Databasen (Genino) inneholder navn på geologiske enheter
og strukturer som er publisert i kart og vitenskaplige artikler.
Database for geologiske enheter

Enhetskategori : Tektonostratigrafisk enhet

Enhetens navn
Navn : Köli Enhetstype : dekkekompleks Status : Formell

Gjeldende skrivemåte
Norsk : Kölidekkekomplekset
Engelsk : Köli Nappe Complex

Andre, ikke foretrukne navn : Kölidekkekomplekset, Kölidekkene, Köli Nappe Complex, Köli nappe, Köli nappes, Köli complex, Köli unit, Köli units, Köli group, Köli Supergroup, Köli nappe sequence, Köli succession, Køli dekkekompleks, Køli nappe, Køli nappes, Køli Nappe Complex, Kølidekkekomplekset, Kølidekkene

Gjeldende definisjon og beskrivelse av enheten
Gee, D. G.; Guezou, J.-C.; Roberts, D.; Wolff, F. C. 1985: The central-southern part of the Scandinavian Caledonides.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. D.G. Gee, B.A. Sturt (eds.) Vol. 1, 109-133

Første bruk av enhetsnavnet.
Törnebohm, A.E. 1872: En geognostisk profil öfver den skandinaviska fjällryggen mellan Östersund och Levanger,Afh. och uppsatser C6, 1-24

Stedsnavnledd felles med andre enheter
Enhet Norsk skrivemåte Engelsk skrivemåte Status
Seve - Kölidekkekompleks Seve - Kölidekkekomplekset Seve - Köli Nappe Complex Formel

Geografisk beliggenhet
Område/Land : Sverige
1 : 250000 kartblad : Grong; Mosjøen; Trondheim; Røros & Sveg; Saltdal; Mo i Rana; Sulitjelma
1 : 50000 kartblad : Andorsjøen (1823-1); Gjevsjøen (1823-2); Snåsa (1823-3); Grong (1823-4); Stugusjø (1720-1); Brekken (1720-2); Røros (1720-3); Ålen (1720-4); Jomafjellet (1924-1); Limingen (1924-2); Tunnsjøen (1924-3); Røyrvik (1924-4); Meråker (1721-1); Essandsjøen (1721-2); Tydal (1721-3); Flornes (1721-4); Vuku (1722-1); Feren (1722-2); Levanger (1722-3); Stiklestad (1722-4); Sulitjelma (2129-2); Rognan (2129-3); Haltdalen (1620-1); Dalsbygda (1620-2); Kvikne (1620-3); Budal (1620-4)

Stedsnavn på kart : Köli ; Kommune : Meråker (1711) ; Fylke : Nord-Trøndelag (17)

Regionalgeologisk plassering
Tektonisk hovedinnd.: Øvre dekkeserie
Tektonisk enhet : Kölidekkene (udifferensiert)

Metamorfose : kaledonsk, regional, lavgrad
Hovedlitologi : Gjersvikdekket, Orklumpdekket, Størensdekket og andre
Beskrivelse : Kölidekkekomplekset utgjør den lavmetamorfe delen av Seve - Kölidekkekomplekset. Det består av vulkanske og sedimentære bergarter dannet i forbindelse med åpning og lukning av Iapetus-havet (havbunnsskorpe-, øybue- og "back-arc"-sekvenser). Suprakrustalene blir gjennomsatt av ulike typer dypbergarter. Avsetningsalderen på suprakrustalene er fra senkambrium til silur mens metamorfosen er fra ordovicisk til devonsk tid. I Sverige blir Kölidekkene gjerne delt inn i en undre, midtre og øvre del. Dette er ikke gjort i Norge. Metasedimentene er flere steder fossilførende. Navnet skriver seg fra Kiölfjället, et navn for grensefjellene mellom Jämtland og Trøndelag (høyeste topp Kjølhaugan 1248 m i Meråker) og ble først brukt av Törnbohm i 1872 (Köligruppen). Mange uformelle betegnelser som Köliskifrene, Kölisekvensen, Kölikvartsitten, Köli marble(s), Köli metasediments, Köli phyllites, Köli ophiolites skrevet både med norsk ø og svensk ö er benyttet i litteraturen om forskjellige bergarter tilhørende Kölidekkekomplekset. Köli thrust er benyttet om skyveforkastningen under dekkekomplekset.

