Norsk versjon
Occurence 3903 - 306 Kjeldås
(Object Id: 8545)
(Last updated: 12.10.2023)

County: Vestfold Municipality: Holmestrand (3903)
Map 1:50000: Drammen (1814-3) Map 1:250000: Oslo
Coordinate system: EU89-UTM Zone 32 (Coordinates NOT confirmed)
East: 569650 m. North: 6612440 m.
Longitude: 10.2355180 Latitude: 59.6442420
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Resource Type: Carbonates Resource Subtype: Limestone

Raw material meaning: Little Importance (reg. 18.02.2015)

Resources and production
Activity: Exploration Reserves:
Operating method: Open pit mining Historical production:

Era: Paleozoic Period:
Genesis: Form:
Main texture: Min. distribution:
Main grain size:
Strike/Dip: Direction:
Stratigraphic classification of host rock
Era: Paleozoic Period: Silurian
Province: Oslo Region
Tectonic complex:
Igneous complex:
Group: Formation:

Information(s) in free text format
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Ett 160x80 meter stort brudd drevet på en kontaktmetamorf kalkstein. Bruddet har sannsynligvis aldri vært drevet som kalkforekomst, men har vært brukt til pukk. Forekomsten ligger i dag kun noen få meter fra bebyggelse og som kalkforekomst er den uten interesse.

Sample No. Sample type Miscellanrous
Kodal 3 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Massiv malm, sent., 47,70-51,32
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
Kodal 4 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Massiv malm, ligg, Bh 14, 0,00-2,20
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
KODAL112566 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Magnetite apatite rich rock
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
KODAL112567 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Fe-Ti-P-rich rock Kodal ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
KODAL112568 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Fe-Ti-P-rich rock Kodal ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
KODAL195773 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.fine-grained apatite-magnetite +/- px ore
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
KODAL195775 Bedrock
Sampler: Peter Ihlen/Nolwenn Coint
Comment: This occurence is also registere in the ore database.Magn ap px? rich rock
No. of registrated element analyses = 1
No. of registrated oxide analyses = 1
NB! All analyse values are shown at the end of the printout.:

Analyse Results
Deposit Area 3903 - 306 Kjeldås

Element analyses

( *=parts pr. million, #=parts pr.billion, Negative values means below detection limit value.)
Sample No. Sample Type Cu* Zn* Pb* Co* Ni* Ba* Mo*
Kodal 3 Bedrock 235 480 -5 69 34 72 10.80
Kodal 4 Bedrock 216 452 -5 60 17 16 7.60
KODAL112566 Bedrock 84 549 -5 68 19 11 7.20
KODAL112567 Bedrock 32 502 -5 63 26 16 5.20
KODAL112568 Bedrock 79 390 -5 52 25 11 7.20
KODAL195773 Bedrock 156 323 50 28 141 5.20
KODAL195775 Bedrock 494 444 77 19 14 9.30
Sample No. Sn* Ga* V* Cr* Th* U* W* Rb* Sr*
Kodal 3 4 21.40 440 13 7.30 2.00 4 22.5 333.0
Kodal 4 4 22.70 609 14 5.40 1.60 4 10.8 179.0
KODAL112566 6 29.00 487 17 8.00 2.20 3 16.0 229.0
KODAL112567 5 22.50 402 16 12.00 3.40 1 124.0 222.0
KODAL112568 6 20.00 259 -5 8.10 2.20 4 9.6 199.0
KODAL195773 21.50 348 7 13.50 2.60 1 28.9 278.0
KODAL195775 25.10 408 -5 6.60 1.50 6 6.8 119.0
Sample No. Y* Zr* Nb* Ta* Cs* La* Ce* Pr* Nd*
Kodal 3 177.0 167 86.20 4.80 1.70 376.00 802.00 100.00 432.00
Kodal 4 144.0 225 80.60 4.40 -0.40 273.00 597.00 74.80 321.00
KODAL112566 170.0 237 94.80 5.00 0.50 380.00 820.00 94.30 383.00
KODAL112567 230.0 247 83.80 3.90 2.10 516.00 1120.00 125.00 506.00
KODAL112568 186.0 222 64.60 3.60 0.50 423.00 1000.00 110.00 435.00
KODAL195773 233.0 398 101.00 6.10 1.20 518.00 1070.00 133.00 546.00
KODAL195775 174.0 297 123.00 7.80 -0.40 348.00 710.00 91.90 380.00
Sample No. Sm* Eu* Gd* Tb* Dy* Ho* Er* Tm* Yb*
Kodal 3 74.00 12.00 53.90 7.30 36.10 6.70 15.30 1.90 9.70
Kodal 4 56.50 10.70 43.60 6.00 29.90 5.60 12.80 1.60 8.70
KODAL112566 66.10 12.60 49.40 6.80 34.00 6.40 15.10 1.90 10.20
KODAL112567 86.40 15.10 65.70 8.90 45.80 8.60 20.20 2.50 14.40
KODAL112568 73.00 13.40 54.90 7.60 38.80 7.30 17.40 2.20 12.40
KODAL195773 94.80 14.00 67.20 9.40 48.20 8.70 22.00 2.80 15.60
KODAL195775 66.80 10.50 50.80 6.90 36.60 6.70 17.20 2.20 12.00
Sample No. Lu* Be* F* Sc* Hf*
Kodal 3 1.40 1 0 32.40 4.40
Kodal 4 1.30 2 0 58.60 5.90
KODAL112566 1.50 -1 1 50.70 6.60
KODAL112567 2.00 2 1 60.00 7.00
KODAL112568 1.80 -1 1 68.90 7.70
KODAL195773 2.20 3 1 60.50 11.80
KODAL195775 1.80 -1 1 69.20 9.60

Oxide analyses

( All values are in % )
Sample No. Sample Type SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO
Kodal 3 Bedrock 14.20 3.16 8.62 43.10 0.67 5.82 13.60
Kodal 4 Bedrock 15.00 2.02 9.96 46.70 0.72 5.53 13.10
KODAL112566 Bedrock 10.30 2.01 10.10 53.50 0.91 4.06 12.70
KODAL112567 Bedrock 15.10 1.76 7.89 41.60 0.81 4.88 17.00
KODAL112568 Bedrock 21.70 1.92 6.40 38.40 0.92 7.00 16.70
KODAL195773 Bedrock 24.00 3.98 6.34 34.20 0.71 5.48 16.00
KODAL195775 Bedrock 16.50 1.92 9.90 48.20 0.77 6.06 12.60
Sample No. Na2O K2O P2O5 Loss Sum
Kodal 3 0.48 0.42 7.84 0.09 98.00
Kodal 4 0.24 0.16 6.11 -0.95 99.00
KODAL112566 -0.10 0.22 6.94 -1.42 99.00
KODAL112567 -0.10 0.84 8.91 -1.13 98.00
KODAL112568 -0.10 0.22 6.35 -0.63 99.00
KODAL195773 0.94 0.61 6.55 -0.77 98.00
KODAL195775 -0.10 0.13 4.74 -1.15 100.00

The fact sheet was created on 26.04.2024

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