.9 93 10.50 0.60 -0.10
JS_FE1737 2.40 -1 1.9 503.1 21.0 117 13.60 0.70 -0.10
NO0699.01 -5.00 -2 37.0
NO0699.02 -5.00 -2 44.0
Sample No. La* Ce* Pr* Nd* Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy*
JS_FE1736 24.00 53.90 5.77 22.50 4.71 1.22 4.74 0.76 4.40
JS_FE1737 20.00 41.30 4.78 19.20 3.71 0.86 3.49 0.54 3.52
NO0699.01 6.00
NO0699.02 11.00
Sample No. Ho* Er* Tm* Yb* Lu* B* Be* Hf*
JS_FE1736 0.90 2.73 0.38 2.55 0.38 -1 2.30
JS_FE1737 0.72 2.20 0.32 2.11 0.33 8 3.10
NO0699.01 -3
NO0699.02 -3

Oxide analyses

( All values are in % )
Sample No. Sample Type SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
JS_FE1736 Bedrock 37.10 5.56 0.44 44.40 0.53 3.70 6.81
JS_FE1737 Bedrock 36.50 7.04 0.65 30.70 0.75 6.82 16.30
Sample No. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
JS_FE1736 1.00 0.65 0.32 -0.85 100.00
JS_FE1737 0.41 0.18 0.41 -0.07 100.00

The fact sheet was created on 26.04.2024

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