Eon/æra : Paleozoikum Tid : silur-devon
Hva slags alder : Overskyvning Utfyllende oppl.: bergartsalder: kambrosilur

Type relasjon : Hva slags relasjon/Eventuell reg.kommentar Navn på enhet
Naboforhold : Overliggende enhet av samme rang Helgelandsdekkekompleks
Naboforhold : Overliggende enhet av samme rang Rödingsfjälldekkekompleks
Naboforhold : Underliggende enhet av samme rang Sevedekkekompleks
Overordnet enhet : Overordnet enhet av samme kategori Seve - Kölidekkekompleks
Korrelasjon : Korrelerende enhet Trondheimsdekkekompleks

Opplysninger : .

Annen litteratur der Kölidekkekomplekset er omtalt
Roberts, D. 1978: Caledonides of South central Norway., Geological survey of Canada Paper 78-13 31-37

Gee, D. G. 1978: The Swedish Caledonides - A short synthesis, Geological survey of Canada Paper 78-13 63-72

Kautsky, Fritz E. 1978: New occurrences of mega-lenses of the Särv Nappe in northern Trøndelag, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 58 (3), 237-240

Gee, D. G. 1978: Nappe displacement in the Scandinavian Caledonides I: Structural characteristics of tectonic zones, red.: K.L. Burns & R.W.R. Rutland, Tectonophysics, 47, 393-419, Special issue

Aukes, P.G.; Reymer, A.P.S.; Ruiter, G.W.M. de; Stel, H.; Zwart, H.J. 1979: The geology of the Lierne district, north-east of the Grong culmination, central Norway.,NGU 354, 115-129

Reymer, A.P.S. 1979: Age determinations on reworked crystalline basement of the Grong culmination, Norway.,NGU 354, 143-149

Oftedahl, Christoffer 1980: Geology of Norway.,NGU 356, 3-114

Andreasson, P.G.; Lagerblad, B. 1980: Occurrence and significance of inverted metamorphic gradients in the western Scandinavian Caledonides,Journal Vol. 137, 219-230

Roberts, D.; Sturt, B. A. 1980: Caledonian deformation in Norway,Journal 137, 241-250

Andreasson, Per-Gunnar; Gorbatschev, Roland 1980: Metamorphism in extensive nappe terrains: a study of the Central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Förhandlingar (GFF) 102 (4), 335-357

Johansson, L. 1980: Ordivician gastropods from Vardofjället, Swedish Lapland, and the dating of Caledonian serpentinite conglomerates, GFF, Vol 102, Part 4, 493-497

Klingspor, I.; Troëng, B. 1980: Rb-Sr and K-Ar age determintations of the Proterozoic Olden granites, central Caledonides, Jämtland, Sweden, GFF, Vol 102, Part 4, 515-522

Thelander, T.; Bakker, E.; Nicholson, R. 1980: Basement-cover relationships in the Nasafjället Window, central Swedish Caledonides., GFF, Vol 102, Part 4, 569-580

Dyrelius, Dan 1980: Aeromagnetic interpretation in a geotraverse area across the central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Förhandlingar (GFF) 102 (4), 421-438

Gee, D.G. 1980: Basement-cover relationships in the central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Förhandlingar 102 (4), 455-474

Hardenby, Carljohan 1980: Geology of the Kjølhaugan area, eastern Trøndelag, central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Förhandlingar (GFF) 102 (4), 475-492

Johansson, L. 1980: Petrochemistry and regional tectonic significance of metabasites in basement windows of the central Scandinavian Caledonides, GFF, Vol 102, Part 4, 499-514

Reymer, A.P.S.; Boelrijk, N.A.I.M.; Hebeda, E.H.; Priem. H.N.A.; Verdurmen, E.A.Th.; Verschure, R.H. 1980: A note on Rb-Sr whole-rock ages in the Seve Nappe of the central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 60 (2), 139-147

Moore, Alan C.; Hultin, Ivar 1980: Petrology, mineralogy, and origin of the Feragen ultramafic body, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 60 (4), 235-254

Ramberg, Ivar B. 1981: The Brakfjellet tectonic lens: evidence of pinch-and-swell in the Caledonides of Nordland, north central Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 61 (1), 87-91

Bruton, David L.; Harper, David A.T. 1981: Brachiopods and trilobites of the early Ordovician serpentine Otta Conglomerate, south central Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 61 (2), 153-181

Beckholmen, M. 1982: Mylonites and pseudotachylites associated with thrusting of the Köli Nappes, Tännforsfältet, cetral Swedish Caledonides, GFF, Vol 104, 23-32

Brattli, Bjørge; Tørudbakken, Bjørn O.; Ramberg, Ivar B. 1982: Resetting of a Rb-Sr total rock system in Rödingsfjället Nappe Complex, Nordland, North Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 62 (3), 219-224

Roberts, David; Nissen, August L.; Reinsbakken, Arne 1983: Progressive mylonitization along the Western margin of the Bindal Massif: a preliminary note.,NGU 389, 27-36

Wolff, Fredrik Chr. 1984: Regional geophysics of the Central Norwegian Caledonides.,NGU Bulletin 397, 1-27

Roberts, D.; Gee, D. G. 1985: An introduction to the structure of the Skandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 55-68

Stephens, M. B.; Gustavson, M.; Ramberg, I. B.; Zachrisson, E. 1985: The Caledonides of central-north Scandinavia - a tectonostratigraphic overview.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas., 135-162

Bergström, J.; Gee, D.G. 1985: The Cambrian in Scandinavia.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. Edited by D.G. Gee and B.A. Sturt, 247-271

Bassett, M. G. 1985: Silurian stratigraphy and facies development in Scandinavia, The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 283-292

Boyle, A. P. et al. 1985: A new tectonic perspective of the Sulitjelma Region., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 529-542

Cooper, M. A. 1985: Deformation patterns and their evolution in the Caledonides of the Sørfolda area, north Norway, The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 1, pp 543-552

Qvale, H.; Stigh, J. 1985: Ultramafic rocks in the Scandinavian Caledonides.,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas., 693-715

Bryhni, I.; Andreasson, P.-G. 1985: Metamorphism in the Scandinavian Caledonides,The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas. Edited by D.G. Gee and B.A. Sturt, 763-781

Roermund, H. van 1985: Eclogites of the Seve Nappe, central Scandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 873-886

Mørk, M. B. E. 1985: Geology and metamorphism of the Krutfjellet mega-lens, Nordland, Norway., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 903-917

Roberts, D.; Sturt, B. A.; Furnes, H. 1985: Volcanite assemblages and environments in the Scandinavian Caledonides and the sequential development history of the mountain belt., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 919-930

Gayer, R. A.; Humphreys, R. J.; Binns, R. E.; Chapman, T. J. 1985: Tectonic modelling of the Finnmark and Troms Caledonides based on high level igneous rock geochemistry., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 931-951

Stephens, M. B.; Gee, D. G. 1985: A tectonic model for the evolution of the eugeoclinal terranes in the central Scandinavian Caledonides., The Caledonide Orogen - Scandinavia and related areas Part 2, pp 953-978

Reinsbakken, A. 1986: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Limingen 1924 2

Kollung, S. 1986: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Låmivatnet 2229 3

Kollung, S. 1986: 1:50 000, Berggrunnskart Sulitjelma 2129 2

Gjelle, S. 1986: 1:50 000, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Berggrunnskart Virvatnet 2127 4

Nissen, August L. 1986: Rb-Sr age determination of intrusive rocks in the southeastern part of the Bindal Massif, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway,NGU Bulletin 406, 83-92

Dallmann, Winfried K. 1986: Polyphase deformation in the Hattfjelldal Nappe, internal zone of the Scandinavian Caledonides, North-Central Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 66 (2), 163-182

Tørudbakken, B.O.; Mickelson, M. 1986: A Rb-Sr age study from the Mosjøen unit, Helgeland Nappe Complex, and its bearing on the timing of tectonometamorphic events within the Uppermost Allochthon, Central Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 66 (4), 263-270

Reinsbakken, A. 1987: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Tunnsjøen 1924 3

Reinsbakken, A.; Halls, C. 1987: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Skorovatn 1824 2

Brattli, B.; Prestvik, T. 1987: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Linnajavrre 2230 3

Brattli, Bjørge; Prestvik, Tore 1987: Tysfjord granite and overlying rocks in the area of Linnajavrre, central-north Norway.,NGU Bulletin 410, 65-72

Billett, Michael F. 1987: The geology of the northern Sulitjelma area and its relationship to the Sulitjelma Ophiolite.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 67 (2), 71-83

Gjelle, S. 1988: Geologisk kart over Norge, berggrunnskart SALTDAL, M 1:250 000, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Berggrunnskart Saltdal

Reinsbakken, A.; Fossen, H. 1988: 1:50 000, sort/hvit, Berggrunnskart Murusjøen 1923 1

Gustavson, Magne 1988: Beskrivelse til berggrunnsgeologisk kart M 1:125 000. NGU Skrifter Vol. 87, Mosjøen

Grenne, Tor 1988: Marginal basin type metavolcanites of the Hersjø Formation, eastern Trondheim District, Central Norwegian Caledonides.,NGU Bulletin 412, 29-42

Roberts, David 1988: The terrane concept and the Scandinavian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 413, 93-99

Hurich, C.A.; Palm, H.; Dyrelius, D.; Kristoffersen, Y.; Wolff, F.C.; Roberts, D. 1988: Activation of Precambrium basement in the Scandinavian Caledonides: views from seismic reflection data,Special publication 3, 66-69

Bucher-Nurminen, Kurt 1988: Metamorphism of ultramafic rocks in the Central Scandinavian Caledonides,Special publication 3, 86-95

Grønlie, Arne 1988: Platinum-group minerals in the Lillefjellklumpen nickel-copper deposit, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 68 (1), 65-72

Claesson, Stefan; Stephens, M.B.; Klingspor, Inger 1988: U-Pb zircon dating of felsic intrusions, Middle Köli Nappes, central Scandinavian Caledonides.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 68 (2), 89-97

Stel, Harm 1988: Basement-cover relations at the Grong-Olden culmination, central Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 68 (3), 135-147

Greiling, Reinhard O.; Kaus, Armin; Leipziger, Karl 1989: A seve duplex (Upper Allochthon) at the northern margin of the Grong district (Caledonides of central Norway).,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 69 (2), 83-93

Oedling, N. E. 1989: The structural history of the Leipikvattnet Nappe in the Joma area Nord-Trøndelag, central Scandinavian Caledonides, Norway, NGT, Vol. 69, 141-161.

Tietzsch-Tyler, D. 1989: Evidence of intracratonic Finnmarkian orogeny in central Norway,The Caledonian Geology of Scandinavia, red.: Gayer, R.A., 47-62

Greiling, R.O. 1989: The Middle Allochton in Västerbotten, northern Sweden: tectonostratigraphy and tectonic evolution., The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, ed. R.A.Gayer, Graham & Trotman, London, s. 69-77

Boyle, A.P. 1989: The geochemistry of the Sulitjelma ophiolite and associated basic volcanics: tectonic implications, The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, ed. R.A.Gayer, Graham & Trotman, London, s. 153-63

Barker, A.J. 1989: Metamorphic evolution of the Caledonian Nappes of North Central Scandinavia,I: Gayer, R.A. (red.): The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, 193-204

Bruton, David L.; Harper, David A.T.; Repetski John E. 1989: Stratigraphy and faunas of the Parautochthon and Lower Allochthon of southern Norway., Graham & Trotman Ltd., London I: Gayer, R.A. (red.): The Caledonide Geology of Scandinavia, s. 231-41.

Nordgulen, Ø. & Shouenborg, B. 1990: The Caledonian Heilhornet Pluton, north-central Norway: geological setting, radiometric age and implications for the Scandinavian Caledonides, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol. 147, Part 3, May 1990

Gjelle, S., Søvegjarto, U. & Tveiten, B. 1991: Berggrunnskart DUNDERLANDSDALEN 2027 I, 1:50 000, foreløpig utgave, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, 2027 1 Berggrunnskart Dunderlandsdalen

Marshall, Brian 1991: The D3 fold mechanism in the Joma mine district, Leipikvattnet Nappe, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 71 (4), 295-301

Thorsnes, Terje; Løseth, Helge 1991: Tectonostratigraphy in the Velfjord-Tosen region, southwestern part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Central Norwegian Caledonides.,NGU Bulletin 421, 1-18

Chauvet, A.; Kienast, J. R.; Pinardon, J. L.; Brunel, M. 1992: Petrological constraints and PT path of Devonian collapse tectonics within the Scandian mountain belt (Western Gneiss Region, Norway), Journal of the Geological Society Volume 149 Part 3, pp 383-400

Nordgulen, Øystein; Sundvoll, Bjørn 1992: Strontium isotope composition of the Bindal Batholith, Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 423, 19-39

Solli, A.; Farrow, C.M.; Gjelle, S.; 1992: MISVÆR 2029 II. Berggrunnskart, M 1:50 000, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, 2029 II Misvær

Birkeland, Anne; Bjørlykke, Arne 1993: Pb isotopic constraints on the origin of the Husvika Zn-Pb deposit in Nordland, north-central Norway.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 73 (1), 43-54

Stephens, M. B.; Kullerud, K.; Claesson, S. 1993: Early Caledonian tectonothermal evolution in outboard terranes, central Scandinavian Caledonides: new constraints from U-Pb zircon dates, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 150 Part 1, pp 51-56

Nordgulen, Ø.; Bickeford, M.E.; Nissen, A.L.; Wortman, G.L. 1993: U-Pb zircon ages from the Bindal Batholith, and the tectonic history of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides.,Journal 150, 771-783

Stølen, Lars Kristian 1994: The rift-related mafic dyke complex of the Rohkunborri Nappe, Indre Troms, Northern Norwegian Caledonides,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 74 (1), 35-47

Stølen, Lars Kristian 1994: Derivation of mafic dyke swarms in the Rohkunborri Nappe, Indre Troms, northern Norwegian Caledonides: geochemical constraints.,Förhandlingar (GFF) 116 (3), 121-131

Andresen, A. & Steltenpohl, M.G. 1994: Evidence for ophiolite obduction, terrane accretion and polyorogenic evolution of the north Scandinavian Caledonides, Tectonophysics 231, 59-70

McClellan, Elizabeth A. 1995: Subduction-related volcanism in the Gula Nappe, southeastern Trondheim Nappe Complex, Central Norway,NGU Bulletin 428, 1-26

Mørk, Mai Britt; Sundvoll, Bjørn; Stabel, Arne 1997: Sm-Nd dating of gabbro- and garnet-bearing contact metamorphic/ anatectic rocks from Krutfjellet, Nordland, and some geochemical aspects of the intrusives,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 77 (1), 39-50

Stølen, Lars Kristian 1997: Bedrock geology of the Altevatn-Måskanvarri area, Indre Troms, northern Scandinavian Caledonides.,NGU Bulletin 432, 5-23

Hurich, Charles A.; Roberts, David 1997: A seismic reflection profile from Stjørdalen to Outer Fosen, Central Norway: a note on the principal results,NGU Bulletin 433, 18-19

Melezhik, Victor A.; Roberts, David; Pokrovsky, Boris G.; Gorokhov, Igor M.; Ovchinnikova, Galina V. 1997: Primary isotopic features in metamorphosed Caledonian carbonates: implications for depositional age,NGU Bulletin 433, 22-23

Roberts, David 1997:, NGU, Berggrunnskart M 1: 250 000, Grong

Roberts, David; Tucker, Robert D. 1998: Late Cambrian U-Pb zircon age of a meta-trondhjemite from Ytterøya, Trondheimsfjorden, Central Norwegian Caledonides.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 78 (3), 253-258

Roberts, David 1998: Ordovician lithistid sponges and gastropods from the Snåsa limestone, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway,NGU Bulletin 434, 77-82

Meyer, Gurli B.; Grenne, Tor 1999: The Ordovician Grøndalsfjell Intrusive Complex: Central Scandinavian Caledonides: field relations, petrography and emplacement,NGU Bulletin 435, 5-22

Pannemans, Bart; Roberts, David 2000: Geochemistry and petrogenesis of trondhjemites and granodiorite from Gauldalen, Central Norwegian Caledonides, NGU Bulletin 437, side 43-56

Dunning, Greg ; Grenne, Tor 2000: U-Pb age dating and paleotectonic significance of trondhjemite from the type locality in the Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 437, 57-65

Roberts, David; Heldal, Tom; Melezhik, Victor 2001: Tectonic structural features of the Fauske conglomerates in the Løvgavlen quarry, Nordland, Norwegian Caldedonides, and regional implications,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 81 (4), 245-256

Roberts, David; Walker, Nicholas; Slagstad, Trond; Solli, Arne; Krill, Allan 2002: U-Pb zircon ages from the Bymarka ophiolite, near Trondheim, Central Norwegian Caledonides, and regional implications,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (1), 19-30

Braathen, Alvar; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Nordgulen, Øystein; Roberts, David; Meyer, Gurli B. 2002: Orogen-paraell extension of the Caledonides in northern Central Norway: an overview,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (4), 225-241

Eide, Elizabeth A.; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Meyer, Gurli B.; Kendrick, Mark A.; Corfu, Fernando 2002: The Nesna Shear Zone, north-central Norway: an 40Ar/39Ar record of Early Devonian - Ealy Carboniferous ductile extension and unroofing,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 82 (4), 317-339

Paulsson, O.; Andréasson, P.-G. 2002: Attempted break-up of Rodinia at 850 Ma: geochronological evidence from the Seve-Kalak Superterrane, Scandinavian Caledonides., Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 159, pp 751-761

Nilsen, Odd ; Sundvoll, Bjørn ; Roberts, David ; Corfu, Fernando 2003: U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of trondhjemites and norite pluton from the SW Trondheim Region, Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 441, 5-16

Slagstad, Trond 2003: Geochemistry of trondhjemites and mafic rocks in the Bymarka ophiolite fragment, Trondheim, Norway: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 83, 167-185

Rehnström, Emma F. 2003: Geochronology and petrology of the Tielma Magmatic Complex, northern Swedish Caledonides - results and tectonic implications.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 83, 243-257

Gjelle, S. T.; Marker, M.; Solli, A.; Gustavson, M. 2003: Berggrunnskart 1926-1 RØSSVATNET, 1: 50 000, Norges geologiske undersøkelse, 1926 1 Røssvatnet

McClellan, Elizabeth 2004: Metamorphic conditions across the Seve-Köli Nappe boundary, southeastern Trondheim region, Norwegian Caledonides: Comparison of garnet-biotite thermometry and amphibole chemistry.,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 84 (4), 257-282

Tucker, Robert D.; Robinson, Peter; Solli, Arne; Gee, David G.; Thorsnes, Terje; Krogh, Thomas E.; Nordgulen, Øystein; Bickford, M. E. 2004: Thrusting and Extension in the Scandian Hinterland, Norway: New U-Pb Ages and Tectonostratigraphic Evidence., American Journal of Science, pp 477-527

Torsvik, Trond ; Cocks, L. Robin M. 2005: Norway in space and time: A centennial cavalcade,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 85(1/2), 73-86

Eide, Elizabeth; Haabesland, Nils Erik; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Andersen, Torgeir B.; Roberts, David; Kendrick, Mark A. 2005: Modern techniques and Old Red problems - determining the age of continental sedimentary deposits with 40Ar/39Ar provenance analysis in west-central Norway,Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 85 (1/2), 133-149

Lindahl, Ingvar; Stevens, Brian P. J.; Zwaan, Klaas Bouke 2005: The geology of the Vaddas area, Troms: a key to our understanding of the Upper Allochthon in the Caldonides of northern Norway,NGU Bulletin 445, s.5-43

Nilsson, Lars Petter; Roberts, David; Ramsay, Donald M. 2005: The Raudfjellet ophiolite fragment, Central Norwegian Caledonides: principal lithological and structural features, NGU Bulletin 445, pp 101-117

Solli, Arne; Nordgulen, Øystein 2006:, NGU, Bedrock map of Norway M 1: 2000 000

Brueckner, Hannes K.; van Roermund, Herman L. M. 2007: Concurrent HP metamorphism on both margins of Iapetus: Ordovician ages for eclogites and garnet pyroxenites from the Seve Nappe Complex, Swedish Caledonides, Journal of the Geological Society Volume 164 Part 1 Jan, pp 117-128

Bergström, K. L.; Näslund, J. O.; Ebert, K.; Neubeck, T.; Bonow, J. M. 2007: Cenozoic landscape development on the passive margin of northern Scandinavia. I (red.: O.Olesen et al) Origin of mountain topography in Scandinavia., Norwegian Journal of Geology Number 1 & 2 Volume 87, pp 181-196

Roberts, David 2007: Palaeocurrent data from the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern Norway: a key element in models of terrane affiliation,Norwegian journal of geology 87 (3), 319-328

Nilsen, Odd ; Corfu, Fernando ; Roberts, David 2007: Silurian gabbro-diorite-trondhjemite plutons in the Trondheim Nappe Complex, Caledonides, Norway: petrology and U-Pb geochronology,Norwegian journal of geology 87 (3), 329-342

Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C. 2007: Köli nappe in the north-central Swedish Caledonides- new views on stratigraphy and structural evolution, GFF, volume 129, pp. 141-153

Tolmacheva, T. Ju ; Roberts, David 2007: New data on Upper Ordovician conodonts from theTrondheim Region, Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 447, 5-15

Roberts, David; Nordgulen, Øystein; Melezhic, Victor 2007: The Uppermost Allochton in the Scandinavian Caledonides: From a Laurentian ancestry through Taconian orogeny to Scandian crustal growth on Baltica., I Hatcher Jr., R.D.; Carlson, M.P.; McBride, J.H.; Martinez Catalan, J.R., (redaktører), 4-D Framework of Continental Crust, Geological Society of America Memoir 200, 357-377

Roberts, David; Nordgrulen, Øystein; Melezhik, Victor 2007: The Uppermost Allochthon in the Scandinavian Caledonies: From a Laurentian ancestry through Taconian orogeny to Scandian crustal growth on Baltica., 4-D Framework of Continental Crust, ed. Hatcher et al., Geol. Soc. of America Memoir, pp. 357-77.

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Gromet, L. Peter ; Roberts, David 2010: Early Ordovician ages of zircons from felsic rocks and a conglomerate clast, Frosta peninsula, Central Norwegian Caledonides,NGU Bulletin 450, 60-64

Stratford, W. & Thybo, H. 2011: Seismic structure and composition of the crust beneath the southern Scandes Norway., Tectonophysics 502 (2011), 364-382

Stratford, W.; Thybo, H. 2011: Seismic structure and composition of the crust beneath the southern Scandes, Norway, Tectonophysics, Vol. 502, Issue 3-4, pp. 364-382

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Kirkland, C.L.; Bingen, B.; Whitehourse, M.J.; Beyer, E.; Griffin, W.L. 2011: Neoproterozoic palaeogeography in the North Atlantic region; inreferences from the Akkajaure and Seve Nappes of the Scandinavian Caledonides., Precambrian Research, 2011, vol. 186. Issue 1-4, pp. 127-146

Grimmer, J.C.; Greiling, R.O.; Gerdes, A. 2011: The Ammarnas Complex in the central Scandinavian Caledonies; an allochthonous basin fragment in the foreland of the Sveconorwegian orogen?, Terra Nova, Vol. 23, Issue 4, pp. 270-279

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Grimmer, J. C., Greiling, R. O. 2012: Serpentinites and low-K island arc metavolcanic rocks in the lower Koli Nappe of the central Scandinavian Caledonides; Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician serpentinite mud volcanoes in a fore-arc basin?, Tectonophysics, May 14, 2012, Vol. 541-543, pp. 19-30.

Augland, L. E., Andresen, A., Corfu, F., Simonsen, S. L., Andersen, T. 2012: The Beiarn nappe complex; a record of Laurentian Early Silurian arc magmatism in the uppermost allochthon, Scandinavian Caledonides, Lithos [Oslo], August, 2012, Vol. 146-147, pp. 233-252.

Agyei-Dwarko, N. Y., Augland, L. E., Andresen, A. 2012: The Heggmovatn supracrustals, north Norway; a late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic (1050-930 Ma) terrane of Laurentian origin in the Scandinavian Caledonides, Precambrian Research, August, 2012, Vol. 212-213, pp. 245-262.

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Angerer, T., Greiling, R. O. 2012: Title:Fabric evolution at basement-cover interfaces in a fold-and-thrust belt and implications for decollement tectonics (autochthon, lower allochthon, central Scandinavian Caledonides)., International Journal of Earth Sciences = Geologische Rundschau, October, 2012, Vol. 101, Issue 7, pp. 1763-1788.

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Augland, L. E., Andresen, A., Gasser, D., Steltenpohl, M. G. 2013: Early Ordovician to Silurian evolution of exotic terranes in the Scandinavian Caledonides of the Ofoten-Troms area; terrane characterization and correlation based on new U-Pb zircon ages and Lu-Hf isotopic data, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, December 11, 2013, Vol. 390

Robinson, P., Roberts, D., Gee, D. G., Solli, A. 2013: A major synmetamorphic Early Devonian thrust and extensional fault system in the mid Norway Caledonides; relevance to exhumation of HP and UHP rocks, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, December 12, 2013, Vol. 390

Engvik, A. K., Grenne, T., Lutro, O. J., Meyer, G. B. 2013: Metamorphic constraints on the Caledonian Upper Allochthon of Central Norway: the Gula Complex staurolite–garnet–kyanite mica schist, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, 2014, Vol. 390, pp.563-581

Roberts, D. 2013: Berggrunnsgeologisk kart SNÅSA 1823-3, M 1:50 000, Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, 1823-3 Snåsa

Robinson, P., Roberts, D., Gee, D. G., Solli, A. 2014: A major synmetamorphic Early Devonian thrust and extensional fault system in the Mid Norway Caledonides: relevance to exhumation of HP and UHP rocks, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 30, 2014, Vol. 390

Beckman, V., Möller, C., Söderlund, U., Corfu, F., Pallon, J., Chamberlain, K. R. 2014: Metamorphic zircon formation at the transition from gabbro to eclogite in Trollheimen–Surnadalen, Norwegian Caledonides, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 23, 2014, Vol. 390

Corfu, F., Andrersen, T. B., Gasser, D. 2014: The Scandinavian Caledonides: main features, conceptual advances and critical questions, Special Publication - Geological Society of London, January 09, 2014, Vol. 390

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